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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.22896506

Pajeet project

>> No.22896613

>billionaire backing the project
>dozens of employees, many of which who've worked for NASA or Google
>tokens locked until 2021
>pajeet project

>> No.22897370

Just remember that people always have an incentive to FUD to get the price to go down for good projects.

>> No.22897766

Thanks for the link OP

>> No.22898077
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Never gonna make it, you can't even do 5 minutes of research and see why this is a golden project. Tick tock, back to work you go.

>> No.22898224

Price prediction EOY?

>> No.22898796

Around $10-15

>> No.22898926

sire please feed my family

>> No.22899059
File: 7 KB, 222x227, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep I'm thinking BASED

>> No.22899240


>> No.22899569

What does it do?

>> No.22899897

Which billionaire is backing this? Also thoughts on HBAR?

>> No.22900032

What's HBAR?

>> No.22900073
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>biz is sleeping on this

>> No.22900100
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Looking at the dev team and their honesty, I bought a stack.

>> No.22900257

Ric Asselstine

>> No.22900405

>Why is Ian Smith, a savant and expert in network and OS security and system theory working here for free? He is fluent in 20 coding languages, He helped teach Linux at Nasa, why is this gentlemen here?
Fucking huge

>> No.22901403

Bought in after I read that they partnered with Chainlink

>> No.22902351
File: 21 KB, 400x400, justy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my GEEQ marines

>> No.22902613

>This document does not constitute a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any security or any token in Geeq Corporation and cannot be relied upon for making an investment decision. This document has been prepared and circulated for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide investment, legal, accounting or tax advice or recommendations to any recipient and should not be considered a recommendation to purchase or sell any particular security or token. You should consult your tax or legal advisor about the information contained in this document. This document does not constitute an offering memorandum of Geeq Corporation under applicable Canadian securities laws and does not attempt to describe all material facts or material information regarding Geeq Corporation, its business and operations or its tokens. Any private offering of tokens will only be made to qualified accredited investor. Geeq Corporation has not filed a prospectus or offering memorandum with any securities commission or similar authority in Canada or elsewhere in respect of the tokens and, accordingly, the tokens will not be qualified for sale in Canada or elsewhere and may not be offered or sold directly or indirectly in Canada or elsewhere, except pursuant to an exemption from the prospectus and registration requirements of applicable securities laws. No securities commission or similar authority in Canada or elsewhere has reviewed or in any way passed upon the merits of an investment in Geeq Corporation or its tokens, and any representation to the contrary is an offense. All of the information contained in this document is for preliminary discussion purposes only. Final terms and conditions may change without notice and are subject to further discussion and negotiation.

>> No.22902802

Right here fren holding a comfy stack

>> No.22902981

Fudders will say pajeet but my cock is rock hard for this project

>> No.22903135

this whitepaper would have gone 100x in 2017

>> No.22903193
File: 3 KB, 132x289, straightup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like it won't be long until it does

>> No.22903254

Feeling cozy to be at the ground floor for once

>> No.22903408

What pattern do you call this?

>> No.22903436

Straight to heaven formation

>> No.22903498

It's kind of absurd when you look at shit like FAG and Nyan getting more volume and transactions then projects like this

>> No.22903568

The team behind this project alone should make this project go ballistic soon, the crypto space is such a joke, there's billionaires and geniuses working on a project and it gets skimmed over and people buy shitty obvious meme projects ran by a NEET in his basement instead. This is a clown world.

>> No.22903804

I'm getting Chainlink vibes from this project, am I the only one?

>> No.22903927

I'm not sure about Chainlink vibes but I am getting vibes that it'll do a 5-10x in the next month, given the team and technology it seems realistic. After that, I'm not sure, it depends on what partnerships they form and how much it gets adopted.

>> No.22904711
File: 1.44 MB, 491x491, smuggo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I have a stack

>> No.22904837
File: 16 KB, 480x360, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep lads, this is our ticket to making it. If you haven't bought a stack and shilled this to everyone you know then I don't know what to say but research it.

