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22841937 No.22841937 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good career left that doesn't involve coding?

>> No.22841959

Buy some knee pads

>> No.22841965

just do what you enjoy retard obviously its easier to be successful in practical disciplines like trades or programming etc but it doesn't mean its impossible to do what you enjoy.

try to strike a balance of practicality and what you enjoy.
good luck

>> No.22842077

Creating work for coders is one option that comes to mind lol.

I'm just looking to transition into entrepreneurship from software engineering at this point, since you capture all of the value created and many things are less gatekept than ever.

Want to report on the news? Skip wagecucking for channel 69 news and get an audio/video setup to post or stream to youtube.

Wanted to be on the radio? Start podcasting today.

Part of my strategy is going to be leaving the US to go somewhere where it is cheaper to live (i.e. more runway) AND easier to get started if the business is in-person. My eyes are on Vietnam and I plan to get there next year, assuming they re-open.

The people of Vietnam are extremely entrepreneurial, which helps a lot. You're going to find young people excited to try something new and take risk. It's not going to be the US mentality where everyone just wants a job to subsist on, while being distracted with weed and tinder hookups. Men and women in Vietnam are natural hustlers. Regulation is low and talent is available at competitive rates.

An example I often cite when explaining the job situation to people is that EMTs are doing obviously valuable work, but someone else has tapped nearly all of the value out of it and they're left with something like $10/hour. It's trash.

>> No.22842096

literally none of the good careers involve coding what are you talking about
coding is fucking sub 50 iq pajeet nigger tranny work

>> No.22842145

>literally none of the good careers involve coding what are you talking about
lol wut?

I made a button do an API call this week, took a bunch of naps, read fantasy lore, hung out with my friend that also works at the same company and we watched youtube/took naps/got lunch.

170-230k remote.

I'm sure you'll have some niche counterexample that is better, but a lot of people would consider this pretty good.

>> No.22842152

Have you actually given a single productive thought about starting a business in Vietnam?
didn’t surprise me reading this

>> No.22842166

Thats pretty good not gonna lie
But I prefer my SaaS AE gig, lots more work compared to you to be sure

But the pay is incomparable. And in a few years once my book is filled out even more, its gonna be as passive as yours. Just imagine triple the money

>> No.22842169

you will be replaced by niggers soon enough who do your work for 1 dollar an hour

>> No.22842194

>Have you actually given a single productive thought about starting a business in Vietnam?
Sorry I'm not sure what you're asking for, but you sound pretty hostile.

If you're asking about what the first steps would be, I can provide more thoughts. My goal in that post was to describe the general ecosystem and mindset of the people.

>> No.22842202

Engineering, and regulatory market compliance. Best in combination. First to know about stuff, second to tie it to how it is marketed, and together to consult people for horrific sums to make a great living with comparedly low work effort as soon as you're up and running. It took me 10 years, but now I can make in a day, what I made in a month.

>> No.22842221

Truck driving has some good niche markets that can pay 120k a year or more. Equipment operators like bulldozers, excavators etc is another good choice.
Learn to weld. Learn to frame a wall and build a shed. Progress up to building houses. There's many good choices

>> No.22842222

post paystub

>inb4 some excuse

>> No.22842243

>you will be replaced by niggers soon enough who do your work for 1 dollar an hour
Cool. Good thing I'm on track to be a millionaire and out before that happens.

This offshoring/replacement fear mongering is older than modern software engineering at this point. People don't want to code, because they can live fine (to them) lives doing something they perceive-and perhaps is-easier.

>> No.22842271

>People don't want to code, because they can live fine (to them) lives doing something they perceive-and perhaps is-easier.
lets not pretend coding is hard or requires more than 42 braincells

>> No.22842274

Most niggers don't even know how to turn a computer on, retard. Top quality work = top quality wages. No one is paying top dollar for some average African to code for them

>> No.22842296

>Progress up to building houses
I've heard good things about flipping houses before, it's kinda hard to get in because you need a lot of money to get started, but once you get things going it can be p comfy. I wouldn't mind being a house flipper if I wasn't a cripple and didn't already have a devops job where I basically work one day a week

>> No.22842317

>just start a podcast, bro

>> No.22842319
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>post paystub
Here's my sign-on bonus

>> No.22842323

By asians for $3 an hour. Let's not get carried away here.

