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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22923704 No.22923704 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you buying XMR

>> No.22923740

It's already peaked. Let's be realistic here, within the next 5 years, it gets cracked and people move to a new privacy coin. It's already hovering around $100, it's not going anywhere noteworthy from there in those next 5 years.

>> No.22923832

because I filled my bags at $80

>> No.22923964

i am tho

>> No.22923980

I bought GEEQ and Lition instead, I'm looking to make money, not to crab for the next 5 years.

>> No.22923993
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7 months ago it was hovering at $30. Weak fud glowie

>> No.22924268

Because i work for crypto i do not buy it

>> No.22924294

Holy fuck do you actually believe this rubbish

>> No.22924308

GEEQ makes more sense at this price then XMR.

>> No.22924319

You are going to starve to death

>> No.22924324

Let's see who's laughing come 2025

>> No.22924563

I won't be laughing in 2025, I'll be too busy enjoying Monero at 200b mc to even remember your dumb opinion

>> No.22925867

XMR hardforks about every 6 months to upgrade the code.

>> No.22925936

It has by far the largest anonymity pool and liquidity.
The anonymity pool is 20x to 40x larger than the nearest competitor, ZEC.
XMR can upgrade the privacy tech in a hardfork if it's worthwhile.
XMR has already won. The network effect is naearly insurmountable.

The anonymity pools of ZEC, DASH, Bitcoin coinjoin, and tornado are dangerously small in comparison.
XMR is the only viable option for highly secure privacy protection in crypto.

>> No.22925962
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I can't figure it out. it's not on uniswaps.

>> No.22925992

When atomic swaps?

When defi?

There is a lot to be done still with Monero

>> No.22926027

Because it's got bagholders up to $400 and will never hit an ATH. Anything that hasn't hit ATH since 2017 will never do so again.

DMG is the play. New shit only.

>> No.22926044

All the defi scammers/rugpullers will need to buy XMR soon. They will realize it's by far the safest option for severing the audit trail in crypto right now.
Privacy tech is also becoming more popular with normies. Apple just started spending millions on ad campaigns about privacy.

Gemini just enabled ZEC shielded withdrawals. Many regulators are warming up to privacy tech. Them and their families will also need privacy protection in the digital world as paper cash is phased out.

>> No.22926045

>Almost 100 a piece

>> No.22926063

Not to mention the largest DNM, WhiteHouseMarket, is beginning to gain traction and they exclusively accept XMR.
DNM is what mooned Bitcoin in the first place. XMR, ETH, ZEC all went parabolic in the past due to DNM listings.

>> No.22926541

>When atomic swaps?
sometime next year apparently
>When defi?
how tf do you make XMR compatible with 'defi'? what does that even mean? it's not built on ethereum or anything
t. bagholder projecting onto fictional people

>> No.22926715

Someone could make a bridge to create a wXMR token on Ethereum.
Similar to RenBridge and renBTC.
wXMR could be listed on Uniswap
It would be a useful exit ramp for ERC20 refugees to escape the admin keys, rugpulls, front-running, and surveillance.

>> No.22927880

XMR is very comfy, will take 20% profits out at 5 digits and ride the rest, all while giving the taxman the finger.

>> No.22928730
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Rather mine it like I used to when it was still viable with gpu power. The new cpu I'm buying should give me enough power to mine it efficiently.
Otherwise I've been looking at making a intranet of shitty low power dell recycled pcs and making a cluster of them to mine with. It's an interesting concept and it will put the some odd 12 pcs to use. I just need to take a week off work to complete the installation of everything.

>> No.22928810

This is the answer. Think realistically

>> No.22928842

>7 months

>> No.22928862

this is a genius idea . someone make this

>> No.22928947

no interest, i can stake or lend all of my coins except monero.

>> No.22929481

Monero can't scale, it's inflationary, it can be tracked by the authorities, it's not fungible, it's been banned in most countries, it's too complicated to use for normies, it already mooned, mined by botnets and cryptojackers, a bug allowed users to mint an unknown amount of Monero

I prefer 0_ x_ M_ R_ fairly mineable, easy to use, can scale, limited supply, cannot be blacklisted

>> No.22929550

0xmonero has no privacy features.
it's promoted by fraudsters and unrepentant serial liars and plagiarists

>> No.22929567

False: 0xMixer, Chainhop, zk-SNARKS (p0xMR)

>> No.22929594

because im not mentally ill and remember it failing years ago and now all sorts of discord trannyqueers (never will be a female) show up shilling it nonstop like a bunch of mentally ill trannyqueers (again will never be a woman 41%er) and so I avoid anything that reeks of trannyqueer (never ever a woman) stench

>> No.22930403

I also want to see this happen soon

>> No.22930722

Why the fuck do so many of you cunts have this get rich quick mentality? If you wanna get really fucking loaded, it's gonna take some time you know.

>> No.22930743

This x100. Really a no brainier

>> No.22930856

Cause all in in $CVP

>> No.22930973
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could coval do this? https://circuitsofvalue.com/
or should we just ask ren, would there be demand?

>> No.22931430

>remember it failing years ago

>discord trannyqueers
You're shit at guessing who's behind posts.

>> No.22932028
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tfw people are unironically anti-XMR when it's the last real cryptocurrency.


>> No.22932905

i can tell this coin will fail judging how retarded most of the holders are. 90% of people who hold XMR tax evade and do all types of bankrupt fraud, because they think just because the fed does not have their specific transactions, they cant be fucked in the ass in court when a large pile of money mysteriously shows up for them

>> No.22933901

That's what retards who think they'll just run their shitcoins through xmr and come out tax free, not xmr holders.

>> No.22933918

>not xmr holders.
here we go.....

>> No.22934039

I tested 110 on an official IQ test (not your meme online teats). Yes, I am the smart one.

>> No.22934602

mission is to be the most privacy preserving cryptocurrency

hard forks every year to implement the latest monero research lab cryptography.

This year they will enable CLSAG

> reduce the typical transaction size by ~25% and improve typical verification performance by ~10%