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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22915249 No.22915249 [Reply] [Original]

I'm angry beyond belief

>> No.22915313

I tried to warn you all I would dump with no survivors. You will only know pain. I don't care if I lose a few $100k. It is worth seeing you all kill yourselves.

>> No.22915326

still buying every dip

>> No.22915415

There will only be dips. No more pumps. You will only know pain.

>> No.22915527

Im buying at 8$, I wonder where are the retards that were saying it won't go below 10$ ever again, /biz/ is always wrong

>> No.22915538

Just hold. Why are you checking the price every day?

>> No.22915573

You fool, the quantity of my Link is massive enough to drop it down to $7. With others in fear it would likely drop further. Only pain for you.

>> No.22915595
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Because I put the majority of my bank account into the dip a couple of weeks ago at $9.80 and I want it to double so that I can leave the profit in crypto and take my initial and put it back in the bank. I feel sick

>> No.22915602

Holding will not save you from my wrath.

>> No.22915646

Instead of doubling, I will give you 50%. $4.90 EOY.

>> No.22915662

Okay, stop talking and do it already. My stack is very small and I'd like to buy more cheap. ty

>> No.22915688
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>he didn't sell at $20

>> No.22915713


>> No.22915716

No news since 2017, proven fake
proven fake
will be proven fake tomorrow

>> No.22915743

Press 666 to diverge a portion of your net worth to a "Renko Fund"

>> No.22915809

Will do, expect hard dump over next 24hr.


>> No.22915821

OH man I can't remember the last time people said link will make you rich quick. It has been a long hold for years now

>> No.22915876

Death to the Linkies. Can you feel it?

>> No.22915896

$4.90 EOY LINK

>> No.22915923

ahah immagine believing this

>> No.22915941

>24 hours
Wow you're a faggot just dump it all right now if you really just want to see carnage.

>> No.22915949

your right, link will only go down, sergey will keep dumping it to 0

>> No.22915965

Imagine not believing. I know because I will continue to dump until it reaches that point. Only dump.

>> No.22915987

Would it bring you pleasure? How bad do you want it to drop to $7?

>> No.22916007

Dolphin here, I'll buy whatever this fag dumps.

>> No.22916101

>babby's first rodeo

Even if your plan had worked, you'd still have had to pay Uncle Sam his fair share, you absolute mongoloid

>> No.22916126

Last ditch sell by the whales before pump

>> No.22916170


>> No.22916198

Buying the absolute bottom is a myth

>> No.22916215

Good, then I can see you scream on /biz/ when there is nothing left of reasonable value. Only red, only dump. Absolutely no pump.

>> No.22916224

Feels true.

>> No.22916240

Because I keep dumping harder over time. Did you think I was joking? $4.90 EOY

>> No.22916244


>> No.22916308

faggot, that's still 4.9x for most of biz, you're going to need to dump it below $1 to have any affect, let alone make biz suicidal. And before you get there, we can cash out and add to the stack. You cannot win, but by all means, sell us your fuckin link

>> No.22916611

dude you are cringe, kys

>> No.22917361

I’m sure $5 is a possibility. Might just only touch it but still. I’d set my buy orders for $6.

>> No.22918317

You're pathetic.

>> No.22918775

Linkshits are delusional. If this was actually a "long hold" and going to $1000, it would be priced in. But it's not. Retards.

>> No.22918912

>I feel sick
Oh stop being dramatic. I watched link drop to less than a penny in march. THAT was sickening. And even then I just stopped chart watching for a while and felt fine.

>> No.22918939

>it would be priced in
Then how does anything do a 100+x???

>> No.22918981
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Always Be Costaveraging

>> No.22919560

>looked at LINK this morning, $9.50
>feels good it is pretty stable in this range
>see this post, ohno.webm
>check price, $9.75
I mean, really? When did you buy? Just fucking hold, it’s not that hard.

>> No.22919768

>yield farming with link
>buying more link from return

Feels good man. Next months will be awesome

>> No.22919837

I’m SICK of this attitude, every time we complain about link’s price you rich pricks parrot the “when did you buy?” or “you had three years” WE KNOW jeez. Just because we weren’t as lucky as you were when you bought link cheap doesn’t mean you can shit on us every time we vent off.

>> No.22919850

i don't think you understand what 'priced in' means

>> No.22919866

I just want to not wageslave anymore. With my pathetic stack, it’ll be another 10 years at this rate.

>> No.22919909
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my anger knows no bounds.

>> No.22919969
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>TFW you feel bad but then you remember you bought in at .40c.
Gonna ride this to 0, $1000 EOY or bust.

>> No.22920007

quit your squawking. nobody cares about the value of your 1k link stack

>> No.22920039

I wouldn’t worry bro. I think the reason for this is a lot was supposed to be done by September 26/27th and it wasn’t finished as we enter the 4 Q. So if you’ve been tracking CL/SC on their pivotal, there’s like 4 big items that were due out this month and it didn’t happen.

>> No.22920090

I bought some today at 9,50

>> No.22920121

switch it to ATOM. you can stake it on coinbase now and come back to Link.

>> No.22920169

Who would bother working on shit when your busy cashing out over $5 million per week

>> No.22920387

This shit isn't going to work. There are less than 100 living link holders on /biz/. By now we all know that September is always bad, the last few days have been FUD free for LINK and your boss is just paying to crank up the negative sentiment farming to discourage margin longs, jank down to squeeze some of the greedy longs then blast off and squeeze some shorts.

>> No.22920638

Niggers love purple drank.

>> No.22920664

I 'm buying back in after dumping my whole stack into strength from 16 to 19.99, I wasnt all-in then and not going all-in now, I'm counting on you "marines" to pamp it up for me again by next year.
Also , here's my tip for those of you that missed dirt-cheap link,
really look at siacoin, SC
Look at their website, look at the long-term TA and look at the fundamentals. It's the real decentralized data hosting/storage coin., good for an ez 1000+X in 2021, they don't even start their marketing plan till then. it's so cheap right now. That's how you do it. Buy good ones cheap and hold.

>> No.22920814

Former Link hodler here. Sold at $16.11 and feel so fucking good about that I can’t even describe it.

Link isn’t ever going to “blast off”. It just isn’t. Sergey isn’t ever going to deliver anything. He is just riding this thing as long as he can, playing the long game smart. He might be fat and lazy and a slob, but he isn’t a pajeet exit scamming rug puller. He has patience and is willing to put off instant gratification in return for maximizing his returns.

As soon as he dumps his last bag, you’ll never hear from him again.

>> No.22920903

Why does this concept require blockchain? What is siacoin used for?

>> No.22921312

Why yes, fellow former link holder. I too sold all of my linkies and am now really bullish on random shitcoins for retards, but bsv, xrp, and siacoin are my picks for a big moon! I love this sub!

>> No.22921346

I've been holding link since early 2018 and I don't remember it crashing to $.01. If it did it was probably fat fingers and temporary

>> No.22921373
