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22842469 No.22842469 [Reply] [Original]

Hi I just wanted to talk with someone about Lition. Anyone not doing anything either on this saturday night?

>> No.22842668
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Mike if you find this thread and decide to post in it, I just want to let you know that you're a cunt

>> No.22842726

It's over for Mike

>> No.22842793

Sure, fren. Do you think we get a mainnet announcement within the few days of q3 remaining? Seems like things are moving along nicely with phase 3 and all but communication has been poor

>> No.22842863

I think they won't say anything. But I also heard that the node testers from the first phase are going to get onboarded again but on another chain so maybe that is mainnet.

>> No.22843127
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All of Mike's fud is explained in this post. Any posts made by Mike after this point only expose him further as a mentally ill pathetic donkey brain cunt.
First on his favourite topic, litsentbymistake:
>Ok Craphu,
>You're ready for this?
>Picrelated shows that these are part of a two-piece transaction.
>First transaction is a transaction done with litsentbymistake function from one of the lition pool adresses followed immediately with a transaction of the same amount of createnewstake function to a different lition pool adress.
>It seems clear to me that the team just wanted to balance out their different staking pools so that they dont have one adress with 4 million LIT and another with just 500k LIT.
>Therefore all the adresses that you link to can be lition pool system transfer wallets.
>pic related

>I looked at this link and came to that conclusion: https://bloxy.info/functions/e440fd7a#

Every couple of months Mike will return to one of his favourite fuds that the total number of lits staked on the site do not match the totals in the wallets. The team have addressed this:
>Some of the tokens from the LPS contract have been moved to be vested in the LitionRegistry to run nodes. Eventually, it will all be vested to run nodes but we can't do that yet. This is where most of the discrepancy comes form between the "total staked" shown on the website and the amount you see in the LPS contract. There is also ~1 million tokens in the LPS Validator account.

A daily reminder that mikefrompakistan:
>is a mentally ill bipolar maniac who switches every few months between shilling and fudding
>was caught samefagging his own thread
>admitted to losing his money after mainnet failed and promised to "make Richard pay" by dedicating the rest of his life to fudding lition
>will repeatedly spam the same copy and pastes in every general
>cannot read and doesn't respond to questions
>quadrupled his stack but still only has 4,000 lits

>> No.22843152

I've decided to not get my hopes up. However I don't know why Mark would just lie and say that they're still on track if they're not.

>> No.22843211

Just a firendly reminder that mainnet delay is good for us gives everyone a chance to accumulate and if news gets out of a delay itll dip hard. You gotta be in lition for the long hall itll pay off its better hey delay and get mainnet right then rush it and fuck it up

>> No.22843224

We've had so long to accumulate. I'm ready for it to launch.

>> No.22843317

Fair enough m8 but im bein honest you gotta hold much longer i really dont see lit blowing up till end of 2021 maybe we hit ..5-6 sometime next summer not that id complain if it pulleda 10x overnight lol

>> No.22843333

I don't mind a dip. If it dips I'll buy more, if it doesn't dip I just hold.

>> No.22843378 [DELETED] 
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When you look around, the whole boards coming together now

Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?

>> No.22843397

Depends, if mainnet comes out we might also get a first announcement from SAP. Nobody knows about lit yet. Search "Lition" on r*ddit and you will see. We might get to 0.5$-1$ this year.

>> No.22843608

>im bein honest you gotta hold much longer i really dont see lit blowing up till end of 2021
That's because you think being conservative is being realistic. I don't think you actually understand why this project will be successful and how mainnet 2.0 will be a catalyst for that.

>> No.22843630
File: 61 KB, 1080x1208, Lition Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.22843790

Yes fuck releasing just because they targeted a number on a calendar just release when its 100% ready for real transactions

>> No.22843826

The only place people are actively talking about Lition is here. https://merv.tech/mentions

>> No.22844441

Only a fucking retard could read the whitepaper and do minimum research into lition and not grab a big old bag of it.... life changing event going to happen to the risk takers how hold steong over the next few years.... long term we could be living off our rewards within 3 years alone never mind the token price

>> No.22844467

*strong not steong

>> No.22844977

>a big old bag of it
what do you consider a big bag?

>> No.22845141

hope it goes up, I really need to dump my bags

>> No.22845162

>life changing event according to whitepaper
sure thing buddy, LITION is going to revolutionize the industry and the whole society with it, guaranteed thing, just buy and hodl

>> No.22845231

Let's play a drinking game.
Every post that either contains 'mike' or 'Richard' we need to drink.
If they contain both we all put a sharpie up our pooper and post.

