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File: 60 KB, 604x414, 345352sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2285137 No.2285137 [Reply] [Original]

fuck he has a point

>> No.2285146
File: 160 KB, 320x320, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big announcement Monday, goys

>> No.2285149

At least he's talking to Putin now. That's not something to cause anyone concern. /s

>> No.2285154

If fluffypansy thinks you are speculating he will also destroy your money

>> No.2285862

Who is this faggot ?

>> No.2285889

ricardo spagni. he a monero dev i think
but in this pic he has the JUST haircut
funnny shit

>> No.2285908
File: 117 KB, 640x614, vitastronk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares about what fat fuck monery cuckboi thinks

I think its fine, if you fuck with the blockchain, you get punished, but if you are a good boy, you get a yearly amount of eth based upon your stake

i mean, what else should he do?
let them continue the attacks?

also keep in mind the only way to quickly stop an attack with a PoS system, is deleting the attackers stash or locking it away, no coins, no power

>> No.2285967

I fucking love the responses on that post.

For some reason no one took the 3 seconds to skim Vitaliks post that shows how it works, and everyone assumed 'we' means 'Vitalik'

'We' means the network, not Vitalik himself. Dur.

If you actually read his post they are quoting, Vitalik is talking about the fact that rolling back the blockchain post casper is very costly for anyone involved.

Attacks are in the form of trying to 'roll back' the chain to modify a value. However to do this will cost anyone involved a tonne of coins, to such a degree that trying to do such an attack will just make all your coins burn up, which means its never worth it to try.

>> No.2285995
File: 457 KB, 1440x1664, lord vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never look for faults in the Lord's will for Lord Vitalik is infallible.

>> No.2286002

please go back to /reddit/

>> No.2286056

It is confirmed by several developers!
You are able to delete Ethereum wallets.
Full balance in the blink of an eye to zero.
Target of attack exchanges!!!

If you have Ethereum on exchanges withdraw immediately that have there is less chance your wallets gets dropped to zero!

>ETH wallets getting erased by devteam

>> No.2286084

Russian roulette would be an interesting concept for a coin. Every day one random wallet is selected for destruction. Another random wallet gets all of the victim's coins before. Or something.

>> No.2286209

I've started to think that all coins besides bitcoin are made to eliminate bitcoin. Get that $40 billion off of the street and move to a global currency that is governed.

>> No.2286230

If it was truly random, I would throw .1 ETH every now and then on it. 10 people play - house gets .1,winner gets .9.

>> No.2286232

jokes on you i will sell my eth once they hit 0.2

>> No.2286238

Yes that is true, it is a very dangerous idea that developers can delete the wallets of random users

>> No.2286272

Bitter fat fuck that just pumped and dumped his shitcoin a week ago can kill himself

>> No.2286287

ETH has been a scam since day 1:


>> No.2286512

on /pol/ earlier there was a thread about some jew who wants crypto to be based on sjw morality. if anyone speaks out against the sjw narrative then their wallet will be deleted, and i think that's terrifying.

>> No.2286531

what about ETC?

>> No.2286536

Yes it is very disturbing there is no decentralized aspect to it anymore.
>Immutability is the key word

>> No.2286559

thank god BTC and LTC will never disappoint us

why are you guys even holding these other shit coins

>> No.2286561

There is no key figure in ETC from what I understand.
Not sure at the moment I am looking into it because I am going to sell a portion of my ETH and probably go into ETC.

Any other tips for ETH like coins?

>> No.2286575 [DELETED] 

Lotta shitcoiners want in on those mad ETH gains. Sorry, shitcoiners, go sit at the kiddy table.

>> No.2286618

No he doesn't. This guy either completely misunderstands how PoS will work or he's intentionally playing dumb because of his vendetta against eth. When you stake eth, you are basically agreeing to a terms of service that you will not attempt to attack the network in any way (ex. 51% attack) and that eth is the collateral. So the only reason to be against this is if you think people should have free reign to attack the network. It's honestly a genius defense mechanism.

>> No.2286641

fucking this

fucking the system is fine but if it rapes you afterwards it's outragous?

why is this even a thing?

>> No.2286682

this shouldnt come at a surprise to anyone. etherum has always been owned completely by vitalik, and what he says goes, and most of his ethereum followers are happy to go along with him because he's been making them money so far.

ethereum was never a truly decentralized cryptocurrency, but it was/is a great money making opportunity.

>> No.2286723

the only thing not surprising about this is riccardo fagni completely misrepresenting how staking will work.

>> No.2286749

you are an indoctrinated retard. I'll trust Nick Szabo's opinion https://twitter.com/NickSzabo4/status/871462865206509568

>> No.2286770


It's a retarded mechanism

>> No.2286786

the not suprising thing is that ethcucks don't understand POS on Ethereum will never work and will only end up with them losing all their money

>> No.2286796

Exactly. He states himself it is autonomous, that's how PoS works and the POINT of it. Fuck with it, and you get punished by the network. It's more costly to try scamming than the reward you'd get.

>> No.2286798

its more fun if they can find this out for themselves though. after all, money to be made.

>> No.2286801
File: 844 KB, 450x450, pepe reee glitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid person takes shit out of context and FUDs for no reason, likely because he's salty that he's not succeeding with ETH like some people are

>> No.2286815


the problem is people are flawed, and the power to control everyone's coins should not rest in the hands of the top 1% of eth holders. this traditionally is what has led us to this point in history where the rich manipulate everything to continue to get richer while poor people have little recourse.

I know you're too short-sighted to see things this way, but that's the reason he and others think like that.

>> No.2286831

He actually bought ETH at the crowdsale, he's richer than you'll ever be

>> No.2286854

I hope you're shorting ETH.

>> No.2286991

Could you explain why?

>> No.2287011


>> No.2287031

only on futures. when poloniex comes crashing down i dont want anything sitting on there.

>> No.2287068

it works as intended, its a smart contract, its autonomous, and thats what it should be.

and its not any different than real life banks, if you screw with the bank, you can damn well bet they will freeze your account.

and no one forces you to stake, they cant touch your ETH if you haven't signed that contract.

>> No.2287102
File: 52 KB, 596x643, Joover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, morally it shouldn't.

However of COURSE the "noses" will want that, so unless you're a blockchain developer, ride the wave and make a fucktonne of money as the noses invest. (As they're already doing, JPMorgan...)

>> No.2287119

jpmorgan isn't buying ether, if thats what you're confused about.

>> No.2287155
File: 1.97 MB, 215x320, 73f8b936df57c7f506ec1e3aab88ce929cb6c071d72294c31d1dfa65cdcc1017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not any different than real life banks
wow ethcucks are unironically this retarded

>> No.2287219

Of course not, but any investment in the platform by them, Microsoft, Samsung, Siemens, fucking Putin and the rest (while they develop their own, centralised, private shite), will push up ETH's value up to the point they bring theirs out. Still a good long term hold for now.