>> No.22842339

coding is a shit career its all about h1b subhumans and women now. soul crushing

>> No.22842345

Corporate accounting is still pretty comfy and pays well. Lots of opportunities to advance to higher levels. As long as you can tolerate working with women.

>> No.22842373

>lets not pretend coding is hard or requires more than 42 braincells
aight. have a good one lol

>> No.22842390

What's your experience with professional software development? What qualifies as difficult to you?

>> No.22842403

Considering the field is littered with pajeets, niggers, women, trannies, onions chugging marvel fanatics I dont think anybody can argue otherwise

>> No.22842414

I am learning c++ now it's hard asf but I like it. Hoping to do so embedded software studies soon

>> No.22842416

Literally any physical trade because the whole world has turned into lazy cunts

>> No.22842490

>Considering the field is littered with pajeets, niggers, women, trannies, onions chugging marvel fanatics I dont think anybody can argue otherwise
Sorry this just indicates a lack of experience with corporate software development. In a company, you're going to have a handful of people actually driving development and a bunch of people resting and vesting.

i.e. there can be a ton of low IQ deadweight and a few guys building the thing.

What that means is that presence of idiots doesn't mean they are the ones doing the work. Nothing you've mentioned is a counterexample to what I've said.

>> No.22842521

Also, I want to see $10-20k paystubs before anyone acts like they have authority on SWE here.

Feels like a bunch of NEET faggots are acting like they know what is going on outside of their box.

>> No.22842525

If a low IQ deadweight tranny can get hired and keep its job what does that say about the expectations for the kind of people who are expected to work in your field

>> No.22842567

>If a low IQ deadweight tranny can get hired and keep its job what does that say about the expectations for the kind of people who are expected to work in your field
It doesn't say anything.

Tech companies print money and can effectively run a pair programming welfare programming. Throwing random people or entities on payroll does now imply anything about others on payroll. Perhaps I'm missing something that you are seeing?

>> No.22842579

> Just start a pod cast bro
> Goto Vietnam, I'm not a citizen in a country that hates me but sure it works out bro.

>> No.22842578

welfare program*

>> No.22842607

I was in another codemonkey thread. My TC is 190k.

>> No.22842631

Nobody wants to know whats going on inside the wagie box.

>> No.22842643

>I was in another codemonkey thread. My TC is 190k.
Ya you seem to have levelheaded takes. Respect

>> No.22842758

imagine being this stupid. clearly you’ve never been on a real enterprise scale software project before. these things are monstrosities and I’m quite sure most retards cannot easily find there way here. even if they did they couldn’t even touch a piece of it, not everything is some dumb nodejs wordpress meme webapp

>> No.22842785

>Nobody wants to know whats going on inside the wagie box.
Oh my luxury apartment?

Naps, bong rips, hitting the pool, shitposting, trading, pullups, playing with animals, baking tendies, among other things.

You at least confirm the ignorance though. I can respect honesty

>Goto Vietnam, I'm not a citizen in a country that hates me but sure it works out bro.
You don't have to be. $120 gets you a 1 year multientry business visa and Vietnamese people are super friendly. Zero research before quitting? ngmi

At this point, I know you're just a mentally ill troll though. I'd recommend therapy and not that fake shit that people do to get on SSI payments.

>> No.22842821

lol considering you have a "luxury apartment" its pretty pathetic you still need to come to /biz/ to fucking brag about your "achievements"
either dumb nigger larp or extremely insecure lonely faggot either way, fucking pathetic

>> No.22842833

Just be "Product Manager" chad in charge of coders. Easy to get those jobs at FAANG right? Passing the buck is an artform.

>> No.22842889

>its pretty pathetic you still need to come to /biz/ to fucking brag about your "achievements"
Total strawman. I came in and offered advice. Didn't get into pay or anything else until attacked/requested.

What you have offered this thread aside from REEEing like an adult child?

>> No.22842891


>> No.22843035

>Just be "Product Manager" chad in charge of coders. Easy to get those jobs at FAANG right? Passing the buck is an artform.
Exactly. Get yourself into a work creation instead of a work doer role.

It's unfortunate, but companies hire way more work creators/watchers than doers.

>> No.22843486

no dude, get on the wave stop trying to fight it

>> No.22843513


cope, go to levels.fyi and cry about your retarded life choices

>> No.22843531

>lets not pretend coding is hard
how much do you make then anon since you're apparently a genius

>> No.22843540

Accounting for a pussy like you. Get to do work and shut the fuvk up

>> No.22843562

based, fuck these pussies bro, successful engineers literally come here and give advice and these dumbass unmotivated neets just cry and scream larp because they don't want to admit they fucked their lives up

>> No.22843571

Americans are actually retarded

>> No.22843578

Which career is that specifically?

