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22879606 No.22879606 [Reply] [Original]

>not here
>not in town

>> No.22879615 [DELETED] 

You have to be out of middle school to post here.

>> No.22879683

Only people that don’t have sex will understand this

>> No.22879686
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Patrician here. ifykyk

>> No.22879696

Stay a while and listen

>> No.22879743

i need mana

>> No.22879772

Beware foul demons and beasts.

>> No.22879812

How much LINK for SoJ?

>> No.22879820

D3 is too big. D1 was small and comfy.

>> No.22879837

Waiting for D2 Remastered

>> No.22879861

>Diablo 2
VRA should esports this desu

>> No.22879871 [DELETED] 

I once lured Lord British out of his castle and destroyed him with a Frigate that appeared in the moat surrounding it. There was a bug in the game where, if you entered the castle with the Frigate parked alongside it, the Frigate appeared in the moat. So then you go up to that faggot on his thrown and attack one of his guards.. maybe throw a cloudkill spell. Of course this enrages the faggot and he comes chasing after you. He is, of course, indestructible in actual battle. So you have to get your ass out of there. But lo and behold. My frigate is parked right there in the moat! Get on frigate and fire cannons. Faggot is blown away! Take that you royal fuck! Of course the bastard respawns once you go back into the castle. Fucking fuck! Oh well. It felt good anyway. The cannon fire from the frigate and all. Time to go into Minoc and fuck Katrina and Jaana.

>> No.22879879

Looks like baldurs gate 2?

>> No.22879880

It amazes me how many actual losers are on this board.

>> No.22879904 [DELETED] 

Another favorite of mine. Ultima: Quest of the Avatar. Oh so NOW I have to be a good guy, ey you fuck? No wonder I couldn't progress in the game pillaging towns and stealing shit like in Ultimas 1 through 3. Oh so now after having committed mass murder on a wordlwide scale across Sosaria / Britannia, NOW if I am good it'll wipe all of that away? Yeah that's BULLSHIT and I'll tell you what else is BULLSHIT.. having to wait for fucking Moonglow to appear in the forest. Or was that the Disappearing City of Dawn. Fuck those towns.

>> No.22879951 [DELETED] 

And while we're on the topic of Lord British, let me tell you something: Why the FUCK doesn't he just tell you what he wants you to do? I mean, just TELL me what you want me to do. No I have to walk my ass to one town after another, talking to some faggot wizard on the top of the castle who sleep walks at night just to find out what gem is in what dungeon and what skull of mondain and shard and whatever the fuck is where, and then, oh and THEN, I have to get to level 8 of multiple dungeons just to listen to some smart-ass Time Lord giving me the correct phrase of Voramocor or Amocorvar and god forbid you mess that shit up because then your ass gets teleported back up to mainland Britannia and you have to start that descent all over again. If Lord British is go great, why doesn't he get the fuck off of his royal ass and save the kingdom himself. This is BULLSHIT, I am going home. Fuck your moon gates.

>> No.22880021 [DELETED] 

What.. didn't any of you faggots ever play Ultima? Jesus, I am too old for this board.

>> No.22880055

I'm 20 kek. Only "oldschool" thing I played was Runescape when I was 7-9yo. Played lots of Fifa on my ps2 and the very first game I played was Ratchet and Clank 3 when I was 6 I think.

>> No.22880323

I was never able to find a SoJ and I remeber those messages that would say x amount of SoHs sold to merchants.