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22862637 No.22862637[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22862735
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>> No.22863555
File: 39 KB, 180x180, jamaicoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going at it again, eh?
It won't work.

To all of the anons who might have seen this thread, Jamaicoin is nothing more than a pathetic scam trying to rob you out of your money, a little at a time.
Back in July, whoever is behind this scam claimed that wash trading to catch the attention of redditors and trannies would occur in a week from the 3rd - it didn't happen

>> No.22863767
File: 878 KB, 1440x2877, paid fiverr shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The absolute state
posting this in every jamaicoin thread I'll catch from now on

>> No.22864617


Fair points also.

It's not a scam though. I'm the dev. Had to take a month off, cause I got hit by a car (lel).

Will ramp up my efforts from now on.

Did deliver on the free coins though.

>> No.22864645
File: 125 KB, 1435x978, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22864670

>free coins that are worthless
god forbid anyone actually fell for this scam

>> No.22864682
File: 165 KB, 487x1265, yahpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also mentioned I am waiting for 100 holders before I start washing. It will cost me about $1000 to do some decent washing. I think it will be more effective if people see at least 100 holders. Also. If you really want I will take back the YAH for the average price you paid, no big deal.

>> No.22864705

>Did deliver on the free coins though.
Wow... The stack of these people are now worth $40 after you delivered
nice job lmao

>> No.22864709
File: 153 KB, 2560x1617, yahcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have to and I paid GAS during the defi hype to send it. But I will treat the first 100 YAH holders like my children.

>> No.22864718

Kind of fair point. I do however feel no urge to prove myself at this point. So how about you suck it dry my friend. Good boy.

>> No.22864755

Just ask yourself how the coin got listed on coinmarketcap, blockfolio, delta and cointelegraph with zero marketing expenses. Got initial approval by binance, bittrex and bithumb but refused to pay the listing fees.

>> No.22864829
File: 214 KB, 432x245, 1465913850902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm top 20. Bought on July 3rd. Whoever the dev is, he did multiply my stack around one month later - and at some point according to metamask my bag was worth 2k USD. YAH has unironically become my only hope of making it and became kind of a forced hold, since I couldn't sell it on bamboo ether delta anyway. I fucked up way too many times but this bag is money I refuse to touch

>> No.22864860

Bombaclad G

>> No.22864929

I'll make you top 10, drop your address. Around Christmas you will laugh the balls out of your pants and you will be a crazy 4chan made it with a shitcoin story. Why? Because you only have been positive. Positive attracts positive. No homo. Fuck homos.

>> No.22864991

I'm positive, and not in a hiv way. Can you help me to make it as well fren?

>> No.22865007
File: 191 KB, 441x452, bustup_131_016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck Hiro and other jannies if I get banned for this post. If you do deliver, I promise I'll shill the token here and there. You can see my wallet in the holders list.

>> No.22865077



sell after christmas and send me a nice postcard

>> No.22865158
File: 350 KB, 586x560, Yasuhiro_Hagakure_Halfbody_Sprite_(10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep your address saved, just like for another anon who gave me something like $20 in QQQF a few days ago.
Even if YAH doesn't deliver by EOY or fails, I always appreciate donations and the attention. Really, thank you anon. I can't guarantee it of course, but don't blame glowies or weird laundering schemes if one day you receive some ETH in your wallet.

>> No.22865210

isn't this what the anarchist larpers were using in their playpen?
That's the only way I know about it

>> No.22865557

Honestly after seeing this thread I can't be sure if it's an elaborate scam or just a dev that is way too autistic to properly market his token that he's trying to build a cult following composed of NEETS to shill everywhere for him

>> No.22865743
File: 756 KB, 2670x1219, Screenshot_20200927205759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just by being diligent enough, you can see that people tried to warn other anons

>> No.22866035

Neither. I am autistic tho

>> No.22866874

>Twitter account deleted
>Worthless token with no volume for months
>useless usecase
>you can't sell it anywhere


>> No.22867351

Twitter account was deleted for sharing some Project Veritas content you fucking cuck

>> No.22868331

Enjoy your ban

>> No.22868352

Any retard that believes this deserves to be scammed

>> No.22868478

You must be the most sociopathic scammer I've seen on /biz/. Have you no shame you fucking nigger?
You're worse than pajeets.

>> No.22868619
File: 23 KB, 541x477, was gonna drop 20dollars but cant now oops on dev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh ouch damn..... was gonna gamble 20$ on this but alas Dev fucked up and doesnt have it sitting comfy on uniswap where it'll start to sell.
you fucked yourself on that one now go put 1/3 of your wallet in the pool on uniswap and you'll make plenty of funds.
also create a discord already DEV and stop pussy footing and loligagging with this token

>> No.22869055

If I see another batch of anons crying because this guy made off with their fucking savings I'm going go be real disappointed. Steer clear away from this bitch, he isn't even remotely clever.