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22893220 No.22893220 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys /k/ommando here. I have a question about supply and demand.
So do to Corona Chan and Riots ammo has been panic bought and out of stock nearly everywhere across the U.S. for Several months. But because it's out of stock for a while wouldn't that cause people to not go out and buy ammo resulting in the supply going back to normal? So how come that hasn't happened?

>> No.22893456

scarcity is creating its own demand
ammo manufacturers have seen this sort of shit happen before and refuse to up production equipment because this demand will subside (or at least, it has, historically speaking)

>> No.22893998

Why does scarcity cause demand though? Shouldn't it cause the Opposite? Wouldn't it make people think, "what's the point in trying to buy ammo when there is none".

>> No.22894128

Holy kek are you for real?

>> No.22894149

not all commodities respond the same way to certain pressures. the ammo trade is heavily influenced by fear, either of ammo running out or being banned, or of being needed in a conflict. Add into this the compulsive hoarders and speculators, and you have some pretty extreme buy pressure during times of social stress, especially around election time

the reason ammo manufacturers don’t up production is they know that these are only temporary pressures and there will be a return to normal. they don’t want to overheat the ammo market - that is, overcommit to production when they know demand is going to drop, because they will end up losing money when their new factories and such are no longer needed

>> No.22894399

The industry has stopped producing/shipping to artificially inflate prices on top of the jump in demand in order to drag this boom gun market out. SGAmmo hasn't received a single shipment of 7.62x39 this whole year, I've just watched their current boxes of ammo in stock dwindle and dwindle until they barely have any left. Tula fucking sold out and that's the most widely available and cheapest eastbloc ammo available. If you need ammo go to a gun show and pay $0.70 per round. Otherwise don't do shit because you'll pay hundreds more than everything actually costs.