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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 218 KB, 604x580, polkadot_king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22838082 No.22838082 [Reply] [Original]

anyone here smart money?
everything DOT related is ignored by /biz, why anon? let's discuss.

>> No.22838161

20,000 DOT checking in. Selling staking gains for cash to check in

>> No.22838235

congrats fren, DOT will go parabolic in the coming months while biz chases ROTting tokens. inb4 muh high MC. DOT's current MC is such a fucking meme considering the shakeup it's about to release into crypto.

>> No.22838566
File: 2.78 MB, 960x222, Kulupu50banner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got 5k KULUPU will i make it?

>> No.22838614

I think its a bit early for DOT right now. Things will gain traction in 2021 but there is some money to make until then

>> No.22838718

yes fren you will, ALL DOT ecosystem coins will do well in a few months time

yeah but biz usually never buys low and we are here to help them secure solid ports. patience is key for DOT but in crypto anything can happen at any moment in time. that's the comfy part about being heavy into Polkadot coins

>> No.22839041

So dot is some sort of stable coin at this point?

>> No.22839053

centralized shit
worthless long term

>> No.22839058

Yep, just like Bat and xrp. Better sell.

>> No.22839113

Not worthless, and centralization doesnt matter that much these days
It failed to position itself effectively and the devs and vc already got rich. Typical, lets have the community build stuff shitcoin. The community are lazy adhd zoomers who will built nothing. Dead fish ion the water

>> No.22839127
File: 15 KB, 644x800, 1578157301536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>centralization doesnt matter that much these days

>> No.22839444

I give you some words. You decide for yourself my soiedjack bot friend
POW Mining
Capital distribution among investors

>> No.22839529

Shill me polkadot and why its better than other similar solutions that all promise to be THE ONE

>> No.22840340

every time I see one of these threads /biz/tards make fools of themselves trying to explain this shit so I'm annoyed enough to finally post.

Amazing devs. Honestly some of the world's best rust devs are working in this and they really believe in the project
True interop
Huge community and community funding
Big plans for treasury funding and on-chain governance is huge
Easy as fuck to build on
Has people behind it who saw why ethereum was going to fail and how they could do it better and now it's Polkadot

and no it's not a fucking stable coin lmao

>> No.22840376

Including xor/sora, or will polkaswap not catch on?

>> No.22840485

Who wants to discuss defi gem, check $rfuel see what they got

>> No.22841274

Thanks but i kinda knew all that, i still dont see why polkadot will triumph over all the other projects trying to solve ethereum's problems. Plus the name is dumb so there's that

>> No.22841378

fortunately, nobody needs to waste their time trying to convince you

>> No.22841574

tl;dr people who actually know computer science and not just "programmers".

>> No.22842092

You're brainwashed anon. Centralization is what brings scalability. Decentralization brings only drugs, and CP.

>> No.22842228

You can always change project's name like NEO(ANT) and NANO(XRB.
I'm also sorry, that nobody wants to spoon feed you on an obvious 100x in the upcoming 2 years. The only reason, why LINK was so heavily bought by /biz/ is because of Assblaster.

>> No.22842522


So why the fuck make a polka thread if you arent going to discuss what makes it special or share some relevant info we have missed? If all you can say about it is "pack your bags this is gonna be huge" why bother

>> No.22843367

What does it do? What is the token needed for? Who is going to use it and for what purpose?

>> No.22843381

How much to make it?

>> No.22844289

>yes fren you will, ALL DOT ecosystem coins will do well in a few months time
Trying to find the winning smart contract parachain. It'll be worth billions in a year or two.