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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22912631 No.22912631 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it shilled so hard

>> No.22912646

it's the real deal. dyor or regret it forever

>> No.22912677

the holders know what it is. they know if new money isn't pumped into it, it's crashing hard.

>> No.22912722

>2x the daily volume of UNI on uniswap
the holders are largely unworried about that becoming an issue

>> No.22912778

its shilled so hard cuz its crypto 3.0....
Amazing project...
amazing community

And dont forget the fucking awesome audit on LIVESTREAM.... faaak... was so amazing dew days ago.

>> No.22913143

I threw in 0.1 ETH as a meme

>> No.22913293

Expect a massive price dump in a couple of days when idiots reach their roi and mass sell. Followed by a quick pump, then another dump at the end of the week when the other wave starts selling. After that we're gonna see it crabbing to a $1000-1200 range, then two weeks from now stratosphere when governance get announced. Screencap this.

>> No.22913314

How delusional are you?

>> No.22913331

doo bee doo
clover 42

>> No.22913438
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also this just happened

>> No.22913510

There have been CEX reps coming into the telegram all day asking for listing deals and the devs just ignore them lmao

>> No.22913522

because they are desperate to dump their overvalued token on you

>> No.22913541

You know that there's over 15 mil in locked liquidity, forever, right? Oh no no no

>> No.22913572

>project gets shilled by crypto twitter
>pajeets fomo into it
>crypto twitter shills exit at ATH as they bought when it was less than $1,000 and dump their bags on pajeet followers
>now Pajeets are violently shilling this coin so that they can leave with some profit

>> No.22913573

and what the fuck does that have to do with bag holders who bought at 200 dollars waiting to dump on you?

>> No.22913608

They can dump all they want, I'm exclusively trading LP tokens, I stake in between trades, all gravy.

>> No.22913618

don’t care; not buying

>> No.22913624

Not at all.

>> No.22913635

Okay :)

>> No.22913679
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It's unironically because it has the same "vault" premise as YFI, which means you need bagholders buying into it for it to be valuable to the retards who staked their CORE. However because that one whale fucked a bunch of people right when it was going to hit 4k on saturday night/sunday morning, people are less likely to want to fomo into a 3k coin when they're afraid they'll get fucked in the ass/already lost money panic selling the first couple times.

So basically you have people shilling this because their money depends on it because they need suckers to buy in at 3k. Then when they fuck you in the ass the same people will tell you that you were stupid for fomoing in at 3k.

Just remember that on /biz/ no one who wants to sell you something is your friend and every fag is out to get you to buy his shitcoin so he can make money.

>> No.22913747

And how is that not a good thing? How are decentralized vaults to earn passively in a bad thing? Especially when you consider the core token is deflationary.

>> No.22913750

>their success depends on people buying it for more than they paid for it
you must be unfamiliar with capitalism

>> No.22913772


>> No.22913845
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>> No.22913854


>> No.22913877
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It's shit because I already stated the reason. You need people to fomo in at 3k, then when people (redditors, probably) do so and you fuck them, you're going to call them stupid for doing so after you fuck them. You're an asshole and I don't feel bad you've lost your profit-window.

Capitalism is not supposed to be exploitative. People who conflate "being a scamming jackass" with "selling in a market with limited regulation/oversight" are cancer.

>> No.22913878


>> No.22913904

>And dont forget the fucking awesome audit on LIVESTREAM.... faaak... was so amazing dew days ago.
how was this a good thing? the indian devs incompetence had to be fixed by some random jewtube furry who identifies as a doge. just kys and stop shilling this scam.

>> No.22913909

kek coping reddit fag desu

>> No.22913917

You got me all wrong guyo. I think you may misunderstand the project as well from the way you're talking. But I wish you all the best.

>> No.22914059


>> No.22914499

All of the idiots who locked LP into it have to desperately shill to get new buyers otherwise it goes to $0 and they lost their money forever since they can't withdraw.

They are literally locking your funds and forcing you to shill.

