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22899305 No.22899305 [Reply] [Original]

how do i develop more of it?
a coworker of mine gets to work 1 hour early to plan and drink coffee and walk around the warehouse. seeing what it is that he needs to do. He told me he's been like this at every job. He doesn't even want a raise or move up into management, he just doesn't fuck around . he was in the military for around 10 years and has seen some shit

>> No.22899348

The reason people say to make your bed first thing in the day is that you accomplish something. You stack an easy win that you can use as momentum for the rest of your day. If you do this enough and look for more ways to win in your day to day life like exercising and getting important work done you will eventually be successful.

>> No.22899621

I think most or a lot of it is not having bad stuff around. Drugs, porn, aimless browsing..

>> No.22899656
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>wanting to condition himself to be more of a slave
>wanting to make his boss more money

>> No.22899681

How come it didn't work for you?

>> No.22899756


Wow you're a dick. Why do you be a dick to people on the internet?

>> No.22899931

I'm afraid you're going to have to leave here to a place more suitable for you. I think it starts with an R...

>> No.22899990

He has what is called conscientiousness, and it is a genetic trait. Look into the "Big 5 Personality Traits" and learn about behavioral genetics if you want more info about that. If you are trying to be more productive in general, you need a big long term goal and a lot of little habits that can get you to that goal. Basically it comes down to choosing what you want implementing habit forming routines that have worked for you in the past. Good luck faggot.

>> No.22900026

get punched nazi

>> No.22900083

High IQ people have low conscientiousness though

>> No.22900102

Start by being consistent with 1 habit like reading for a week also read up on elastic habits, then the next week add another one. In a year you can reach up to 52 consistent habits.

>> No.22900105

I can not think of a better poster child for Die for Israel than this faggot.
>Masculinity means helping Jews do nothing while you do everything. OOH RAH OOH RAH OOH RAH

>> No.22900153

Some do some don't. Read some of Robert Plomin's work if you want more info. I'm out for the rest of the night. Peace.

>> No.22900162

Yes go to some pseudo bullshit science nonsense and box yourself into a trait for the rest of your life OP. Sound advice.

>> No.22900272

You doubt the science biztard? Email Paul Bloom about it at Yale... paul.bloom@yale.edu
He has free lectures online too. Learn something...

>> No.22900342

Here's some real science you coping faggot:

>> No.22900381

This. It's probably mostly genetic. Just like how you can't turn a retard into a genius you probably can't turn a lazy fuck into a workaholic. Certainly not by listening to some self-help retard who doesn't actually have any useful information for you just feel-good bullshit and useless products that make him richer and you poorer.

I'm pretty sure there's no correlation in either direction.

>> No.22900557

>my mommy told me I could be whatever I want


>> No.22900583

Killing farmers and convincing yourself you're the good guy.

>> No.22900677

if im being honest with myself i don't have the best self discipline compared to a lot of other people, but i am smarter than most others around me and have way more free time. i also put a lot of effort towards improving my discipline. it's a slow thing

like this anon said, control your environment and you'll use substantially less effort than otherwise. spend a lot of effort building a few stable good habits that regenerate your life (meditation, healthy eating, exercise, etc).

minimize degenerative habits, maximize regenerative habits - you don't make steps towards godhood by imaging a figure of light, you do this by making darkness conscious. learn to deal with the devil and make the most out of your situation, whatever it may be. the only thing you have control over is your mind