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22847354 No.22847354 [Reply] [Original]

>taxes are 30%
>sales tax is 8%
>health insurance is 800/mo in amerishit
>rent is 2000/mo

>> No.22847414

Don't forget that wages have been stagnant for the last 35 years, and add in inflation.

>> No.22847426

How do we assess the monetary costs of race riots and living in a soulless shithole?

>> No.22847433

Live on the Washington/Oregon border. Work in WA and pay no income taxes. Shop in Oregon and pay no sales taxes. Get a high deductible health care play and put enough in your HSA to meet your deductible.

>> No.22847452
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I forgot pic related

>> No.22847480

Then they just find another way to tax you

>> No.22847481

Try being german
>taxes are 55%
>sales tax is 19%
>health insurance is 400/month or an extra 5% on your taxes
>rent is 2000/month

>> No.22847483


>Everybody can do this

>> No.22847484
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>no taxes because I only made 3 grand
>food stamps
>rent is 1/3 of my disability income which is going to be $1,200 a month

>> No.22847566

Live somewhere cheaper. I could get my living costs (including bills but not food etc.) down to like 200€/month if I needed to by living in my own flat. The cost for acquiring a one-bedroom flat that's clean but not brand-new would vary from 20k in bumfuck nowhere (where you'd then need a car and there are no jobs) to about 150k for a central location in a decently sized city (where you don't need a car and there are jobs). Healthcare is provided by glorious socialism though it's shit despite what shills say.

Living like that, I could probably sustain myself for as little as 500€/month short-term and 1000€ would allow me to save up enough to deal with a lot of potential pitfalls and not worry about money too much.

I can make 1000€/month by doing immigrant-tier jobs for about 5h/day, which is what I did when I was younger. Nowadays I'm aiming higher but when that inevitably fails I'll probably return to my old flat and try to get some part-time or freelance work for two-three days a week to cover my costs of living and just do what the fuck ever else with all that free time. Would be different if I wanted a family or retirement but I'm not cut out for that life anyway and all the men in my family died early.

>> No.22847599


>> No.22847608
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>work as a freelance fiction writer
>make extremely modest income
>bust my ass writing nonstop and make a solid $35,000 for the year
>lose 15.3% before income tax to FIT
>can barely afford health care, student loans, and rent while going on a $100/month grocery bill
I'm about to give up and go be a wageslave again. This country is horrible.

>> No.22847618

Glad to see you have the right attitude anon

>> No.22847646

>post yfw you realize you'd be better off making $15k and getting medicaid, $160/month in food stamps, and EIC

>> No.22847651

Imagine living in a city being aware of the society in which we inhabit
Get the fuck out as soon as you have means

>> No.22847655


>> No.22847689

whats a good washington border city? I'm not moving to vancouver.

>> No.22847739

ive checked this out, theyre separated by a river in most areas and the bridges are expensive to cross, plus the towns have higher taxes to pay for them. once you get out east its desert and cow shit, enjoy living there

>> No.22847780

>theyre separated by a river in most areas and the bridges are expensive to cross
no they aren't, there's no tolls (yet)

>> No.22848046

None of the bridges have tolls. Eastern oregon and washington is shit tho

>> No.22848055

I remember when I was a kid sales tax was 5%, and then they raised it to 6% and I was like wtf

>> No.22848079

I don’t know how anyone could pay rent. It would be almost impossible to max out retirement accounts and still have savings left over after rent. I’m just going to keep living with my parents until I have enough to make a down payment for a house. Net worth is about $90k right now. I’ll probably buy a house when I hit $200k.

>> No.22848087

Take your current rent, multiply it by the square miles of white land in your city, divide it by the total square miles of your city, and that's how much you'd be paying if you didn't have to tolerate the existence of ghettos.

>> No.22848112

my health insurance is $50 a month

my taxes are too damn high though

>> No.22848142

Germans have to pay for health insurance? I thought every other country had their shit sorted out when it came to healthcare.

>> No.22848149

you could make 2x that being a bartender.... so year lol

>> No.22848170

living at your parents isnt living

and not all jobs are within 1 hour of our parents lmao

otherwise you are doing a decent job really.

>> No.22848197

Longview or a town near Astoria? Not many options except for Vancouver. Not worth it for sales tax savings unless you're some freakish consoomer.

>> No.22848255

It’s good enough living for me. My job is like 15 minutes from my parents’ house. I’m going to keep staying with them for a few more years.

>> No.22848278

Doesn't work for everyone
They would hear my New Orleans accent and be like "are you lost", no matter how hard I try to fit in

>> No.22848331

lets recap this convo

>idk why anyone would pay rent?!? -you
again, not everyones job is within an hour of their parents house
>well mine is 15 minutes away from my parents house
i thought you commuted 7 hours for work

anyway good luck. living at home still isnt living. youll realize that later.

>> No.22848350

the retarded shit you read on 4chan....

>> No.22848371

Nigger I'm not going to the wild west, call it whatever you want

>> No.22848410

When did I ever say seven hours? And it’s good enough living for me. Being a rentcel isn’t living.

>> No.22848508

They pay higher taxes, which is effectively the same as paying a premium. The main advantage though is they don’t get asspounded by thousands in extra fees like insured Americans do

>> No.22848621
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>> No.22848703

I saved 200k last year alone while also paying rent. If I lived with my parents in bumfuck flyover state I would be working a minimum wage McJob.

>> No.22848719

I guess it makes sense if you’d otherwise live in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.22848720

You can take the state insurance, or make a deduction on taxes if you choose a private insurance company, which right now is a monopoly called AOK. Doctors prioritize the privately insured patients and give them better service.

>> No.22848722

>"shit sorted out" = FREE HEALTHCARE FOR ALLL!!!!

you're gay and you suck and no one likes you

>> No.22848807

Triggered the American.