Once the new buyers run out this is over. Don't say I didn't warn you all.

Yes the tokenomics are good, but at the end of the day it's still a PONZI. It doesn't actually generate value, and only works as long as people keep buying it.

>> No.22914563

i hope your space bar breaks off your keyboard and impales you

>> No.22914641

You have no idea how this coin works do you?

>> No.22914648

because its a giant PYRAMID scam - those anons who locked their $ and can never take it out can only profit if more people buy into it. If the volume of new victims drops below a certain point the whole thing collapses and the anons who pooled their tokens get stuck with forever bags.

>> No.22914741

70 iq take

>> No.22914774


Either you're fucking dumb or accumulating. Price is holding between 3k-2k with it's most recent dip to 2.1 getting bought up to 2.4 in minutes.

Reason CORE is interesting is because if you understand yield aggregators like YFI, YFV, FARM, PICKLE, YFII then you know that CORE is has objectively superior economic design out of all of them, including YFI.

- Token supply is capped at 10k
- Farmers must lock their tokens in order to farm
- Governance voting is only done by farmers who locked their tokens
^these force farmers to be long-term investors, not just farm CORE to dump it

- CORE vaults (unreleased) use 5% of their profits to market buy CORE
- Selling CORE triggers transfer fees which are returned to CORE farmers
^these create constant buy pressure

Other Aggregators:
- Have constant sell pressure (FARM, YFV, PICKLE)
- Long term token valuation is highly-speculative (YFI, YFII) and not rooted in clear token economics

CORE is basically the high-IQ yield aggregator play and at 23M mcap right now is undervalued. YFV and PICKLE are valued at 25M and inferior. YFII is 120M and grossly inferior. YFI is 700M.

>> No.22914798

oh I forgot there's "constant buy pressure" from market buying the inherently valueless tokens so that it seems attractive to lock your liquidity forever in order to farm these valueless tokens hoping to sell them at higher prices to new victims

>> No.22914929


>he doesn't know what vaults will do to CORE price

Don't buy. You're too stupid for this.

>> No.22915042

Nah this is the truth. Once volume goes down (it's already 50% day over day and dropping), APYs go down.

APYs have already dropped from 1000%+ to just 300%. The lower the APY the less people will buy into it and so on and so forth until it's worthless.

It's basic ponzinomics; only works as long as momentum is sustained, which it never does long term.

>> No.22915054

This lmao

>> No.22915061

You get it

>> No.22915069

It's valued at over 20M and has no product. There are no vaults. There is not even a roadmap.

Meanwhile YFV has been pumping innovative projects out at at neck break pace. I don't hold YFV so I don't give a fuck I'm just trying to make a point that it's overvalued right now.

>> No.22915153


Oh sweetie.

YFI and YFV didn't have vaults for weeks atfer they started. CORE has been live for 3 days.

>> No.22915207


If anything, what you stated means the market is happy to value CORE at 23M mcap EVEN BEFORE vaults release.

What do you think happens when they do release?

>> No.22915309

Anon, what the fuck are vaults and how do they work? New to all this farming stuff.

>> No.22915371

No but they had yield aggregator.

CORE literally has nothing. You can either buy it or stake it. So much for a new paradigm.

>> No.22915432

Nvm just saw that there's over $15M now locked.

>> No.22915452

Core hasnt even started yet. Just wait until vaults launch and core auto gets market bought on Uniswap, thus increasing the APY of the LP token farmers. These devs are brilliant.

>> No.22915489

How much is a suicide stack?

>> No.22915522

Imagine getting a chance to buy Bitcoin, having the knowledge of where Bitcoin goes. Just imagine. Look at the code explanation look at how the contract is structured. Educate yourself and then buy a lambo for your Grandma.