>> No.22904922

>Circulating Supply: 3,066,665 / 100,000,000


>> No.22904979

Tokens are locked until 2021 by the team, you can't even be bothered to research can you?

>> No.22905047
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to dump my fat stack before they unlock their tokens next year

>> No.22905103

Research more nigger

>> No.22905165

What's the date for when the team unlocks their token? I know it's in 2021 but does anyone know the exact date?

>> No.22905220

It seems to be April 2021

>> No.22905251

That's plenty of time before I have to worry about team taking profits

>> No.22905257

Read the one pager you fucking lazy fuck

>> No.22905286

I've seen this website template before

>> No.22905295

It was at $5 now .65centw

>> No.22905320
File: 69 KB, 903x508, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is it to read for 5 minutes?

ICO investors dumped it at $5, they were shaken out. This is the ground level, we're starting to see stable support at around the 65 cent mark and an upmark trend. I imagine a lot of the ICO investors will be buying back in soon too, they know the project is good, one look at the team and you can tell it's going to go places.

>> No.22905325

So all you know about crypto apparently is "PRICE GO DOWN BEFORE MAINNET EVEN RELEASE, IT BAD COIN"

>> No.22905403
File: 50 KB, 842x690, etherscan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like biz is finally listening and learning to research a good project. Fucking hell, most people can't be damned to research for a few seconds.

>> No.22905499
File: 33 KB, 450x350, 1600446579852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually think biz researched anything? They probably clicked on the thread and bought without thinking

>> No.22905557

You're right on that, nobody here researches shit. They'll drop their inheritance on FAG and then red wojak 5 minutes later when they realized they got scammed. The people who research projects already made it, because they bought into Chainlink back into 2017. What's left here is retards and people like me who can't be damned to leave this board and do anything else with my life.

>> No.22905622

Quality FUD, now let me escort you back to the capital of India where the rest of your kind is

>> No.22905632

Someone link the whitepaper I wanna read it

>> No.22905660

you know what, fuck it
i'm now a dirty four eyed pimple faced GEEQ let's fucking go

>> No.22905672


>> No.22905715

Additionally, the team was very creative with their tokenomics. Geeq introduces an original algorithmic monetary policy (AMP) that provides users certainty about Geeq’s token supply and ties it directly to platform usage. By expanding or contracting the tokenbase in response to market conditions, this policy creates a “stabilized-token” that can increase in value in an orderly way, but is supported to protect it from rapid decreases driven by thin speculative trading. The AMP will kick in one year after launch of their mainnet.

So how is this not going to repeat ampl? The text reads like someone who has no idea what he's talking about wrote it
Though I have to say I'm interested, I'll read more about it

>> No.22905789

Check out the whitepaper, they go more into detail about PoH and their tokenomics.

>> No.22905874

What do you guys realistically think the value will be by the end of the year?

>> No.22905905

I wish retards like you can stop asking what direction the wind will be blowing. Stupid pajeets im getting sick of you people

>> No.22905914

All memes aside, I think at least $5.

>> No.22905936

everybody is a fucking millionaire, nasa guy, or mit grad. i smell pajeet shit, its a scam.

>> No.22906029

>devs are all white/korean
>their official profiles on Indeed/Twitter show this
>you can find their company information if you look it up and find the legal documents to prove it
This is the real deal, a once in a lifetime gem right here. Fuck, why am I even bothering posting about this project. Nobody listens or bothers to research. Good night biz, I'm tired of dealing with this bullshit, do your own research for a change.

>> No.22906087

Goodnight anon

>> No.22906152

Look them up then if you think it's fake, it's not

>> No.22906217

Related, anyone in this from DDIM?

>> No.22906298

Alright. I'm listening.

>> No.22906616

>If you know, you know.
I know about Boring DAO

>> No.22906656

What's a suicide and make it stack?

>> No.22906762
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1546964665891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sounds too good to be true bros im suspicious