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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22831115 No.22831115 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, listen up. Every once in a while comes an opportunity like this, a new idea, a new approach, yadda yadda yadda. And I am going to shill it to you today. Buckle up.

> what the fuck is cvault?
CORE Vault is a DeFi thing with an unique twist. First, it's non inflationary, it's only ever 10000 tokens going to be minted, no way to mint new ones. Constant, non-changing supply. Second, as a token holder, you're going to be able to provide profit generating strategies on which other token holders can vote. Once voted, the strategies go live, and profits pour in. At least that's the idea, kind of depends on the strategy itself. Basically, absolute de in defi. Third, a created LP token (CORE-wETH) cannot be uncoupled. That means, basically, "any CORE coupled with Eth is forever and ever until the end of the chain bound together and there is no mechanism of unbinding them and getting your COREs and Eth back". No one can do that.

>> No.22831130

I am sorry to tell you OP but i hate money and don't want to be rich. Won't be buying

>> No.22831129

> how the fuck is that possible?
See, when you provide liquidity to an Uniswap pool you get LP tokens. These LP tokens are kind of a "I-owe-y'all" a share of pool for putting an equal amount of this particular token and eth into the pool. Say there's a CORN farm. Delicious, sweet corns. Say a corn costs $10 and you have a 1000 pieces of corn. Now, that's $10000 worth of corn you have there, sir, that you could sell to hungry villagers. But what if you had those 1000 corn pieces AND a ten grand? You could go to the farmer's market and say "look man, let's pool our corn stacks together and I get a share of the pool". The farmer has, say 9000 pieces of corn and another $90000. The pool now has 10k pieces of corn and a 100 grand. The price of corn remained 10 bucks a piece. When someone buys some corn at the farmer'smarket, he puts money into the pool and gets his corn. Now there's some fewer corns in the pool but more money - the price of corn goes up, say it's $11 now, and another hungry villager must pay more for keep the village not hungry. To award you as a corn and money provider, the market has a rule: it takes a cut from each transaction and distributes it to all the people who had ever provided their corn and money to the pool. You get a cut of a cut of every corn/money passing hands at the farmer's market. Now you could go to the farmer and say "gimme back my share, old man" and he'd be all like "okay, sonny, heres your initial share of corn and money, 10% each, you greedy bastard" and he'd just like straight tear up your "i-owe-y'all"s and in this scenario you'd go home with a little fewer corns as initially brought, and a little nore cash. Now this is an ideal scenario, it doesn't take into account changes on the money market or anything, and...

>> No.22831149

> the fuck you idiot, you just explained POORLY how uniswap pools work, why should I give money to another pajeet ruggull scam?
Well, see, the farmer owns the whole corn pool. You could one day come around the farmer's market only to find the corn basket and the cash register completely and utterly empty. Then you hear a roaring noise and turn your head around only to see the farmer racing by you in his new lambo, yelling "AHAHAHAHA, YOU DONE GOOFED, BOY". That's waht we call a rug pull. Or, another farmer comes and drops another 10000 corn pieces and takes the money from the cash register aaaand your corn is now $0.10 a piece.

>> No.22831166

> whatever idiot, I'm out
Good. So the anon devs at cvault had solved the ... liquidity drain? problem by prohibiting anyone, and I mean anyone, from unpooling their LP tokens. If you examine the contract code at https://etherscan.io/address/0x62359ed7505efc61ff1d56fef82158ccaffa23d7D, under NBUNIERC20.sol on line 434 in the function _beforeTokenTransfer (which is per ERC 20 standard called before any token transfer, including minting and burning, see more here https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/3.x/api/token/erc20#ERC20-_beforeTokenTransfer-address-address-uint256-)) there's a call to a function calculateAmountsAfterFee in the FeeAprover contract. Scroll now to line 64 in FeeApprover.sol, you'll see that if sender is a uniswap pair, in order to carry on executing this function (and the function that has called it), the new supply of LP tokens (i.e. "how much LP tokens should be left after the transfer") must either match the old supply or be greater than it. Furthermore, look at UniswapV2Pair.sol contract, more specifically line 148 and its burn function. Why? Well, basically, when you wanna unpool the tokens from a uniswap pair, that's what it does - it burns them, followed by a transfer of the tokens in the pair to your address. In this case, pressing remove liquidity on uniswap, sir, calls the burn function of the pair contract which then burns the tokens and initiates token transfer... that's where the aforementioned _beforeTokenTransfer gets triggered which in turn calls calculateAmountsAfterFee which simply reverts, i.e. stops executing because the new supply of LP tokens is lesser than the old supply (remember, remove liquidity is basically "burn the LP tokens, gimme back my tokenA and tokenB). Familiar with "never selling?" How does "never removing" sound? This drastically reduces dumping potential, drives the pressure to the accumulation side as once pooled the LP tokens remain there and represent your share of the pool.

>> No.22831187
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Contract is backdoored, owner can steal all coins from it (both ETH and tokens)
Presale numbers were faked

>> No.22831190

It's like going to the farmer, presenting your share certificate, him tearing it up and then ... you ask "what about my tokens, dude?" and him going: "What tokens?"

