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File: 302 KB, 1200x675, Trustswap-Full-Feature-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22894277 No.22894277 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone still holding on to this?

>> No.22894546

Come on. Anyone?

>> No.22894650

I'm holding. The recent FUD isn't a deal breaker considering team token locks was never an important utility of the project. Sucks that early on, Jeff was making grandiose claims about how TrustSwap would prevent rug pulls, but the token locks isn't one of their real value propositions.

>> No.22894778

What was your buy price?

>> No.22894880

Originally, 4 cents. But I sold around $1.60 and then bought again between 70 cents and 80 cents. I'm down on the new bags, but it will easily clear $1 once everything is up and running, like the DEX. Jeff's AMA yesterday also mentioned they would start doing buybacks to help limit the circulating supply.

>> No.22895147

i'm so bad. been holding since about 6 cents, but never sold anything but original investment around $0.60

>> No.22895318
File: 545 KB, 1079x1939, Swappiereasoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am still holding. I usually do the daily swap thread and I am happy to see one already up! Here is a reminder of some of the things swap token can be used for, or I guess more reason for why people are still buying

>> No.22895418

I bought above $1 like a retard. Fuck me.

>> No.22896006
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>> No.22896071
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>> No.22896122


>> No.22896173

Yeah litliger really doesn't like jeff, adam, ivan, basically anyone involved in the project so I can't really expect him to be unbiased. He called mafiaboy a criminal which just shows how shallow he looked into the team members. If you don't like the team obviously don't invest in it

>> No.22896318

I have a bag that I got at 1.30 but my average is a bit lower than that. Just hold on. This coin is going to be big soon. It is a good thing that there is fud, it means that the project is on people's radar

>> No.22896369

>absolute garbage shitcoin that already pumped and dumped
>going to be big soon

>> No.22896421

buy the dip

>> No.22896532

This is bullish

>> No.22896829

The price isn't recovering. I'm starting to think we'll ever see above a dollar again.

>> No.22896893
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>> No.22896984

these trustswap guys are getting memed on by teenagers

the aegis telegram is full of gifs who are these guys?

feels like I'm in a high school group chat or something

>> No.22897048

stop redditspacing jeff you fucking retard

>> No.22897092

i cant stand the team. they spend more time on fucking chain games it seems. their discord mods suck too. jeff is a schmoozer marketer. im down 40%.

>> No.22897262

We're living in a simulation.

>> No.22897297


>> No.22897335
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, trustswap_dont_leave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't lose hope yet

>> No.22897363


>> No.22897391

I'm down even more. Fuck I had so much hope for this but the price keeps dumping and dumping.

>> No.22897461

>I'm down even more. Fuck I had so much hope for this but the price keeps dumping and dumping.
why don't you just sell?

>> No.22897575

More like Hatchet DAO

>> No.22897833

I'm doing my best to not buy high and sell low. If the price doesn't recover even slightly in the upcoming days I'm eating the loss.

>> No.22897953

I contemplate self-harm .

>> No.22898383

Jesus. Buy high sell low as actual advice. What is going on with this board?

>> No.22898544

Unstaking takes 7 days so yes I'm still holding

The Telegram group is the most entertaining one I've ever seen though and the CEO is a Chad so I will be selling only half of my stack at $1 and the other one at $5, I was going to dump it all immediatly but after the ceo cucked some fud youtuber into the ground I actually reconsidered.

>> No.22898617

Got a link?

>> No.22898659

Hello fiverr pajeet thread

>> No.22898772

Of course. After all, rugpulls will be a thing of the past with trust swap. Jeff said so himself.

>> No.22898870

The hatch thing doesn’t bother me. Not telling burgers they aren’t eligible for staking rewards after shilling to said burgers for a month is concerning. Will a VPN allow me to get my rewards? I haven’t unstaked yet due to the ungodly amount of time it takes to withdraw.

