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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 498x278, HAHAHAHAHHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22880391 No.22880391 [Reply] [Original]

u gon get left out so hard faggots

>> No.22880417

it is a scam tho

>> No.22880487
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL im literally going to die laughing at u salty hired yfbeam yfgamma boys

>> No.22880574

It’s just hired pajeets coming from yfgamma yfbeam team, way too obvious..

>> No.22880600

1200 tg members, whales and influencers in, this will go big big.

>> No.22880610
File: 36 KB, 463x434, 1598931618917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monday pajeet humor

>> No.22880616

No brainer for me, shit will explode like beirut

>> No.22880692

Fuck yeah, i don’t get the fudder

>> No.22880905

Stay mad gamma beam boys, over here gmi only

>> No.22880924

LMAO rumors even go 400 eth will get gobbled up by vc acting cord known for holding/pumping? Unicorns?

>> No.22880932
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>> No.22880962
File: 448 KB, 1000x1000, rich girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I will tell my children of the great Beam wars. How the pajeets behind YFBeam and YFGamma were defeated and how I made it off YFMoonBeam.

>> No.22880973

i dont even need to cum over my crystal ball and rub it as hard as I can to see this shit is going to moon

>> No.22881019


>> No.22881052

What we smellin frens, 3x/5x on launch?

>> No.22881092

Paid fuds from beam and gamma boys after they failed horribly.

>> No.22881122

wink wink nigger

>> No.22881193
File: 179 KB, 1436x332, 1601282610642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is. just look at pic related.

>> No.22881232

who is you dood, who is op in pic related, get left out fren

>> No.22881261
File: 610 KB, 1412x1988, skams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this scam has been exposed. YFMoonbeam is big time scam rugging 1777 more eth.

>> No.22881264

where can i buy this shit from?

>> No.22881449


35x more liek

>> No.22881452

Just hop in the discord. Presale is tonight, all the info is there gg/nBG3AhP

>> No.22881730

So a confirmed scam calls them a scam and that exposes them?

>> No.22881859

you are posting what a dev from yfbeam said, how is yfmoonbeam and yfbeam the same team if they are shitting on each other?

are you genuinely suffering from mental retardation?

>> No.22881904

Their pajeet brain's are so small they can't comprehend why that isn't evidence.

>> No.22881924

Its all the fecal matter destroying their brains from shitting on the street so much

>> No.22882255
File: 185 KB, 1294x763, 1601275495215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also see pic related. copied the same website and got caught 1 hour later. Then they damage controlled and had to change it.

Its the same scam team, scamming another 1777 eth.


>> No.22882478

Spamming the same picture that doesn't prove anything won't convince anyone.

>> No.22882490

see >>22881859

>> No.22882926

lmao he is retarded

>> No.22882945
File: 146 KB, 1200x1200, 5200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post enough spam and people will eat it

>> No.22883395

Yfbeam boys better buy in aswell to compensate losses loool

>> No.22883440

We eatin tonight

>> No.22883462

Link the archives that you claimed to have for evidence.

>> No.22883565

they try to act like they’re separate from other projects(scams) but it’s not hard to find out and they are

>> No.22884146

The fud posters can't even keep their story straight. I can't wait to laugh in their brown faces when YFMB pulls a 10x

>> No.22884210

I know that if everyone just posts their arms in the threads this board would be safe

>> No.22884416

ship is going to sale on these beta soys hard and im going to kek all the way to the eth printer

>> No.22884491

why do you care if others miss out? seems sus for sure and I dont trust moonbeam nor will I. boo hoo I missed out on getting rugged guess i'll dry my tears with these other tokens that are making me gainz. a bloo blooo those profits sure help my tears

>> No.22884550

There are no archives for the site looking like that because it never has

>> No.22884737

what is this ad hom attack about? is this suppose to be fud?

>> No.22885036

I’m buying the presale and dumping then buying the dump to ride the pump, surely with so much coverage this shit will pump regardless if whether or not it’s a scam

>> No.22885056

Don’t call me a faggot pussy. Nobody is buying this unless it sells out quickly.

>> No.22885334
File: 49 KB, 922x788, jl5nke6fu5531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your saying nobody is going to buy it unless people buy it?

>> No.22885502

cant wait for you paid shills to dump all your free tokens on retards

>> No.22885874

If this js presale why can I buy on Uniswap right now ?

>> No.22885935

If it’s already listed it’s a scam version trying to steal people’s ETH

>> No.22886046
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This, was lovely.

YFMB is the answer to all these Crypto scammers currently.

A Project that literally helped out exposing a rugpull, now THATS how you get publicity

>> No.22886077

many fiver pays I wipe ass with hand later on poop street many fiver pays I wipe ass with hand later on poop street many fiver pays I wipe ass with hand later on poop street many fiver pays I wipe ass with hand later on poop street many fiver pays I wipe ass with hand later on poop street many fiver pays I wipe ass with hand later on poop street many fiver pays I wipe ass with hand later on poop street many fiver pays I wipe ass with hand later on poop street many fiver pays I wipe ass with hand later on poop street

>> No.22886128


Yeah, the FUD Campaign against YFMB is still going. They are paying a bunch of Pajeets from Fiverr to FUD on YFMB with 4chan posts.

