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22846171 No.22846171 [Reply] [Original]

So blackpilled on Trump and the US in general, give me some BSV hopium.

>> No.22847475
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Stop reading /pol/

90% of the threads there are meant to demoralize you.

>> No.22847617
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>still giving the least amount of shit about smoke and mirrors in politics and news
Larping as pol on biz, you are retarded, promptly fuck off unless you wanna buy me more XRP

>> No.22847677

I don't think Trump is going to lose, however I don't think it's going to be a landslide anymore. His popularity was tanking before the riots. Now it's tanking again, but only with racially aware whites. Which becomes a larger demographic everyday.

XRP is scam. It solves none of the fundamental problems Bitcoin does.

>> No.22847697
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So that's a no then?

>> No.22847929
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XRP is peak low IQ

>> No.22848012

for every 'racially aware white' there are 20-30 people that saw what the negros did to SoHo along with every single nice highstreet in america

>> No.22848650
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Imagine still believing in polls lmfao

Racially aware whites are going to vote Trump over Biden no matter what, because they do not have an alternative to the right of Trump. His approval rating is 96% in the Republican party, there is nothing to gain pandering to his base.

What he is doing right now is ensuring a landslide victory by stealing minority votes from the democrats. He is reaching across the middle to independent and disenfranchised democrats, it's so obvious what he is doing and it's a brilliant political strategy. He doesn't need that many percentage points of black voters to completely change the electoral map and gain absolute control of every branch of government.

If he continues like this, the entire country will be red in November and he will actually have the powers to change the constitution in his 2nd term. He is playing for the whole cake in legendary fashion.

PS: Watch what happens in October - Trump has access to intelligence that will throw Biden and most of the dems in prison for life - he will use what is necessary for maximum electoral annihilation.

>> No.22848700

your on crack if you think any minority is voting for trump this go around, and believe it or not, most white people aren't racist like you, that's why the majority of whites are democrat. Trump has no chance and you all know it, its why you post about it here everyday even though this is a known right wing board, just circle jerk each other to make your fear die down, but know this, he will lose, and your just gonna have to deal with it, cuck.

>> No.22848729
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oh, forgot this, take a look in the mirror for once.

>> No.22848745

it’s like I’m back in 2016 again

>> No.22848761

>kikes lose elections in 2016
>blame /pol for that
>invade it with paid supporters
>kikes still lose elections in 2020
here's your blackpill nigger

>> No.22848769

>Imagine still believing in polls lmfao
I never said anything about polls, faggot.

>most white people aren't racist like you
He's a Jew.

>> No.22848858

>believing they can come here and share (((their thoughts))) to influence people here
that's very funny, fucking antifa soiy BLM cucks