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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22917297 No.22917297 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22917475

for a noob like you maybe

>> No.22917478

genuinely thinking that. Either that or we need a serious crash before the new cycle of DeFi starts again. Right now all coins have pumped and dumped

>> No.22917499

Even Bobo has a coin. It has to be the end.

>> No.22917509

Only retards participated in it and now they are mostly broke.

>> No.22917535


>> No.22917579

Hasn’t even begun yet

>> No.22917638

this is the exact reason both biz and DeFi is dying. When biz is being used as an advertising board for scams and shitcoins. It started off as becoming some crypto board back in 2016, which was fine.

Now changes are needed. We need flag boards and some jannies to instantly delete this shit. Half the coins are rugpulls and the other half is garbage about COOMCOIN NEXT 50x.

>> No.22917660

I remember when shitcoins like Akro and Dmg were being hailed as the next Link/Yfi. Where are you now fags?

>> No.22917701

All DeFi is essentially pump and dump, this includes link, dmg, rsr, etc. Only reason for ETH to exist is the ERC-20, and Bitcoin only exists for whales to make money. We need another crash for this cycle to end

>> No.22918422

what do you mean "for me"? the market is the market

>> No.22918469

High IQ anon here

>> No.22918608

yes. the defi hype wave was just a rearrangement of liquidity in a closed loop market. the blockchain market as a whole is still not connected to real world value production besides dnms and glownigger car loans.

>> No.22918762

>We need another crash for this cycle to end
The crash already happened newfag.
And as if 2018 wasn't enough, you had another opportunity with Corona crash but I am sure you didnt benefit of it.