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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22838834 No.22838834 [Reply] [Original]

Someone stole all my eth, my LINK and UNI from my eth address (I still don't know how they did it)
I lost so much money.
Crypto was a mistake.

>> No.22838857
File: 30 KB, 300x322, wojak_bought_zyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have second chance, just buy zyx and receive drop.

it is already on trade for 0.30$


>> No.22838875

ok fucker post address so I might check it

>> No.22838896

Whats the actual bonus? Crypto is a fuckin gamblin

>> No.22838901


>> No.22838902

which wallet did/are you using?
also did you buy into any pajeet coins lately?

>> No.22838906

Oh fuck

Send your eth stolen and new eth I will send you some tokens )

>> No.22838959

I trade a lot in Uniswap.
I really don't know how he got my passcode. I've been scanning for fucking malware and everything for hours now.

0x03186Ec5D34aa30104c2d7b36F8Be73a6f8ff680 - new one
0x0478ab344463CB4D08806b14eB24895B637bdcF3 - old one

>> No.22838984

Also, I was using Metamask. That's what makes this weird.
I really want to find out how they managed to take my shit.

>> No.22839067

sorry for your loss man

>> No.22839097

It is, but I'm just really scared with that shit.

It fucking sucks.
And what's worse is that I don't know how he did it. So it's kinda traumatized me with metamask and eth addresses. I made a new one but I don't know if it is also compromised.

>> No.22839201

Did you copy paste your password?

>> No.22839202

Just create a retard-proof Coinbase Pro account

>> No.22839242

Is this how you scam money out of biz?

I Will Start faking drained.accounts daily to get money out of you fuckers

>> No.22839274

Do you mean the 10 word passcode?
To my memory, no.
I did open that shit 3 days ago because I forgot to write it on a piece of paper.
I did not put it in a clipboard though, and I've been searching malware.

I don't have a Coinbase account.

I really did lose my money. Look at where the money went to.
Fuck, I just want at least some of it back

>> No.22839341

>Oh noooo, all my LINK go sent somewhere for no reason
>I guess I lost all my money, daddy gov, don't tax me.
Are these posts made to evade taxes? Can it work?

>> No.22839370

Have you received any airdrops this week, other than UNI?

>> No.22839388

>I don't have a Coinbase account.
What part of
Don't you understand?

>> No.22839390


Probably found it by importing wallet and correctly guessing your phrase. It wouldn't be unlikely to input a bunch of 24 word strands and coming up with a few wallets with some coins on them

>> No.22839450
File: 13 KB, 215x235, 1599927602296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread again. I wish jannies would start deleting these panhandling scams. That or finally add flags so we can see the indian flag. Please kill yourself.

>> No.22839483
File: 166 KB, 680x680, 1600559224673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Highly paranoid
>Keep ALL of my tokens staked, or in liquidity pools
>Almost never keep any ETH in my wallet

Jesus fuck these threads set me off

>> No.22839500

I was off by a digit or something ones and accessed a random eth wallet.

I thought it was impossible but I guess they can be guessed. Which is bullshit since the security depends on someone not guessing the key.

>> No.22839516

None to my memory.

I'm not interested with Coinbase.

That's just extremely unlucky then. And unlikely.
Why does it have to happen now of all times? I just want at least a couple hundred bucks back, fuck.

Why does that matter?
My UNI was in a pool.
The guy sold my uni and transferred all of my money yesterday.
And I was pretty drunk yesterday. I just found out about it now.

>> No.22839575

I mean if you have spare ETH lying around the guy can easily remove your stuff from pools / staking. I doubt if a scammer broke into my wallet he would really give a fuck but most of the unstakes have a serious costs and he would have to send ETH to get your stuff out anyway.

Chances are he wouldn't have enough for all the gas to steal all of my coins, or at least I would hope.

>> No.22839709

I feel metamask is becoming unsafer as time goes on

>> No.22839771

How is that even possible? Off a digit in the passphrase?

If the benefits are good then it wouldn't be bad to suddenly put a little eth for gas if thats the case.

Seriously. If there was a way to put a authenticator on eth that would be great.

>> No.22839828

Op what operating system, what browser, and what version of metamask?

>> No.22839878

lol not possible

>> No.22839880

Yeah I know but anytime I actually need gas I always buy it on the spot.

I hate these fucking scammers they make me paranoid as fuck and it sucks because when I buy ETH for gas to go trade I always have to do it the day of. It's not like I can buy when there's a dip and just sit on it for a while.

>> No.22839904

Windows, Chrome, and the latest metamask?
I really want to figure out how he did it.

>> No.22839945

What do you do in practice, so your funds remain safe?

