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22864620 No.22864620 [Reply] [Original]

Compare biz of the last two months to today. Board was pretty slow we were either red or green together. Today literal pajeets run the board trying to scam you out of your NEET bux with the next x1000 moonshoot. The market moves too fast you don’t know what is and what isn’t a scam. Eventually when there’s no one left to scam this board will be dead and it might infest into other parts of the internet. I can’t complain since I’ve made some money but I lost a whole lot too this past month. I’m personally I’m going to just hold what I can trust; Chainlink, Foresight, Orbi, Creed, and Rot . I can’t Keep up with this anymore. I couldn’t sell Core nor Orb at peak since I was working and I only made 15% after gas. YFV really cut my wallet by 3/4s and that UNI drop let me gamble some more but at the end of the day I only made $500. I had $15k at some point but since I only started with $1,000 I’m still green.
I’m not leaving or whining, this is just my observation, what will the future hold?

>> No.22864753

Yea I noticed that too.
I know that the boards change every few months but I'm starting to wonder if they hired pajeets as jannies and they push certain threads while they suppress others.

>> No.22864786

>complains about quasi ponzis
>shills pure ponzis and tries to obfuscate it with LINK
You are the pajeet

>> No.22864797

The cream always rises, this is similar to the ICO craze. Literally all you had to do to pump a useless shitcoin was say the words "liquidity locked"

>> No.22864844

>hello sirs do you board culture?
>OG here (I hold chainlink of course) who trusts equally this list of great uniswap coins sirs

>> No.22864846

Was about to say, op either trying to pull a not-so-sly one or room temperature iq, probably both

>> No.22864890

To be honest I only hold tokens with a public team where the devs are white.
Hasn't failed me with Libertas and Coval, gonna continue to do so.

>> No.22864945

Orbicular dev is a white american dude called Brad Leishman.

>> No.22864996

it is tiresome
if this keeps going and they add tokenized assets, which will result in Indians literally tokenizing their morning poo and trying to sell it here, we need a new board

>> No.22865093

Buy Fantom and gas fees eating into profits won’t be a thing

>> No.22865127
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>> No.22865157

Yea I looked into it and it is interesting although a little esoteric to me. I don't really get how it's going to make me money.

Libertas and Coval I understood

Coval's ember vault
>several tokens go in, one comes out

>supports free speech, top holders get 5% of every podcast, creators get 90%.
>incentive to be one of the top 1pp holders creates growth

>> No.22865250

means you suck at trading, dont complain about the board. learn some investigative skills. oh and also you sold core already? lmao no wonder your broke.

>> No.22865838

I’m comfortable holding them because they haven’t pulled the rug. I’d go into honey but it’s too much work to keep up with. Buy dai bridge xdai swap honey or whatever

>> No.22865869

I’m not complaining as much as I’m just tired, untill the dust settles and there’s no money left to scam these shit coins will run rampant

>> No.22866606



>> No.22866731

holy fuck

>> No.22866767
File: 242 KB, 700x282, 1-8OgnnvRDsT45uJw_fnYlzw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't zzz.finance connected with Coval?


>> No.22867106

I don't play ponzi games. I'm unironically in crypto for the tech, not for the unregulated finance shit that might be knee capped with a single line of regulatory text

>> No.22867496

I’m in for the tech as well but I don’t understand all of it. I don’t plan on making it with crypto. It would be nice to get at least 50k or something but I don’t count on it. I want the projects I’m holding to succeed. Link’s oracles, Forsights crypto insurance, orbis sine wave stability, rots community focus growth. Creed is just a heavy bag I have because selling would cost too much gas. I want to be something in life not just a slob millionaire who plays video games and jacks off like the majority of biz.

>> No.22867703

forsight is questionable crypto insurance which is finance, orbis doesn't even have a working website and is nothing at the moment, rot is the definition of a ponzi game, and creed is promises with governance for not yet exiting copies of already existing stuff. Do more research

>> No.22867866

It’s all just speculation man if I get burned at least it wasn’t my life savings you know.

>> No.22868155

If you throw the right dollar at the right shit, even a scam might make you Rockefeller, we just seem to have different risk acceptance levels. Good luck