Which is in the end good for us anyway.

>> No.22886153

Oh waw! And the admin on «the discord channel» linked me there.

That is a dodged bullet

>> No.22886499

pajeets already listing fake contracts? BOUUUULIIIIIIIIIIISHHHHHHHHHHHHH Baby

>> No.22886579

How does anyone think shit like this is a good idea to buy? It's literally a token that exists for the sole purpose of farming itself. Farming and burning mechanisms just manipulate price and supply as a flashy misdirection to obfuscate the fact that the entire market cap is ultimately nothing more than a product of manufactured hype. Even if this isn't a "scam" in the sense that the devs won't immediately dump or manipulate the code to exit with all your ETH, it's still literally guaranteed to go to 0 eventually. You are statistically likely to lose money if you buy a coin like this. Unlike coins that actually have a function outside of themselves that the price theoretically reflects, like ETH STA PNK IDNA LINK XRP DOT RSR and many other legitimate projects. If you want to gamble your ETH why not just drop them on crash games where at least the house edge is a known factor?

>> No.22886649

well if thrats true YFI would have never even reached its current level

>> No.22887054

Im making big bread on this one pussy

>> No.22887393

everything about this coin makes me bullish

>> No.22887767

because its the most bullish presale in weeks

>> No.22888141

I’m max capping my wallet on this shit

>> No.22888585

Welcome to DeFi

>> No.22888647
File: 703 KB, 1196x1496, Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 6.32.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a literal pajeet, hiding in a cave in India trying desperately to fud a legit project cause hes angry that his scam YFGAMMA was EXPOSED.

I'm sorry biz but if you truly think YFMOONBEAM is a scam after so much overwhelming evidence to prove otherwise, you are NGMI. You must literally hate money.

> YFMOONBEAM & YFMOONSHOT worked togeher to expose YFBEAM / YFGAMMA as the same pajeet scam team
> YFMOONBEAM contracts audited by YFMOONSHOT + Cyotee
> YFMOONBEAM has actual smart contracts and an active Github
> YFMOONBEAM not built with Wordpress website generator, instead built with Chad React
> YFMOONBEAM running presale via their own smart contracts and not bounce.finance
> YFMOONBEAM devs can actually speak English
> YFMOONBEAM backed by huge influencers like imnotthewolf and cryptogat
> YFMOONBEAM endorsed by YFMOONSHOT another project that is currently 6x from presale price
> YFMOONBEAM telegram over 1250 members in their telegram and growing

>> No.22888748

I'm pullin up on this sale 5 eth

>> No.22889407

boss shit

>> No.22890091

Anyone who falls for this brainlet level fud deserves to stay poor

>> No.22890492

me too fag, gonna get that lambo

>> No.22890500

And they will

>> No.22890569

This shit legit is gonna moon for 2 days and drop 80%

>> No.22890666

all this yfmoonbean artificial fud is not working pajeets. It just makes us want to buy it even moooore

>> No.22890833

probably, then do like a 10x from there or something. This market is wild

>> No.22891278

Just take profits at 2X and keep riding

>> No.22891299

Anyone who still thinks this is a scam at this point should just close biz and stay poor forever

>> No.22891832

Exactly what I will be doing.

Can only be fucked if this go down immediately

>> No.22891838


>> No.22892457

All fudders are YFBeam salt boys

>> No.22892480


>> No.22892481

YFGamma salt jeets

>> No.22893200

Yfgamma looked like shit and was shit.

YFmoonbeam looks like a 10X and it will

>> No.22893248

3 more hours!

>> No.22893835

I need gains so bad should I buy

>> No.22893883

Ive been waiting for this since Friday, this is extremely hype already. If every person in tg throws it a single ETH it would almost be sold out immediately. I’m throwing in a couple ground.

>> No.22894577

over 1350 in the TG now

>> No.22895237

jesus christ

>> No.22895613

It is written

>> No.22896166

and the fudsters just botted 3k more into the TG and dropped a thread as they botted them in. These gamma fags are salty as fuck

>> No.22896425

It's a scam and that's a man.

>> No.22896557

The fud campaign on this has been pathetic. If you believe that shit you will never make it

>> No.22897021

I cant wait to make 20 eth and rub it in biz's face

>> No.22897053

It honestly makes me so bullish, 5 ETH on standby. This is going to go parabolic and plenty will miss out from the fuding here

>> No.22897067
File: 229 KB, 1606x1220, big big happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YF MOONBEAM DEV WALLET FOUND. YF Moonbeam connected to YF Beam and YF Gamma. LOOK AT PIC RELATED. DEV is holding all 3 tokens, has payments from all 3 teams. NOT A DRILL.

>> No.22897375

fucking owned


>> No.22897978


>> No.22898012

you tag your own post 3 times and say owned? OK you are retarded. The devs have more then 10 ETH of the coin retard

>> No.22899032

2x in minutes BIZ SUCKS AT THIS SHIT