>> No.22845255
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Yes friend, explain something to me.
So after anons shilling Lition I did some research, to my surprise, their website looks great, their partners, amazing, their product looks good, with already actual usecase in Germany with the energy thing and all.
BUT... something doesn't add up, whatsoever. Because if you look at the coin, its at 7m mcap, AND the coin has been here for way over a year. Now that raises a red flag for me. Amazing product with actual usecase? But coin doing incredibly shitty for over a year? You know what that tells me? It tells me that despite Lition being legit, and an amazing product and all, LIT is pure garbage, and probably completely irrelevant to their product.

So please tell me, why the fuck would I buy 'LIT'. And what indicator is there, that after 1.5 years of doing dogshit and not being valued according to the products value, that this will change in the nearby future?

>> No.22845319

You're right.
Don't buy it.
Price is too low.
Wait till it hits $1, then buy.

>> No.22845323

>why the fuck would I buy 'LIT'
Ouch I took a really hard fall on the bathroom floor! I tripped on a tennis ball and went flying head-first !The other side of the bathtub stopped me head first. All my 3 draw makeup stand flew everywhere! Broke my liquid foundation (it went everywhere), night renew cream and chipped my instant serum (huge mess),Thank God no bones were boken - just a little blood and hurting, could not pull my own self up though- but I am not alone and Lition was here to help me) precious little Lition help clean up the makeup!. thank you Lord ! I'm very sore everywhere , that's all! ! I need an x large heating pad , big as my body ! Wow, I've been wanting to go skating , but not in my bathroom ! God is so good! So now I need to sell those extra mascaras even more now to replace my broken makeup! PLEASE don't forget my mascara Challenge and go ahead and get some mascara for you and for a friend today! You'll love it

>> No.22845380

Im asking legitimate questions here guys, in front of you is an actual person you reached with your shilling and is interested in the product. You dont have to be cunts about it because I dont immediately fall as much in love with the coin like you do.
All I want to know is if my money wont rot away on this coin doing absolutely nothing. So Ill ask again, what will change in the nearby future that will break the coins trend of the past 1.5 years

>> No.22845400

Thank you for your service.

>> No.22845429

You know what else was doing incredibly shitty for over a year... Link look were it is now

>> No.22845448

Ok, irrelevant but ok. Why cant nobody answer my fucking question

>> No.22845484

Because they can’t. It’s getting harder and harder to find actual content that isn’t bullshit schilling on Biz.

>> No.22845505

>All I want to know is if my money wont rot away
we live in a clown world and no one of us can predict the future
>you reached with your shilling
I'm just here so I don't get fined
>and is interested in the product
bro, we don't have anything to gain by you buying the coin.

I have 80k of which 50k are staked, I currently make around 37 additional LIT per day that way.
I don't believe that your money would rot away as I personally think $1 will be reached within the next year. I did buy the coin because I actually get my energy from Lition.

>> No.22845515

People are annoyed by questions like these because it stems from complete ignorance about the project and 5 minutes of research. The reason why the price has been shit for the past year is because they failed to launch a "mainnet" last year. The mainnet is a catalyst for their multiple use cases, and should be launching any week now. Without a "mainnet" the token won't be used anywhere near to its full capacity. Lition is also so much more than just for Lition Energy.

Please don't buy. We have enough idiots here as it is.

>> No.22845600

Why would I do a bunch of research if I can ask the people in this thread that know literally everything about the coin and can tell me, isnt that why you're here, to discuss the coin? I swear, coin elitists are the fucking worst. You niggers sound like you think you're fucking masterminds for getting into this coin while nobody else is, and thus treat everybody else like they're complete morons. Such cancer.
Please, stay contained in a Discord or Subreddit or something if you act like this.

>> No.22845624

How is it irrelevant, a good project might take time to moon also when it gets listed on big exchanges
i dont expected to be worth anything less than 1$

>> No.22845676

>Why would I do a bunch of research if I can ask the people in this thread that know literally everything about the coin and can tell me, isnt that why you're here, to discuss the coin?
No that's what the telegram is for. And we're here to discuss amongst ourselves and not to spoonfeed people who can't be bothered to do the absolute bare minimum level of research. Do you have any idea how many people like you there are? In every thread we have people like you and expect to be spoonfed. We're not shills. We don't care about convincing people buying our token.

>> No.22845683

Holy shit, you are a newfag. And an entitled one as well. Do your research or fuck off to your safe space. This is not an official forum of the coin, it's a 4chan board.

>> No.22845701

We’re not selling you Jew now leave here be gone this is not for you

>> No.22845711

You read for 2 minutes, came in here, posted that LIT was useless and then demanded that people correct you and answer your questions. No I'm not going respond positively to that.

>> No.22845769

Triggered coin elitists mad because of a legitimate question being asked about their shitcoin. Forget it, if your community is this cancerous it tells me enough about your coin. Go jerk each other off on your little discord or subreddit.
Stay forever sub-10m mcap, losers.