>> No.22915587

i just checked on YFI volume and it seems to be unstabilized, moving in a range of 200m~900m volume, does it mean their apy is going down? and its lowering everyday? no. thats how it works silly, there is no ponzi here, maybe you are slow, but you should definitely read this one https://medium.com/@0xdec4f/the-idea-project-and-vision-of-core-vault-52f5eddfbfb

>> No.22915615

CORE is the product, more vaults to come obviously, but i am generating alot of money everyday just by holding LP tokens, your argument is invalid

>> No.22915682

forever will be. we swap ETH for CORE and you will not be able to take it off, thats how farming should be done. not like other shitcoins where they just bring into it 300 ETH farm the shit out of it and dump it a day later, you are fucked forever when this happens and you know that. CORE brought a new ecosystem to the field, and its a game changer.

>> No.22915779

This desu. Whether or not this project has any true value remains to be seen, but with lifetime lockups and the buy pressure from auto buys it is fucking retarded to not own some. Seriously 0.5 $CORE would be a decent suicide stack and is a pretty small investment right now. Projects with this much buzz don't come around often, and the last one we saw was Yearn since I'm not including shit like sushiswap

>> No.22915951

You clearly don't understand CORE or YFI

CORE stakers get a portion of every transaction. Thus higher volume = more payout to stakers.

YFI does not operate this way and volume is useless to it. They generate yield through farming aggregation strategies.

You can't compare them. Once volume goes down CORE cripples. And it's unfortunately a vicious cycle where low volume leads to low APY and they feed each other all the way down.

>> No.22916688



Everyone who buys this scam deserves to lose everything.

>> No.22916721

Yeah, just wait until the rugpull. You deserve to lose everything, streetshitter.

>> No.22916791

faggot it rugpull proof. dev holds nothing, its all within the smart contract. DYOR before talking bs online

>> No.22916816

i am a staker of CORE i know what it does upon every transaction, it wont cripple dont you worry sir, more will be built on top of it and it will be the CORE of a complete ecosystem, the volume will be insane.

>> No.22916947

Why are people saying we need people to buy in to become profitable? That's actually not true. What we need is people to use our vaults when they launch, as higher TVL = more money. That's all that really matters for long-term holders.

>> No.22917007

And in the meantime, we just need bots to swing trade in volume. We don't need new buyers at all. In fact, better for us that it's just traders as traders generate more volume.

>> No.22917135

TA traders are not even around yet. Many traders want to see where it goes and at least a month or two of price action. I think it will be easy to swing on core

>> No.22917152

Its a pyramid scheme and the shills want you to buy their bags.its been doing the same predictable pattern every day when it tries to reach 2.9k
No fucking way it'll reach 10k if it does ill suck my cock on live TV, screenshot this.

>> No.22917209

Found the retarded dev. Seethe more, streetshitter.

>> No.22917262

R U G P U L L. I M M I N E N T.

Again, anyone in this deserves to lose all their money. Warning signs are everywhere. Watch this pajeet seethe at my reply again. That's the proof. Kek.

>> No.22917324

never trust leddit spacers

>> No.22917355

the plebbitor is priced out

>> No.22917372

CORE token? more like COPE token! Kek

>> No.22917602

And just like that pajeets used the leddit meme to feel like they belong here. Never change, streetshitters. You all deserve to lose your money. You will all hang yourselves in the end. Kek.

>> No.22917655

Look at how the pajeets are samefagging here, begging you to buy their bags because without the fucking volume, they will never earn their money back. Im awaiting suicide threads about this shitcoin.

>> No.22917765

When you are severely depressed after a loss, your IQ decreases, so that even a smart autist can miss it. Genuinely trying to help here and encourage more research.

>> No.22918180

No this is it. They've finally figured out how to make infinite money. Never before done in history but this is the new paradigm.

They will all be billionaires. We are dumb.

>> No.22918228

Checked. But the plain fact of it is that you were saying I'd never get my money I sent them for the LGE back, and I did, about 20x over, and I still have enough LP tokens to earn about $800 / day. It could go to zero (which it won't and can't mathematically) and I'd still be grinning ear to ear

>> No.22918229

caution to any anons that r considareng bying this coin. savere mistake. i know dev personally and he plotting against u to rug entire operation. be warned.. sell quick.