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22857299 No.22857299 [Reply] [Original]

I'm doing an unpaid part-time internship.
They give me a free expensive lunch though (rare olives, nice pudding).

I couldn't get anything for money so I had to do this for free.

How badly am I being used?

>> No.22858057

It's the standard now to build experience.

>> No.22858356

But my friends and family make fun of me and tell me that I got scammed.

>> No.22858378


Do you actually bring value to the company? Most interns at my place (government) just waste everyone's time and act overly cocky.

>> No.22858415

Yes. I'm about to bring value because I have skills that they don't even have. I'm doing things they don't know how to do. I mean it is very basic but they don't know it and I do.

So I feel bad. I should be paid for this. People are paid to waste their time at companies and I'm actually doing something.

>> No.22858427

Your friends and family are actual retards, having experience is the only thing companies really care about now. Having a degree is worthless without a work history.

>> No.22858458

That's exactly what I thought. It's annoying that you have to prove your experience

>> No.22858487

Ultimately though having the experience puts you in a better position than someone who graduated 5 years ago and got fucked because companies wouldn't hire him without experience. The "new system" is still strange to people, but having adapted to it puts you at a comparative advantage to people who haven't adapted to the post-2008 entry level market.

>> No.22858517

How important is it to get the janny experience before graduating?
I feel like once you graduate its all over.

>> No.22858579
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The most ideal situation is having your work history with internship on there and then, if possible, using connections you've made as references to apply for jobs during your last year in university in preparation for a (presumably) spring graduation, so that you can work through months of the interview process and get a job before graduating. This, again, puts you at an advantage over people who start looking after graduating, as companies are run by assholes who believing if you have any non-wagie periods on your resume you must be a bad prospect as far as workers go.

>> No.22858652

You are getting scammed, NEVER EVER accept unpaid internship, I would rather be a neet than do shit for free.

>> No.22858685

Just fucking lie about the experience, fuck I did it myself and got me through my first job as dev. I had already some projects.

>> No.22858868

Alright looks good then.

>> No.22858897

>psgs team member makes a mistake
>psg throws the game instantly