>> No.22845794

Thanks for the screenshot.

>> No.22845805


Alright i will boil it down

>Main net failed last year, they fixed it and are about to roll out
>Only on idex and uniswap so low liquidity
>Team doesnt advertise it much

thats all you get

>> No.22845843

Also it's not a "legitimate question". It's something that would be answered yourself if read for more than 5 minutes. Don't demand to be spoonfed if you can't be bothered to do any research yourself. That's literally the issue here.

>> No.22845866

>mad because of a legitimate question
Mad because you're a lazy POS bro
>if your community is this cancerous it tells me enough about your coin
Who cares about a "community" for an investment? Do you want to make money or find new friends to play rocket league with?
What about the community that invests in a traditional banking savings account LMAO
>Stay forever sub-10m mcap, losers
We might, and there is nothing you or your $200 can change about it

>> No.22845906
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>> No.22845912

What even is your question?
>why is the price so low?
Yeah because mainnet got bugged and we're waiting on mainnet 2.0 also there's no stupid hype shit going on because by all looks of it this is a legit project where people are thinking about how to make the project fullfill its goals instead of how can we get people to believe we'll actually achieve something so they will buy our token that is not needed.

>> No.22845931

Hohe fünf Bruder!

>> No.22845940

opinion discarded.

>> No.22845994
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I asked questions when i first took part in LITGEN back in April. The reason why LIT hasn't taken off in price is due to two things. 1) They failed the release of their mainnet late last year. This caused them to work on it in 2020 but mainnet looks primed and ready to be released very soon (though lets be real, it will probably be early Q4, possibly October). And 2) Poor communication from the team. This is actually my biggest problem with the team. They sold a bunch of ecosystem tokens (which was planned from the beginning, this is no secret) but in an attempt to lose the faith of their community by leading us to think they were dumping they tried to hide it - which in turn, made it look like they were dumping. This fact along side a huge fud campaign from a specific namefag caused a anons to not invest, or holders to sell their tokens once their staking contract expired. You'll be able to pinpoint all the things i mentioned above by look at the 1Y chart

That said, the FA is absolutely solid and the potential is huge. With a market cap of £5,689,178 (Anglo Money cause i'm a based Euro) which is ranked Rank #418 on coingeicko, it could be argued that this is the biggest hidden gem on /biz/.. and completely hidden on all other forums.

Not sure why everyone is being a dick to you asking questions. Us Litlers always seem to be inclusive, and that's a major reason why i invested in the first place

Have a read through what i posted and feel free to ask questions and i'll try my best to answer. Just don't tell Reddit.... yet (if ever)

Oh and one last thing


>> No.22846010

Cope, any legitimate project that has their coin out for over a year is way over 10m mcap lmao, your coin is garbage, seeing how triggered you losers get when somebody asks about why the price is so low tells me enough. Youre in too deep so you have no other option than to delude yourself. Its like confronting a heroin addict. I think I just found the coin with the most pathetic bagholders, I thought it was XRP at first but you guys take the cake.
Have a nice day and I hope none of you ever make it.

>> No.22846039

Thanks, you're the only decent guy in this entire thread, I hope you make it, the rest of you, choke on a nigger dick

>> No.22846226
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We're only "assholes" to you because you came here and authoritatively talked about a project that you clearly know nothing about. At the end of the day, we'll be rich assholes and you'll be a poor idiot.

>> No.22846279

already made 10k LIT from few months of staking bros

>> No.22846473


>> No.22846496

Another reason why there isn't a lot of talk around this coin is that it's really not that "special". If you read the whitepaper, it's lacking a lot of the fancy buzzwords, and they are not promising much. However, to my knowledge, it's the only layer 2 that's being built with the intent to comply to eu legislation, which is pretty fucking important if we ever want to see crypto adopted.

>> No.22846594
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In laymans terms it allows EU (+UK) GDPR legally compliant countries to adopt the Ethereum blockchain due to it's public/private and deletable features. As of now Lition is the bridge between blockchain and EU nation states which 446 million people live within.

>> No.22846648

Sorry just felt the need to shittalk back after u guys were being rude cunts. I just bought a stack, thanks niggers, Im now a part of your community, enjoy.

>> No.22846737
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You aswell, fren!

>> No.22847247

Mainnet will almost certainly be delayed again. That's not a good look in anyone's book, given that they failed to deliver before.

Fug me, /lit/lers, I was hoping this shit would take off.

>> No.22847395

We got another one, lads!

>> No.22847473

A delay wouldn't matter if they would just tell us. But based off of what Smilex has implied it might be launching very soon.

>> No.22847578

I frankly dont care if they delay, the testnet seems to be working rather well so we will probably see mainnet this year anyway