> so what's the point of having LP tokens when you can't unpool them?
Tsk, tsk, tsk, thinking like a thirdworlder looking for a quick buck. LP tokens are sellable and buyable, as are CORE tokens. To get CORE you need to stake your LP tokens. Each CORE transaction has an additional 1% fee that's proportionally distributed to the stakers. Staked tokens are governance tokens and you can vote on strategies used to generate profit, submit your own strategy in which case you get 5% of the profit etc.

> so where do I buy this?
Uniswap, sir. Well, no. The Liquid generating event runs another couple of hours, and you can directly on the web page send your ETH there and after LGE get your LP tokens. Afterwards you would need to buy some CORE and couple that with ETH to get LP tokens, so basically yoo are still early and can get your 50% discount on a thing that could very well be the future od DeFi.

DISCLAIMER: this is not a financial advice. I am poorfag bosnian MD and not a professional finance expert. In no way am I a part of the team behind CORE apart frm being in the tg group. I do not and probably will not own a stake in the project because nomonies. As always, DYOR and never invest more than you can afford losing.

>> No.22831209

this is too long just say VERASITY and get it over with yeesh

>> No.22831215

lol OP is trying his hardest to lure anyone into his donation address.

You were already busted in a previous thread by anon that pointed out the rug backdoor?

>> No.22831245


>> No.22831266

No point even posting this until the LGE is over
Schizo IP hopper will trash up your thread
Think it's a bot programmed to go after any post with cvault in it

>> No.22831273

You mean those multiple IDs blabbering something about line 202? Yeah, saved ME from certain financial ruin. Wheesh.

>> No.22831299

Nice dubs. It's a bit schizo to think anyone would invest so much time and effort trying to keep the LGE as low as possible in order to get a couple more LP tokens, dontchathink?

>> No.22831322

Any predictions on whether it's better to buy this shitcoin or throw an eth into the LP event?

>> No.22831368

Nice dubs yourself. Obviously it's not really a bot, but some bored loser who wants as big as slice of the pie as possible

>> No.22831373

Nice dubs, my sir. Well, you can get CORE by simply participating in the LGE and staking, you can sell CORE afterwards for profit. If you wanna participate in the dao/defi thing, you need LP tokens, for that after the LGE you need CORE with an equal amount of eth to create them.

>> No.22831403
File: 32 KB, 350x490, CDABA6F3-0E0F-4631-B979-9EB4392FDE3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes sirs put money in a contract that I can lock and extract all funds from

Fuck off pajeet scammer

>> No.22831436






OP can steal all your funds, literally every piece of liquidity

((Projects)) like this is why crypto can’t have nice things

>> No.22831453

Thank you, kind sir, for saving me from that which seems to be my utter and total fiscal undoing. Do you have per any chance an ethereum address to which I could send my gratitudes in form of a small donation in ERC 20 tokens?

>> No.22831464

You're the reason /biz/ can't have nice things. Every legit early project gets astroturfed and slid to oblivion, meanwhile there are 200 YF-LGBTQ+ projects not receiving dedicated fudding efforts

>> No.22831482

Another yield farming scam

>> No.22831488

Why don't you want to be an architect of a better defi world?

>> No.22831496

Oh you didn't see fucking "comfy neet finance" yesterday before the rugpull? Shills wouldn't stop posting that shit.

>> No.22831515

That's because the same scam team created all of those YFI clones and they fudd everything they don't make.

They are on biz 24/7 shilling their latest pump and dump and they fud everything they don't make. You can find them at the CryptoGamingTalk discord.

>> No.22831532

Nice DEGO copy paste

>> No.22831540

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is like the second thread about the project ever on \biz\

>> No.22831547

No there's been maybe 4 over the past two weeks. And the same thing has happened in each with this guy.

>> No.22831595

omfg, please at least try to be a bit better next time OP. Its not fun if you try so hard, writing all this text, and everybody immediately realizing this is a S C A M. It makes me pity you which is just sad : (

>> No.22831615

My ID is a scam? Please tell more, o wise internet green frog.

>> No.22831628

Ah, I was busy on call with all the corona cases and had no time to check biz so frequently.

>> No.22831927

Okay this actually looks like something of value, so how do you profit off this? You hold lp and farm core tokens? Then sell the core tokens?

>> No.22832256


>> No.22832316
File: 184 KB, 1080x1439, 652CB7EC-AF3D-4D02-BDA3-D818477B9533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake presale numbers

OP busted in previous thread (look up in archive) function allowing dev to steal literally everything in the contract

>> No.22832324

Samefag, literally anybody with half a brain understands this is a backdoored contract that will rug any moment now

>> No.22832468

Ah, yes, the closing curly bracket of doom. Thanks, kind stranger, almost hit approve.

>> No.22832582

Kys pajeet thief

Anybody ((investing)) into this scam deserves to lose money (think sending money into abyss with no way to get it back)

>> No.22832638

This literally does nothing, rugpull imminent

>> No.22832876

Thank you most heartily for caring about my financial wellbeing. I have almost added liquidity were it not for your exquisite demystifying comment illuminating this "project" as a scam.

>> No.22834004

Bump for moar LP dilution, kek