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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22905142 No.22905142 [Reply] [Original]

wtf happened with emn and why are you faggots pink posting about it? is it just another rugpull you retards fomo'd in on even tho the project has been live for less than a week?

>> No.22905244
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Hacker gained control of it and stole all the liquidity, "donated" half of it back to Andre so retards are crying about Andre while chinkyhackfast flees with the other 8 million.

>50k liq on unishart


>> No.22905327

what the fuck? and this all happened like, today?

>> No.22905366

Apparently Andre is a retard and his code had backdoors. People fomo'd in, then around 5~ hours ago the price started dropping hard because the hacker bugged the code to just print infinite monis while he ran away with the liquidity. Now it's fucking worthless but redditors keep buying in, hoping that the shitcoin casino will give them more than what they paid in.

>> No.22905385

I don't understand why anyone bought in the first place though, what is the appeal?

>> No.22905412

Being early so they can dump their bags on release

>> No.22905463


> testing in prod

That fucker had it coming. lmao

>> No.22905613

beside that this shit is some kind of ETH token. what is the purpose of the project?

>> No.22905820

Why would anyone here buy an ETH token even? Pedochain

Bitcoin has so much more to offer. Just this year, developments are going to pump it to the moon:
DeFi is a scam and Bitcoin chain doesnt need it
Hashrate at ATH
Halving coming in 4 years. Hype in already 2 years.
Pomp got Jim Cramer to buy, massive news
S2FX and hodl are becoming trending
All the Bitcoin Twitter influencers are Chads compared to ETH spergs

>> No.22905838

Andre tweeted it and whales followed. A lot of whales are YFI-tists who made millions because of Andre, so they're gonna suck his cock for the next big thing. Follow the whales, get in before anyone else, leave before the whales leave. It's the only way to make money. The whales follow Andre, so follow the whales before they dump.

>> No.22905848

It's basically an NFT for a videogame Andre is involved in, you use the virtual currency to buy stuff.

I think NFTs will replace normal Defi (because actual use cases).

>> No.22905861

how do I follow the whales?

>> No.22905872

Andre cronje intentionally scammed, acts like he didn’t. End of story

>> No.22905912

Well right now they follow Andre, but I guess whatever project is new and getting a lot of fat fucks dumping their cash on it.

He'll probably come out ahead too.