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2283212 No.2283212 [Reply] [Original]

Mooncoin 3 sat wall @ 8 btc now!!! Get it before it moons! The wall was 11btc 30min ago

>> No.2283236
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you could have bought any coin... but you chose mooncoin.

>> No.2283299

I only had 50$, and i prefer risky 10x profits than 2x

>> No.2283386
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how are the transacation speeds? I want to move my MOONCOINs™ from bleu to ccex

>> No.2284172
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Moon chan will give us lambo~

>> No.2284201

my body is ready for moon chan

>> No.2284217

Mooncoin is a complete and utter shit and anyone who puts money into it is better off hitting their local casino. Put your money into coins that actually do something.

>> No.2284281
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Bittrex will bring us to the moon.

>> No.2284360

I really want Bittrex to bring us to the moon :/.

>> No.2285464


>> No.2285505

You faggots are out of touch. Buy KidsCoin, it's STILL at 1 sat now, and the wall went down from 1 BTC to 0.37 in just an hour

This is your Mooncoin 2.0

>> No.2285528

It hit 3 sat and 4 sat ages ago and then went back down. If you've made gains, sell right now and get out of it cos it's shit and won't go up further

>> No.2285545

Mooncoin is going to 400 SATs. Remember most of Mooncoin is in orphaned wallets so the market cap is actually less than 1/5 of what it appears to be. And the devs are competent.

>> No.2285559

I've bought it at 1 sat before it had hit 4 sat but i have not sold it and still hold it.

Think i should sold it?? (just 0.05 btc no so cool if be honest, wanna x10)

>> No.2285579

Sell mate, it's 3 sat now so you're up 300%. Don't hang around waiting for it to go up further because it probably won't. A lot of the volume is artificial (I.e whales filling their own buy and sell orders just to make it look like there's more money in circulation). Take this window at 3 sats and sell!

>> No.2285596

Your real chance to make big gains again is to buy KidsCoin while it's still at 1 sat.

Time is running out, there's only 0.14 BTC left

>> No.2285679

sell half so you're even
ride the rocket for free

>> No.2285694
File: 85 KB, 633x738, I'm going to rape you while you're dreaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking this turd will ever be on bittrex
Feel free to screen cap this.

>> No.2285729

You know, guys, RDD started same as mooncoin by shilling here and now it's more then x10 from it's begining price. Sure, it is possible to get gain on pump\dump (waves or how it is called) but i will risk and hold all the bag. Suppose i will regret

>> No.2285760

By the way, why novaexchange has much smaller volumes?

>> No.2285778

Buy KidsCoin at 1 satoshi. It's like buying Mooncoin at 1 satoshi a few weeks ago, the same good easy profit!

>> No.2285783

3 SAT wall down to 4btc! headed to 4 SAT within the hour... how long till 400 SAT???

>> No.2285856

If you buy at 1 SAT, can you even lose money aside from 0.25% fee?

>> No.2285865

might just sit on it indefinitely if there's no one around to even buy 1sat

>> No.2285880

What exchanges is this stupid fucking meme on?

>> No.2285928
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>> No.2285964

Bittrex soon

>> No.2285969

nope impossible to lose money at 1 SAT. and youve got a huge upside once people realize that the market cap is wrong since 85% of the coins are orphaned.

>> No.2285980

if there is no liquidity, you can never convert back to btc or fiat. you are fucked

>> No.2286277

c-cex and novaexchange too