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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22919886 No.22919886 [Reply] [Original]

White guy here. If I make a Tantan account will the asian girls think I have yellow fever and find me creepy? I mean I do have a thing for asian girls but I don't want it to come across that way.

>> No.22920033

If you're at least average looking but look smart you'll probably catch some hot asians in your net

>> No.22920061

Insider trading or GTFO. This isn't your love quest blog.

>> No.22920155

I'm in the pussy business, unlike you.

>> No.22920212

I don't think you are if your strategy is asking /biz/ for permission to make a tantan account

>> No.22920261

I sniff armpit blease

>> No.22920264
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>I don't think you are if your strategy is asking /biz/ for permission to make a tantan account

>> No.22920367

You are a creep for asking this question and dont forget to treat the ricesluts just like your shitcoins, pump and dump.

>> No.22920486
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>White guy here. If I make a Tantan account will the asian girls think I have yellow fever and find me creepy? I mean I do have a thing for asian girls but I don't want it to come across that way.

>> No.22920543

>I do have a thing for asian girls
Call me old fashioned, but race mixing is race mixing anon.
Are you afraid of women from your own race?

>> No.22920581

please give stinky white /fit/ gf to sniff and breed

>> No.22920953

This is wisdom. Please listen to your elders

>> No.22921036

Tantan sucks unless you’re in Asia. Even then, the quality of women is better on tinder. If you know a little chinese, and you’re in Beijing though, you’ll be rolling in mediocre Asian pussy.

>> No.22921090

I used tantan at my university town for a little while. No success, chinkoid females are like a brick wall on there. Ended up fucking a girl I met at a chinese new year event instead. It was fine, but still, never again.

>> No.22921127

you'll be fine dude. you'll probably match with girls that are into white dudes anyway. I had over 1k matches when I lived there.