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22895619 No.22895619 [Reply] [Original]

I'm high and loaded on MITX

We gonna ride this bitch to high heaven. Can already feel the sensation of dipping my balls in the private pool to own the fags who didn't listen.

biz, now is the time.

>> No.22895708
File: 70 KB, 750x697, mynewtoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah, heres the yacht im gonna buy with my mitx gains

>> No.22895792

Do you have to pay an entire crew to run one of these fuckers? In awe at the size of these boats desu

>> No.22895799

I am too just waiting for the gains so i can sell and buy a bugatti

>> No.22895878

yes you have to pay a crew, takes the fun out of it if you have to man the yacht yourself

>> No.22895927

>Buying a boat

You have heard the rule of the 3 Fs, right?

>> No.22895989

>the rule of the 3 Fs, r
nope, do tel

>> No.22896013

If it flies, floats or fucks, rent.

>> No.22896092
File: 208 KB, 1348x898, roman-trireme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22896138

cant argue that, sounds like solid logic

you trying to invade epsteins island?

>> No.22896231

Is that island cool?

>> No.22896329

Ultra based

>> No.22896418

Im going to ram and sink refugee boats in the mediterrian. those niggers who survive the impact can row my boat till they die of starvation

but only if link hit 1000$ eoy

>> No.22896461

i heard they got chicks their

sounds like you might damage your yacht, or at the very least get it dirty

>> No.22896493


>> No.22896584
File: 99 KB, 640x360, speedboat_with_alfa_laval_cooling_system_640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger here, I would like to get a fleet of pic related and just mad max the shit out of them, put like miniguns and metal frames, flame throwers encased in iron and huge swordfish-looking spikes on the end just to tear through the migrant boats that are actually just nigger-rigged rafts and just fucking watch from the distance.

>> No.22896597

Nah I hear you sweat buckets

>> No.22896608

i can get behind this immigration policy

>> No.22896682


>> No.22896811

only if the feds show up

>> No.22896875

How about going a step further and fully retrofitting the megayacht with one of them heatlasers. Hellava time zapping some nigs

>> No.22896986

Next level

>> No.22897108

they're too tan, heat lasers wont work

>> No.22897167


>> No.22897226

why not a swarm of killer drones ? would be fun to pilot them from the deck

>> No.22897797


>> No.22897801


>> No.22897884

oh you're so edgy and woke - please, tell us how us plebs are doing it wrong

>> No.22898362

Sort of aiming for a 2 mil yacht myself. Not too big but buying anything more expensive would be a nightmare on the expense side