>> No.22839954

You got phished. I'm sorry for your loss friend. Buy a hardware wallet. Please. You can still recover.

>> No.22839989

Why would you put your entire wealth in metamask?! It's a chrome extension of course it can be hacked.
Just use it to buy some shitcoins with throwaway money
Pur your shit in a trezor for fuck sake

>> No.22840029

Buy a ledger

>> No.22840045


It's possible. They say some are just waiting for the account to be used since they already guess the security code.

A lot of work but they are doing it already

>> No.22840097

Fuck. This shit is really nerve wracking.
I just want some of my money back. He can keep the free uni airdrop if he wants just give me my money back

>> No.22840111

Funds not safu.

>> No.22840121


First of all not all 132 bits are random. Seed uses some kind of control sum.

Lets talk about 128 bits of entropy.

Lets imaging the following attack:

We will take one billion (10^9) of the most powerful mining hardware in 2017 (13 TH/s each). We will make a 1000 years brute force attack to compromise any of existing billion (10^9) of wallets with coins inside.

This attack will check the following number of seed combinations:

10^9 * (13 * 10^12) * (1000 * 365 * 24 * 3600) = ~ 10^33 combinations checked

128 bits of entropy equals ~ 10^38 total combinations

It means the given attack has the following chance of breaking one of more of 10^9 wallets:

1/10^5 = 0.001%

P.S. Don't forget it is an extra complicated task to find out if this or that seed contains any money. Hash mining hardware has much more simple task. We don't have hardware to check seeds at the same rate as modern ASICs.

>> No.22840135

Is it just me or is there a lot of hacks going on with metamask wallets recently?

>> No.22840184

how did you backup your seed phrase/wallet? Is it possible that your backup mechanism was compromised? Could someone have seen you enter your key phrase? Could someone have had access to a computer where you had set up your metamask? Key logging software is another possibility.

>Probably found it by importing wallet and correctly guessing your phrase. It wouldn't be unlikely to input a bunch of 24 word strands and coming up with a few wallets with some coins on them

Its extremely unlikely. Chance of guessing a seed phrase is 1:29600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. There are around 50,000,000 ethereum addresses with trxs recorded to or from them. The odds of guessing any of those is about 1:592000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Even if someone guessed a different passphrase 1 million times every second for the next 100 trillion years, they would only have 1:18772198000000000000000000000000000 of correctly guessing a passphrase that corresponds to any wallet, never mind yours.

The chances are astronomically low.

>also did you buy into any pajeet coins lately?

Would that matter? I don't think its possible to write a contract that can spend eth or tokens without explicit approval. Token contracts could have vulnerabilities, but they couldn't expose the whole wallet.

>> No.22840199

You made a mistake not crypto, crypto is real, a lot of people made huge profit off it, anyone interested in making more profit should invest in Rio DeFi, it's a gem, it's interoperable, scalable, it's just too good

>> No.22840288

I don't know anything about metamask or all these different stupid fancy wallets (I just keep all my coins on Gemini because it's insured,) but browser extensions are extremely vulnerable to malware, so if it's a Chome extension like >>22839989 said then that's how he got you

>> No.22840300

If not larp send everything to Metamask obviously. Use Malwarebytes to scan your computer, if Malwarebytes finds anything take a snapshot of it and send to Metamask.

Malware/phishing look most likely - look those up. Check your recently installed exe's.

>> No.22840390
File: 171 KB, 1295x1171, 0x0478ab344463CB4D08806b14eB24895B637bdcF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22840440

Just leave shit staked.

Like I said the guy has to:
>Break into your wallet
>Pay gas to transfer the funds
>If they don't have gas they can't transfer the funds
>If they transfer me gas they'll have to send it to my wallet which has 2FPA
>Immediately change all passwords

>> No.22840474

thats easy. all someone had to do is gain remote access to your computer or browser. maybe a hacker. even easier if your password was already autofilled.

should have stored your stuff in MEW.

>> No.22840491

>it is an extra complicated task to find out if this or that seed contains any money
not if you deal with retards

>> No.22840495


What does this mean?

>> No.22840496

also very possible.

>> No.22840498

Yeah, I'm thinking it could be keyloggers. Or maybe other shit. The funds were transferred away from this PC; in fact thr transfer transactions are not even logger in my metamask. My address was accessed elsewhere.

If I change to firefox and disable my metamask frequently would that help?

But how did this phishing happen? How did he get it? Was he just waiting for my wallet to have a lot of money?

>> No.22840534

OP is a retard

>> No.22840541

Is MEW even safe?

