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22858188 No.22858188 [Reply] [Original]

What are some pros/cons and what are Chinese people like

>> No.22858201

pros: shit's cash bro
cons: dead

>> No.22858204

Go away ching chong, no one in their right mind would do this.

Fuck chinks
Fuck china
Fuck winnie pooh

>> No.22858242

Lmfao rip

>> No.22858247

Unless you're chinese you're going to be treated like shit by the populace, the police will show up to your house and do regular check ups on, and large chunks of your earned made it stack will probably be seized or heavily taxed. Also their internet is heavily censored/monitored. Good luck with all of this.

>> No.22858393

Go watch the video where a toddler gets run over by a car and then twenty people walk right by the body in plain sight and pretend they didn't see shit. You really want to live in a society that fucked up where the hustle is so intense people don't even want to acknowledge a dying child?

>> No.22858568

even though china is going to become the next world superpower don't do it. america is declining but it's not going to turn to complete shit (yet). america will become what the united kingdom is now

>> No.22858591

No america has 3 years max

>> No.22858608


>> No.22858638

I'd go to China to fuck chinese bimbos and that's it dude.
it smells. The people are mostly stupid but they think they have it better than everyone. Insect spider web consciousness has serious problems. High IQ low incredibly low EQ. Saving Face leads to strange behavior. etc etc.
If you've made it and go there to fuck you will have fun. Actually asia is fun not just China

>> No.22858647

China will never rule the world, I'm more concerned about the Germans.

>> No.22858751

As a German I can tell you that you the only thing you should worry about is that our cuck population will vote some refugee into office who will give every African rapist a 10000€ check and free flight to Europe

>> No.22858760

As someone who's spent long periods of time in China, I would strongly advise you to avoid it at all costs. It's a truly awful place full of truly awful people.

>> No.22858781
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Nice. I’ll just go there to fuck then

>> No.22858798

Oh god I wish. My country became shit and will never recover again.

>> No.22858808

Thats why the EU cant ever inherit the world. Germans are a bug people that need to be squashed just like the Chinese

>> No.22858838

Chinks are super pushy and rude and have no social or physical boundaries. You can barely see the sun in Shanghai because there is so much air pollution. In the more rural parts of the country people literally shit in the street like it’s fucking Mumbai. You won’t be able to visit most websites you know because the government sensors the internet. They also spy on everything you do and if you say anything negative about them you’ll disappear. Truly a piece of shit country. I’ve been to every country in Asia and it’s one of my least favorite. That said you should still go cuz you’re a faggot.

>> No.22858879

Kek. Sounds like most of Europe. Socialism is a disease. Too bad too cuz I really like berlin especially the brothels.

>> No.22859012
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>According to Chinese funerary customs, an elder should never show respect to someone younger.[citation needed] So, if the deceased is a young bachelor, for example, his body cannot be brought home and must remain at the funeral parlor. His parents cannot offer prayers to their son either. Since he was unmarried, he did not have any children who could perform these same rites for him. (This is why the body cannot come into the family home.) If an infant or child dies, no funeral rites are performed either since respect cannot be shown to a younger person. The child is thus buried in silence.[citation needed]

>> No.22859426

lmao, one of the worst places I can think of moving to current year and that was before Corona-chan.

>> No.22859533
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Chinks move OUT of China when they make it you retarded nigger.

>> No.22859579

>America becoming UK

Oh boy. You’ll be in a world of hurt my fren.

>> No.22859629

Don’t move to China, unless you’re from Mainland or is Chinese descent. Consider moving to SEA instead, it’s as shitty but you’d still be privileged.

>> No.22859717

>the police will show up to your house and do regular check ups on
this is only for people from africa or india (unironically)

>> No.22859739

You know nothing.

>> No.22859807

socialist germany never had that many sandniggers

>> No.22859829

this. enjoy spending vast amounts on bribing. Its everywhere

>> No.22859855

OK OP I hope you're still here. I spent 5 years living in China , and came back to the states Feb 2020. I'm planning to go back once corona dies down.

it's seriously an awesome place to live OP. let me know if you have any questions.

>> No.22859948

t. Chinese Information Extraction Agent

>> No.22859952

Sounds like you are describing the US now

>> No.22859964

fuck chinks and fuck you communist

>> No.22860146

Nah, America will be a mix of Brazil and South Africa.

>> No.22860151

>worst decision in OP's life

>> No.22860199

Wonderful! The Chinese people will welcome you with open arms, especially if you are white. Fathers will offer you their daughters' hand in marriage. Every Chinese business owner will jump at the chance to hire you.

The people here are known for their politeness, compassion, and manners.

Moving to China would improve your quality of life 1000x!

>> No.22860254

found the CCP guys

>> No.22860291
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Anon wait at least one more year. You may end up in a work camp or worst.

>> No.22860298

Depends what part of china..
But actually i would recommend Singapore instead.

Has all what China has to offer and more developed than USA or Europe.

It's super clean, also expensive but if you white straight men you will be treated as king anyway..

>> No.22860436

OK I'll just drop some basic tips for any foreigner planning to move to China:

1. learn Chinese. even if you're in a place like Shanghai with a higher English level, you're life improves exponentially.

2. don't fall for the first Rainy girl that throws you some pussy.

3. don't go into business with Chinese people until you really trust them. don't even let them know about your wealth or how you got it. peacocking with bottle service at the club is OK, everyone does it.

4. Don't get stuck in the expat bubble. a lot of bitter , jaded people in that group who couldn't make it back home, yet resent being in China.

>> No.22860471
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This Anon knows..

>> No.22861050

a lot of those type of videos are faked. not defending chinese but that sounds about as believable as the holocaust.

>> No.22861133

why not Taiwan? it’s china but friendlier and without communism. and girls arent just after money. and im pretty sure Taipei is cheaper than Beijing/Shanghai

>> No.22861185
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Boring anti-China bait thread

>> No.22861325

admit it, you just want to fuck and eat a dog, in that order

>> No.22861371

Imagine knowing so little about China you think women there sleep around.

Heh... Good luck

>> No.22861401


say what you want about the USA or the western world as a whole, it's far better than living in an authoritarian chink shithole.

>> No.22861414

kek, are you retarded m8?

>> No.22861466

moving to thailand, the girls and the ladyboys gangbang

>> No.22861674
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They have cameras pointed at you at all times and a social scoring system.

Why do you want to live in an real Orwellian state anon

>> No.22861683
File: 89 KB, 563x716, Heaven-Will-Destroy-The-CCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is a faggot.

Everyone knows that China is a wasteland.