>> No.22843597

software engineering

>> No.22843621

>Naps, bong rips, hitting the pool, shitposting, trading, pullups, playing with animals, baking tendies, among other things.
outside of the pool which is a fucking useless luxury, you don't need to wage for any of that, you retarded ass stoner.

>> No.22843660

>you don't need to wage for any of that
yeah just go live in the forest and build a house and hunt animals for the rest of your life

do you think before you type

>> No.22843682


>> No.22843713

whats the best IT field for a jerb right now?
every decent job ad here is about some software related shit
as an econ business admin grad Im completely fucked (neet) and need to learn a decent skill
any decent books out there for starters?

>> No.22843830

Unironically welding.. but the high end stuff.

Work 3 or four 12 hr days a week for 80k a yr and my jobs have way more time than I need so I chill and watch youtube half the time.

>> No.22844439

>outside of the pool which is a fucking useless luxury, you don't need to wage for any of that, you retarded ass stoner.
You think I would risk doxxing myself by listing my more unique qualities? I've offered a lot of info on myself in this thread already.

Y'all are consistently able to point out and isolate the weakest parts of an argument or person's being while conveniently ignoring everything else. That's what is truly pathetic

Bitches love pools btw

>> No.22844461

Air Traffic is fun as fuck, make 6 figures and work maybe 4 hours a day wearing jeans. Still staring at a computer if you do radar tho. Do tower if you wanna stay outside and look out a window.

>> No.22844535

what kind of companies should I apply to that would support your kind of arrangement?

and what languages/areas should I focus on?

>> No.22844688

What career path or companies should I look into for good progression? I want to advance into 150-200k territory but cannot get into FAANG for the life of me

>> No.22844710

dude you're doing great. Im a machine learning engineer and for my EU standards I'm paid great. But fuck man USA salaries are something else. Here you get around 80k euro max for a well paying senior SWE position

>> No.22844754

Going to take some looking around and maybe a year or two of doing more work, but get yourself into a large company where the product is already made and bringing in millions.

Look for the kinds of places hiring 10+ heads, even after adding you. That's a sign that they can't hire fast enough and will probably only cut you if you are truly net negative.

Look into "woke" companies, but not too woke (not FAANG or based in SF). Try to go a tier or two below FAANG. You'll still make 170k+ at a non-FAANG with skill and experience. The perks being the lower expectations, more perks such as remote work even without a pandemic (although remote may become more common in FAANG now that they are actually trying it out). The kind that are desperate to hire women.

Recently acquired companies can be good for a rest and vest, as the founders are likely just trying to do the same. Their goals may be to just keep the thing running and pump a few metrics. That's all they need from their team when their company got bought for billions already.

Watch silicon valley and know that Big Head in season 1 is not that far of an exagerration from reality.

Most SWE gigs are shit because the job will essentially be the equivalent of me offering a surgeon 60k/year. Should any self-respecting surgeon take that just because my offer came in first and easiest? Surely not. Anyone can make any offer and compensation is seemingly not that correlated with effort/amount of work.

>> No.22844805

>But fuck man USA salaries are something else. Here you get around 80k euro max for a well paying senior SWE position
Thanks man! I know that the EU tops out so low for SWE. It's such a more "regular job" tier gig in the rest of the world.

That's part of why I'm trying to get in and out while the getting is good. Make hay when the sun shines and all that. If things turn south for the industry, I won't mind getting into doing something else if I've already stacked 200-800k. At that point, I'll probably optomize for fun/entrepreneurship

>> No.22844811

thanks for the advice.

>> No.22844839

I'm starting an electrical engineering degree in two days?
Will i make it?

>> No.22844871

what language you work in? I work a lot with c++/python and I'm actually thinking of moving into SWE from MLE as I feel it has more future prospects.

>> No.22844904

>What career path or companies should I look into for good progression? I want to advance into 150-200k territory but cannot get into FAANG for the life of me
Go a tier down from FAANG. Think Salesforce, Cisco, Verizon, SAP, Intel, IBM, Intuit, Ebay, paypal, braintree, adobe, oracle or the kinds of companies that FAANG and these big boys purchase.