>> No.22840554

shouldnt matter where theyve posted their public address

>> No.22840587

it means if he's dumb enough to trust random bullshit giveaways on /biz/ he's dumb enough to use uniswap-scam.com

>> No.22840612

No idea.

If youre sending shitcoins, then its appreciated nonetheless.
I just made this one, send your shitcoin here.

>> No.22840615

Fuck, that's not in this thread.

>> No.22840649

meh. never hurts to receive free stuff. even shitcoins.

>> No.22840653


>> No.22840661

Anon, there are legitimately people who give away ETH. I participated in a /biz/ meme making for TOMO once, I got like $200 of eth.

>> No.22840674

That is so far beyond likely that I'm actually frustrated at you for posting this

>> No.22840787


It's possible.


>> No.22840939
File: 42 KB, 646x595, 0725871B-0785-4303-88CC-504396A91822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brb, about to order a Hardware wallet ASAP

>> No.22841106

Is Trust Wallet safe bros? This thread got me kind of paranoid

>> No.22841162

kek that was my first impression too
Dodge taxation my men, ancap life

>> No.22841469

That’s scary but it’s not the same thing as guessing a recovery phrase that gets hashed into a complicated private key.

But it does make me want to look at my private keys and make sure they’re as unguessable as they should be.

>> No.22841722

Don't be retarded. Be retarded but don't be so retarded.

>> No.22841904

I'll probably stay off crypto for a long time after this shit.

>> No.22841906

Yes. I use trust wallet. Though I haven't generated their multicoin wallet yet. I just imported my existing address with private key. Recent threads on metamask hack is making me paranoid too. I have used my wallet with metamask a couple months ago I think.

>> No.22842144

Any word from metamask customer representatives?

>> No.22842231

Yes. But won't work with traditional seed phrases. The article points out that it is only possible due to people having simple passwords they create themselves, and glitches in the blockchain.

Hacking isn't like how it's portrayed in the movies. Most hacks are simple tricks to get access in roundabout ways to the actual target.

>> No.22842270

I haven't told them yet.
Fuck. I'm really depressed right now.

I just deleted my Blockfolio and Binance apps. This is so demotivating. Fuck crypto.

>> No.22842321

Goodbye /biz/

>> No.22842644

>investing in crypto

>> No.22842825

Keep your new address alive. I'll send you something when I get rich.

>> No.22842918

Wait you didn’t store your stuff on a Trezor Op???????

>> No.22842979

Just ordered a trezor. I use CB wallet instead of MM but I don't want to off myself if the same thing happens.

>> No.22843057

See you in a year

>> No.22843157

>OP is a dirty beggar pajeet caught making multiple pity posts to try and get people to give him free money
>/biz/ says buuuh duuh wut does it mean...
This board is full of so many genuinely retarded people.

>> No.22843373

this thread got me thinking, if i wake up oneday and all my crypto is gone i will unironically without hesitation rope. is that bad?

>> No.22843411

>Fuck, I just want at least some of it back
Why should you get rewarded out of the millions of retards getting hacked/scammed on a daily basis?

Holy fuck I wish I could bludgeon your scrawny neck

>> No.22843425

Its bad if youre not taking every possible precaution to prevent that from happening

>> No.22843603

Midwit retard. You're 100-110 IQ aren't you?

>> No.22843851

this address doesn't even come up on etherscan for me :/

>> No.22843954

does no one here remember the metamask+hacked modem malware+http website posted a week ago?

>> No.22843960


>> No.22844004

why the fuck is it so difficult to move my usdc out of metamask?? acc

>> No.22844067


here's how you got hacked

>> No.22844170

to avoid this in the future keep your keys on a hardware wallet or mobile wallet, never enter keys on that computer again. if you want to be extra cautious your computer may be permanently hacked, consider wiping and reinstalling from scratch as well

>> No.22844180

the adress didint even have link to begin with.
right now the uni and eth seems to be staked in lp pool. op is literally trying to scam for money. didint even bother to move the assets to other wallet.

>> No.22844209

Fucking Pajeet Jesus. No mercy, kick em while their down with your scams.

>> No.22844488

What would OP have had to download to get this malware on his comp?

OP, please answer, if you're still here.

>> No.22844512

^apologies for wasted digits

>> No.22844787

nigger read the thread. he just needed to have an old modem that was hackable and the payload would inject itself on any http website and hack the browser to get the keys

>> No.22844965


So false flag thread. And I was wondering why I can't find any of his chainlink transactions on etherscan.

>> No.22845048

Can you explain how this >>22843954
worked at a high level? What issue would there have been with the modem? Once that issue was identified as being present, did the malware get to OP's computer piggybacking on some kind of html document that OP's chrome web browser requested from a server?