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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22842289 No.22842289 [Reply] [Original]

They saved your asses from a rug
They have Wolf and his entire team backing them
They have the YFMS community behind them
They can actually code

>> No.22842372

I’m waiting for the presale for one

>> No.22842385

I can't one from the other. And therefore I'm out.

>> No.22842478

Everyone hated them at first now they are heroes. lmao, the state of crypto. You can't make this shit up

>> No.22842786

Thats cause the average investor is an idiot, it was so obvious a blind monkey could tell yfmoonbeam was legit. They have actual smart contracts and a github, and a well built website

>> No.22842902


Real devs real project, we need more shit like this in crypto. Scams will kill our industry

>> No.22842976

they saved people ethereum so ill be supporting their sale

>> No.22842978

Honestly I didn't even bother looking into them at first after the Beam incident. This while thing has completely changed my perspective on them.

>> No.22843039

YFmoonbeam part of the same scam ring, including Commander Luna of YFMS

ITT: telegram P&Ders

>> No.22843130

Then why did they help expose gamma?

>> No.22843366
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Thank you MoonBeam and everyone else who exposed the scammers

>> No.22843680

Understandable. From what I see the fundamentals behind them are legit but the timing and name really cucked them. Hopefully this whole incident will help clear their name

>> No.22843712


You are on another level of cope man, damn

>> No.22843752

Sweet, I was gonna throw 2 ETH in this and 5 ETH in YFMB but now I can just throw 7 ETH into that instead. Sure looks like this one spectacularly failed.

>> No.22843787
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Will hodl YFMS and YFMB both as a whale, and not planning to sell.

One big issue DeFi has is a big amount of newbie Whales, they got lucky on a Project, but dont really understand in which projects its more profitable to hodl and in which you better swing/sell early.

They gonna run out of money soon enough. Usually sell with huge losses, just to dump the price kek, and get frustrated if the dip gets bought up right away.

>> No.22843817
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The yfms devs and yfmoonbean devs worked together to uncover this scam. Enough said.

>> No.22843834


Cant wait for a Collab between these two. Huge Community

>> No.22843894

i wish i had more eth to throw in for the yfmoonbean presale on monday they earned the respect of the yfms community.

>> No.22844045

BASED i was already in, but now i will buy more

>> No.22844141

It's really good to see devs from different projects coming together to remove these scumbags who can't even code a website. Shows there is hope for the crypto space

>> No.22844782

Good to see

>> No.22845084

Can I join your whale group?

>> No.22845102


exactly why im investing

YFMS did a 3x on launch

>> No.22845503

Ya, I wish I got in on that one. Even now the price seems pretty stable which is rare for a YCoin

>> No.22845803

Damn nigga you making me bullish

>> No.22846020

These screenshots were made by anons and are taken directly from YF Gamma threads on /biz/. They didn't audit shit. This is just a scam trying to take credit for exposing another scam in order to make itself look legitimate. And now they are using the same Pajeet shilling tactics. SCAM.

>> No.22846164
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Paid shills.

We now know that this scam team is involved with:
YF Beam
YF Moon Beam
YF Moon Shot
YF Gamma

These are all scams created by the same team or by several scam teams working in cooperation. DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY.


You have been warned.

>> No.22846185

All coins are made by one Indian dude.

>> No.22846217

Already bought YFMS and im definitely buying YFmoonbeam just because I know they are legit.

>> No.22846227

>25 replies
>18 single IDs

yep, totally does not reek like paid pajeet shilling and they totally wont dump their free tokens on presale buyers

totally not the same scammers behind MYFI, YMAX, YFBM and now this

totally legit same posts in every shill thread

>> No.22846393
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And now for some evidence. Pic related is the original screencap taken by me and posted in a YF Gamma thread 2 days before YF Moonshot took credit for exposing Gamma using screencaps posted by me and other anons.

>> No.22846441

Did anyone say you didn't take that picture? We all saw you spam it literally everywhere. Why is it an issue YSMS double checked it and posted it so more people would see?

>> No.22846488
File: 722 KB, 1414x957, scamvsscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is YF Moonshot using the same exact image to 'expose' YF Gamma 2 days later. You have to ask yourself: If they did the work to audit YF Gamma as they claimed, why did they use screencaps posted by biztards in YF Gamma threads 2 days beforehand as evidence instead of their own findings?

>> No.22846513

Yf moonshot is also a scam. These are all useless fucking scams. God I hate crypto.

>> No.22846528

Now the YF Gamma shill threads are being phased out for YF Moonshot shill threads filled with samefags. DYOR.

>> No.22846613

YFMS is one of the few YCoins that hasn't rug pulled. I don't think not given a biztard credit for a screenshot is evidence that it is a scam.

>> No.22846705


Bro you make no sense, go grab that Tinfoil hat

They are comparing YFbeams wordpress code with YFGammas wordpress code, are you really retarded or do you just pretend to be?

You realize that YFMS & YFMB have both allready been audited and their codes are open on GitHub?


>> No.22846783

>Bro you make no sense, go grab that Tinfoil hat
We got these same replies in YF Gamma threads.
>They are comparing YFbeams wordpress code with YFGammas wordpress code
No, they took a screenshot from an anon in a YF Gamma thread that compared the code. Check the archives. What were they doing in YF Gamma threads on biz? Why didn't they post their own evidence?

>> No.22846800

You are complete idiot.... that WHOIS shit is easy for anyone to expose, so what if they borrowed the screencaps after they confirmed it themselves? They probably just said fuck it, why bother making new screenshots when two already exist

>> No.22846821

So what? If they went on WHOIS and took screenshots themselves it would be "more legit?" Its the same fucking thing you fucktard

>> No.22846824

>so what if they borrowed the screencaps after they confirmed it themselves?
Borrowed from a random 4chan thread that had already 404'd?

>> No.22846832

At this point I dont even feel sorry for people for fall for these scammers with their identical 5 scamcoins

>> No.22846837

wow inspect element UR A SICK HACKER DUDE

>> No.22846874
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>> No.22846910

That's the point. If they researched it themselves, why did they post some low effort screencap from 4chan that admittedly doesn't prove anything for certain, just raises some suspicion, as their evidence?

>> No.22846936

And Chico shilled HATCH. What is your point?

>> No.22847014


You know you can view archived threads right

Plus it's likely someone sent them the screenshots in advance telling them to investigate and after they confirmed they just used the screanshots they already had.

I don't understand what you are trying to say

>> No.22847048
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So its obvious you are just trying to Fud to get YFMS at a cheaper Price, well honestly it's clear that they both are legit and you just make yourself look really stupid.

>but, but, but screenshot from 4chan

let me guess, you got rugpulled on some $RANDOMFOOD token and lost all your money. This is your way of coping i guess.

If you really want to make it, go wage and try again, or invest into stocks/BTC and other normie shit, since you clearly have the brainpower of an old rusty duracell battery.
FUD will not get you anywhere, besides making you look dumb

>> No.22847616


>> No.22847743

Many poor souls have been lost in the Uni Casino

>> No.22848105

Chico is probably the biggest retard of the influencers though

>> No.22848535
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How do they even do it?

>> No.22848581

take your meds

>> No.22848949

Gonna move big

>> No.22849486

I honestly think its just a mentally ill kid hyped off of being right about one scam and now he wants to keep connecting dots that just simply aren't there