FAANG has the money to take all of the talent, so everyone else below them should

1: be starving for talent and
2: be asking easier questions. People that can answer FAANG questions (most of the time) don't work non-FAANG gigs, so these companies need to make their questions easier in order to hire. That or they're delusional.

Side question: Is this info useful? If my thoughts are useful, I might consider starting a tech youtube channel.

>> No.22844934

I work at a certain FAANG doing an extremely comfy job that requires no coding. It’s not HR or sales either, I actually create something. I suggest studying architecture or industrial design if you’re at all creative

>> No.22845003

A lot of .yml engineering. Also Python.

I got into SRE. Think AWS/terraform/docker/CICD/metrics collection/working outages/setting up alerting/capacity management (tons of places don't autoscale)

A lot of people don't look to get into SRE/devops, so there's even less people doing it. They all want to write feature code as a standard SWE.

Also a great way to get into architecture, as we're often looking at how the all of the company's projects fit together and become "the system".

>> No.22845032

Is there a reason you are being vague about what the role is? If your title would potentially doxx you, I don't think there exists enough of the position to be a realistic piece of advice

Still an interesting comment in either case, just potentially not a path to shoot for.

>> No.22845037

based, good advice for any anons trying to get into tech

>> No.22845045

if you dont care about making too much money, kitchen management is pretty fun
hang out with sluts, expected to be drunk at work, lots of access to drugs, become social butterfly

>> No.22845076

it's useful, thanks for the list of companies and suggestions

>> No.22845111

Yeah I might be acting paranoid but it could be doxxable as there’s not that many of us doing what I do in the marquee Silicon Valley companies. But my point is people don’t “have” to study CS and go through that meat grinder to be successful like a lot of people here seem to say.

>> No.22845138

You could easily find work in my field in tons of other places outside the immediate tech world and be just fine though

>> No.22845149

For sure. You at least contribute a data point that proves existence of alternatives.

I was just trying to see if we could drill down to the specifics and the commonality.

>> No.22845179

arent they notorious for having high rates of suicide/alcoholism which is why they have to pay so much

>> No.22845191

how does anyone believe your obvious bullshit lmfao, some random 4chan retard is not getting payed anywhere neat 200k to code. People on here are so gullible.

>> No.22845216

It's because of the sample size. Because it's a specialized field that only needs like 13k people country-wide, it's going to have skewed numbers.
Most people I work with are chill af. Feels more blue collar than white a lot of the time.

>> No.22845254

>arent they notorious for having high rates of suicide/alcoholism which is why they have to pay so much
Not sure, but let's note the downsides: shift work, never going to start your own ATC business, your physical location is largely out of your control, no remote work, pay gets very decent quickly but doesn't seem to go much further, some of the main benefits are retirement and therefore years of service based. i.e. you lose them if you quit on the career early, even if you hate it.

>> No.22845292

yeah was actually thinking of getting into data engineering as well but I would probably take a few cuts from my senior MLE position to a more junior one

>> No.22845328

>how does anyone believe your obvious bullshit lmfao, some random 4chan retard is not getting payed anywhere neat 200k to code
You can believe it or not, my man. If I could make a bet against you being wrong and actually collect, I would.

Some of us are way higher functioning autists than you could imagine. I have a friend in his early 20s that has a good mouthpiece on him. He talked his way into a being a director at a low tier company. It was a shitty company (culturally; pay was over 200k and checks cleared), but it happened and it would sound fake unless you witnessed it.

>> No.22845354

I'd like to hear more about your work, could you go into more detail? I'm working at a startup that's very specialized but I'm finding myself becoming the devops/cloud guy out of all the devs and I'm really liking it

>> No.22845387

I'm not really in a position to provide the broad overview, but could point you to the Google SRE book, that is free online. https://landing.google.com/sre/sre-book/toc/index.html

Google basically invented the SRE role in the 2000s.

>> No.22845406

Classic and based

>> No.22845421

stay mad midwest faggot, this is the real world now, sorry you missed out


>> No.22845444

To add some specifics though, think of how you would write infrastructure as code (cloud formation/terraform/etc) or configure kubernetes to set up all of your infra in a highly available fashion.

Maybe configure Spinnaker to do push-button deploys. Note that most of use are not writing spinnaker, but leveraging this tool that netflix open sourced.

How do you know when your 24/7 service is down? Who do the alarms go to? Can we automate any of the fixes so we wake people up less?