>> No.22899290

U can collect staking rewards from anywhere. They out that in there to cover their asses

>> No.22899423

If I never hear the name Jeff again I'll be happy

>> No.22899504

Yeah I get the impression that legal told them to throw that in at the last second

>> No.22900039

How can they afford legal ?

>> No.22900062

>the CEO is a Chad so
is this some kind of weird reverse bait where you pretend to be very incompetent at shilling

>> No.22900097

Please just let this fucking thread die so I can stop losing money

>> No.22900224


>calling jeff a chad

lmao NGMI

>> No.22900400

I didn't know that God hated me until I bought SWAP. I'm in purgatory for an entire week.

>> No.22900438

A whale is pumping and dumping SWAP now.

>> No.22900549

i accepted my loss and put the remaining money in THETA

even if swap goes back up, i hate the team and their "company".

>> No.22900567

Checked. I think you will be just fine. The price will be above a dollar and you will be able to get out without a loss. Just hold on for a bit

>> No.22900571

What company?

>> No.22900611
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>> No.22900646

>micro pump
>people use it to jump off
Mother of GOD why did I buy this coin? This is agony. I don't want to sell at a loss but holy shit.

>> No.22900650
File: 1.04 MB, 1438x912, 1601186906553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be fine. Chico gots us.

>> No.22900817

Same. First time I didn’t regret buying high and selling low. As soon as they banned me from the TG chat for asking a simple question, I knew they were done for.

>> No.22900877

Is this how you guys are with all of your coins? Can you imagine if bag holders took Zeus capital seriously? All I see in these threads are whiny weak hands. I get if you are fudding but if not maybe crypto isn't really for you. Simple as

>> No.22900943

Whys it dumping so hard? There was a small pump. That's the real question.

>> No.22900963

theyre a terrible team. jeff sucks. adam sucks. hatchdao.

>> No.22900967

Are you serious? It's cratering you call it "strong" to take this level of loss?

>> No.22900991

dude the only "swap" shit you should be looking at is LOKI and Chainflip.


>> No.22901016
File: 41 KB, 1024x542, photo_2020-09-12_20-12-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TrustSwap sellers will cry in less than 30 days.
$5 is FUD.

>> No.22901021

SWAP is great for swingtrading, Ive increased my other bags by 50% thanks to you degenerate faggots

>> No.22901033

You know people are losing real money right? Not everyone has your $200 in this.

>> No.22901088

Checked but why would you sell at a loss? Do you just not do any research before buying? Do you think that coins just go up? How new are you to this?

>> No.22901456

checked hh but I didn't expect this level of rektage

>> No.22901545


>> No.22901569

>Sucks that early on, Jeff was making grandiose claims about how TrustSwap would prevent rug pulls, but
fuck you

>> No.22902549
File: 1.91 MB, 420x315, 武士.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff come to Japan . On holiday .

>> No.22902746

Meh. I have seen worse fud. I think it is just fine and will reach a new ath soon. This week? No. But in the next few weeks I can see it. I don't think the hatch shit is as bad as youtubers are trying to make it seem. As always dyor and sell if you want to but I think it is very unwise to sell in this low range

>> No.22902799

This chart shows exactly what I mean. The coin is not gone through its life cycle and has a while to go yet. Still has upcoming projects to announce like mobiepay and aubit.

>> No.22903678

you guys are bad at this

>> No.22903757

Did you not read my ID? I am only one person

>> No.22903934

The project will do fine.
It's very likely to hit $3 by EOY.

>> No.22904426

Come to Japan

>> No.22905058

Notice how the Jew Crew stopped bumping.

>> No.22905074

Yup. Now it is just some Japanese guy larping about committing murder

>> No.22905091
File: 21 KB, 626x305, knackroot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff is an idiot and a nincompoop. He does not know enough to judge CTO faker from real techie. Pic related, Swap CTO doesnt know how to code and outsources everything (meaning like 50 loc) to india.

>> No.22905135

I have a buddy who writes code. He says his boss doesn't know anything about coding. CTO just means that they manage the code monkeys for trustswap, just like other projects