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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22846734 No.22846734 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never live in columbus ohio in 1986
right in the feels bros


>> No.22846764
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I'd rather live in the 50s

>> No.22846778

well no shit you fuckin autist but this is what popped up on youtube for me

>> No.22846876

I wouldn't. Too rigid, like the extreme opposite of the modern era. 80s and 90s was the perfect middle ground between freedom and tradition.

>> No.22847044
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>I wish I was a boomer
>well I wish I was Greatest Generation

And yet you are all sad millennials and zoomers, living 30-60 years divorced from the time you idealized, in an era of 56% and 5.69 an hour (plus tip) jobs. Sucks to be you. Lol.

>> No.22847164

no, it sucks to be a boomer, the combination of Trump, covid-19, and unchecked immigration, has lead to massive acceleration towards the collapse. what shouldve happened in the 2040s, is going to happen in the next 6 months, and they're going to be completely disenfranchised/have their wealth redistributed to the niggers lol.

>> No.22847195

Ohio sucks and THE OSU fags are insufferable, but I do empathize with how Columbus was too white, affordable, and reasonable so they had to ship some somalis there. Just like Minneapolis. Just like Boise, Idaho. Just like Dearborn, Michigan. They all need (((diversity))).

>> No.22847371

Exactly this. That's what I liked about the 80s/90s era. It's about being balanced.

>> No.22847377
File: 64 KB, 768x768, yui sympathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sucks to be a boomer

Yeah it sucks for them being born in the 1950s and then making lots of money in the 1980s.

Sucks indeed.

>> No.22847674

grew up in rural idaho in the 90s. it was pre columbine and a lot of us went hunting before school you could still drive to school with your gun on the rack in your truck. now live in a bullshit free ethnostate. sad to see wat happened to america

>> No.22847711

like i said, it sucks to be them, because they're going to get to witness their system destroyed. they'll spend their final years in total poverty, hated and abused by their children.

>> No.22847735

I really never got that version of America...I want a refund.

>> No.22848480

hilliardfag reporting
its ok

>> No.22848520

that explains all the memes envying boomers

cheap houss, good jobs, no college debt

>> No.22848558

they have money, property, and pensions

you are thinking of you spending your final years with no money, property, pension, social security, and white minority lol

>> No.22848616

I grew up in SoCal and my third grade teacher (this was one year before Columbine) told us that he had a shotgun in his trunk, and he was even jewish to boot.