>> No.22845454

i didn't know this existed op, will check it out. i'm a swe at faang but it's always nice to learn a bit about other stuff

>> No.22845486

Most ATC people have side stuff they do on their breaks. The shift work isn't bad, you avoid traffic and other shit that fucks with commutes. Also locations are nice, because the gov't likes to build on cheap land so the big moneymaking places (TRACONs/Centers) are located a fair bit from most cities.
It has it's downsides and retirement is at 56 but salary goes well over $200k when you factor in holidays, night pay, sunday pay, overtime, etc.

>> No.22845521

i'm teaching myself html/css/react. how many years experience before i can make $170k?

>> No.22845536

Depending on the FAANG you are at, the title can differ. Facebook calls this production engineering.

SRE/devops titles get thrown around a lot. It's better to inquire or look at (if you can) the nature of the work to be done. It can often times devolve into an operational or sysadmin role, which isn't really what SRE should be.

50% is what that book prescribes as what the ceiling of time spent on non-project work (alerts, outages, "operations", menial tasks). Project work should be 50%+ and help reduce man-hours thrown at alerts, toil, tasks with short-term, non-enduring value.

A well setup system can be up 24/7, alert once a month and be chill to work on.

>> No.22845553

i knew the role existed, i meant i didn't know the bible did :)

>> No.22845559

I'm glad you listed out all the pros! All of those downsides and upsdies should be measured against what ones values of course.

e.g. For you, shift work can even be seen as a positive. Others really dislike it

>> No.22845658

>i'm teaching myself html/css/react. how many years experience before i can make $170k?
I might estimate 0-3. 0 if you get into FAANG perhaps. More realistically you could do a year at closer to $60-90k to build some resume bullets and then upgrade massively to a tier 2-4 company. Don't stay stuck at the low salary for long or preferably just avoid it, if you can get the right interviews and pass.

Having a year at a startup where I had heavy involvement in building the product and getting it out the door helped.

I'm not as familiar with frontend paybands, but if a company is hiring for react and is on levels.fyi, I'd expect comp to be in-band for the level you come in as.

Have a high tolerance of failure while interviewing. The best engineers I know still get rejects, but you only need 1 win.

>> No.22845715

>The best engineers I know still get rejects, but you only need 1 win.
can confirm, anons trying to apply need to apply everywhere and be ruthless, then when you get an interview be ruthless about picking (unless truly desperate) and making sure you can grow where you go

>> No.22845723

The only career for generational wealth is entrepreneur. Even if you're a doctor making 400k and saving 200k/yr, you won't hit 10mil by retirement.

>> No.22845739

It depends 100% on the place you end up. My starting facility had straight lines (5 days, 5 nights, 5 midnights) and they rotated. It's also very easy to swap with people, and if you find someone on your day off line who likes dayshifts, you can usually swap and keep yourself on straight nighttime/midnights. Or whatever you like really.
Current place does something called a rattler, you do two nights, 1 swing, then 2 days. Makes the weekend longer. I don't care for it as much however, nightshifts end at 10pm, dayshifts start at 7 or 8 depending. I usually swap to the 8AMs with people who like dayshifts so I get the extra sleep.
YMMV depending on where you end up. Finding location isn't as bad as you think, it's the first placement that can be horribly random. After you certify and finish probation (1 year) you can bid anywhere in the country.

>> No.22845740


Unless you throw one year into pnk

>> No.22845860

Funny how a thread on avoiding coding careers turned into a discussion on pursuing software roles.

>> No.22845889

>Funny how a thread on avoiding coding careers turned into a discussion on pursuing software roles.
The initial question was answered, to the tune of little engagement and then the software talk started, with much more engagement

>> No.22845897


But seriously, I'm making 100k Truck Driving. Extremely underrated career choice especially for a non-social incel that 99% of 4chan is composed of.

>> No.22846036


Lucky fucking bastard.

>> No.22846053

id be too scared of crashing while backing up the trailer

>> No.22846081

>Lucky fucking bastard.
Ya there's a huge luck component. My narcissistic family system upbringing helped teach me finessing as a survival skill.

>> No.22846115

>id be too scared of crashing while backing up the trailer
Valid fear. I feel like you would surely learn proper technique to reliably not do this, in CDL training, but idk!

