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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 409x125, mozilla-holochain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22906510 No.22906510 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22906592

those trannies are still at it?

>> No.22906608

I was complaining about them milking the whole mozilla thing over a year ago.
And they're still doing it.

>> No.22906717


>> No.22906838

>need to go beyond the browser
>alternatives to conventional Big Tech
>join with allies outside of our organization
>join and build with all those who seek openness, decency, empowerment and common good in online life
>draw businesses into areas that aren’t traditional web technology
>new focus on community
>new focus on economics
>alternate value exchanges

>> No.22907227

wow a browser run by SJW trannies that fired its security team and basicaly anyone else with dev skills is doing some shit with boomer SJW trannies who have consistently FAILED TO PRODUCE ANYTHING within a reasonable timeframe. they just paused their closed alpha to fucking refactor their codebase. yawn.

>> No.22907404


>> No.22907533


>> No.22907553

nooo we can't release shit we have to refactor for the third time and then spend ten years to port holo to the codebase

>> No.22907658

No one uses Mozilla's browser anymore
It's an outdated society like Holochain

>> No.22907788

Three functional holochains in the time that eth has been trying to build 2.0

>> No.22907812
File: 190 KB, 837x1200, EOp9ezjU4AADh_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that was before, today they fired the whole dev team and they are spending the ico money in their bondage studio

>> No.22907820



>> No.22907895
File: 5 KB, 330x153, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22908011

bullshit. its one fucking prototype with 2 implementations that have zero fucking nodes, all of which is being rewritten after 3 years of fucking mutual masturbation. They conducted ~50 test tx over ~150 nodes and called it a day.
remember all the shills about how this has been in development since before BTC, all they have is a bunch of spagghetti to show for it

>> No.22908119

You dont need necessarily need nodes to run holochain apps
The concept is more subtle than blockchain

>> No.22908186

This, Mozilla is a sinking ship

>> No.22908256
File: 668 KB, 546x738, faadqead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone still on HOLO after pic related is beyond me.

>> No.22908293

Holochain is the epitome of a shitcoin

>> No.22908325


>> No.22908341

The FUD is strong

>> No.22908367
File: 36 KB, 580x529, images (1) (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22908595


>> No.22908640

Why is this so unironically HOT?

>> No.22908734

>decantralised network doesnt need decentralised network to run apps.
>muh delecate flower
cool story kid.

>> No.22908806

LOL! They ship those 2018 Holoports yet? No? Bu-bu-but muh holoports will change everything and they are being shipped any day now!
This coin is literal shit!

>> No.22908810

Read the whitepaper

>> No.22908823

Can eth handle cryptokitties yet?

>> No.22908833

they got shipped 2 years late, then they started the closed alpha, literally nothing happened for months while we waited for enough people to pay the customs tax on their imported holoport absolute shitshow

>> No.22908867

I have, without decentralised nodes holochain is useless. subtle my ass

>> No.22908879

>Comparing coin with use cases to literal shit coin

>> No.22908884

yes, just holochain have a working app thats not a shitty clone of someone elses funtioning business? does anyone use it?

>> No.22908900


>> No.22908927

Are you faggots really still buying this shit?

>> No.22908942


>> No.22908994

Strong FUD

>> No.22909001

No, it's just bag holders trying to dump on unsuspecting noobs

>> No.22909074

Yes, so many bagholders in this thread...

>> No.22909079

>holy fuck guys some data scientists tested some IoT protocols and found that Holochain wass the best at preserving logs and the easiest to implement a botnet on

>> No.22909131


>> No.22909165

You said it could not be used because it has no nodes
It can be used
Dont buy. Just sell your blockchain coins and do some research

>> No.22909284

> 5.2.1. Use Case
We built a testbed workload of IoT scenarios to evaluate the efficiency of PLAF. The testbed is modeled on the IoT application environment based on microservices which automatically collects data and sends it to the fog node. There are situations in which a fog node has to be attached physically to the computers. Applications also require access to other resources than CPU, memory, and storage, and serial ports. When requirements for containers are created by DSMM, together the DSMM and CMM ensure that the required resource container is available. When an IoT device connects to the PLAF environment, the requested IoT microservices are placed in the container as shown in Figure 15. The containerized program will also be designed for that particular fog node. The DSMM must facilitate this form of container positioning and CMM must be conscious of the robustness of the device.

they created their own network of nodes you midwit.

anon I own a holoport, I understand the goals, and on paper its brilliant but the implementation thus far is horrendus, Holo was given millions, and they've given us fuck all so far.

>> No.22909415


>> No.22909463

I have a feeling HOT is gonna btfo out of /biz/ pretty soon

>> No.22909467

Users are the same as nodes for any given app, unlike ethereum. You were conflating holofuel nodes with the useability of the holochain framework.
>I own a holoport
This explains why you are so salty. Buying a holoport is a waste of money unless you are an enthusiast. Of course there would be delays. It is inevitable. And yes, the team has made mistakes. But the project appears to be on track with RSM. Only one crypto project is going to win out at the end of the day. Maybe it wont be holochain. But I'm willing to wait and see

>> No.22909969

ok i added my pajeet stack to 1MM HOT lets go boys

>> No.22910132

>Users are the same as nodes for any given app
they are similar to lightnodes, its not the same as "full" node on holohost
>on track with RSM
time will tell, at least the alpha may actually DO some testing eventually
>There can be only One
nah man nothing that exists like that in nature survives, competiton is a normal everywhere. Life feeds on Life
>wait and see
yeah me too but mozilla isnt a feather in the cap, and I certainly wont be encouraging anons to buy this shit until ssomething of substance is produced

>> No.22910292

There is only one Google, Amazon, Facebook, Javascript, HTML. There will be at most only a handful of successful cryptos.
Mozilla has half a billion $ revenue, developer trust, and 4% of browser users. They are a big deal. You have to buy before obvious substance - that is the whole meaning of speculation

>> No.22910505

>Google, Amazon, Facebook, Javascript, HTML
they all have competitors, they are just currently the biggest.
its 7.7% with Edge at 7.2% chrome is 69% Mozilla have been firing some of their best people for months now including their security dev team.
>They are a big deal
they are being consumed within and without

>> No.22911395

how tf is this even boolish? mozilla is irrelavant these days. who tf still uses that browser?

>> No.22912174

boomers and normies