>> No.22846119

>Air Traffic is fun as fuck
How did you get yours? Awhile back I looked for this because I read you only needed a HS degree (I have a shit college degree). But the field was competitive and many of the jobs on indeed said you needed a bunch of qualifications.

>> No.22846146

Dude, if 3rd world retards can do it, so can you. Plus, you have ALL the time in the world to make that backing. If your set-up isn't great, turn around and try again....

After some practice, you'll back a trailer like you're not even looking.

I was scared of backing a trailer in the past...now I can back a trailer at 15mph, no problem.

>> No.22846156

t. coping neet who makes 0 money but only works 5hr/week less than compsci chad

How do I get a job like yours man? My career goal would actually be to work in venture capital but I imagine you have to start by networking in tech.

>> No.22846206


Eh, only now I'm starting to really grasp and do what you call "finessing".

That's an unbeliveable amount of money, here I am in the EU working as an ML engineer and getting payed 35k € (gross) per year and I'm wearing all kinds of hats at the moment...

>> No.22846240


Oh you're in SRE, that kinda explains your situation. Yeah, you're totally right that it's kinda overlooked compared to overhyped shit like data science.

>> No.22846290

When they do open season, you can take a 7+ hour aptitude and psych eval. If you pass that, then you need a physical with an EKG and a complete medical history (lotsa stuff can disqual you). Also a criminal bg check.
Get through all that, then you have an interview, then some more administrative shit, then you wait 6 months to a year for the next set of classes at the academy to start. Then you go there and it's pass fail.
Pass that, you start making about 56k/year, and get sent to one of the facilities they need people at, and you need to certify there to get your raises (depends on location and facility difficulty) and finally you're certified and can go anywhere you want.
It's about a 2-3 year long process, but when you're done you're making six figures, have a job that doesn't follow you home, and a lot of movement both within and outside of the FAA. A lot of controllers get contract jobs with private companies if they play their cards right and make more money retired with a pension than before.

>> No.22846300

>How do I get a job like yours man? My career goal would actually be to work in venture capital but I imagine you have to start by networking in tech.
I had advice on this earlier in the thread. Basic formula is to get to a somewhat top tier company (tier 2-4), by any means necessary, although some tier 1 roles with low expectations exist too.

That might look like making $60-90k or building out your own projects for a year and then interviewing like a madman. You'll have exponentially more attention at the 1 year mark, the 2 year mark, etc.

Why? Lots of people with experience aren't on the market or perhaps even left the industry already.

Get good at interviewing at the highest level possible for you. That's the #1 money making skill. After that, just navigate how to keep the job.

>> No.22846318

>I am in the EU working as an ML engineer and getting payed 35k € (gross) per year and I'm wearing all kinds of hats at the moment...
Wow. You're worth more just for knowing the English language and showing up, my dude.

Seriously, ho chi minh city district 1 gigs are ~$20/25/hr right now.

>> No.22846489


Yeah... feeling like real crap whenever I read these numbers here and elsewhere... I really need to get out of this country, the ceiling for purely technical individual contributors (non tech lead) here might be around 55k € (gross) a year...

Either way, how's the overall awareness/opinion over there on data science or ML engineering as career paths? More and more people (me included) are feeling really dissapointed in these for several reasons and considering just continuing as regular backend developers or more "menial" roles like that.

>> No.22846497

Yeah starting your own company

>> No.22846504

and probably with apartment and motorbike included

>> No.22846526

or maybe politics if you can make your way to the tier where you can drop out to become a lobbyist

>> No.22846529

do the companies you mentioned hire specifically in ho chi minh city? what did you mean by this?

>> No.22846536

>Either way, how's the overall awareness/opinion over there on data science or ML engineering as career paths?
I don't have a great answer to this and wouldn't want to make a guess, as I never pursued either of these and don't know those that did.

It's certainly a "hot" title and I wouldn't say it is inherently good or bad. Last info I heard on that space is that its one of the only subfields where a grad degree helps

>> No.22846551

>do the companies you mentioned hire specifically in ho chi minh city? what did you mean by this?
I meany that he could work as an English language teacher in vietnam for roughly the same, or more, as he is making in the UK as a machine learning engineer. i.e. way underpaid

>> No.22846572


Not in the UK mind you... I'm somewhere in Southern Europe.

>> No.22846595


>> No.22846696

Air Traffic Controller
Merchant Mariner

>> No.22846722

yea java programmer
you don't code shit, just copy paste everything

>> No.22846761

You left out the endless meetings and needless BS