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File: 53 KB, 591x1280, defiatluvxmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22826766 No.22826766 [Reply] [Original]


So far XMM is working great on the DeFiat testnet


Buy XMM: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0x9a7a4c141a3bcce4a31e42c1192ac6add35069b4
Buy DFT: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xB6eE603933E024d8d53dDE3faa0bf98fE2a3d6f1

>> No.22826842


I feel like I missed something here

>> No.22826877
File: 57 KB, 1280x427, DFTgayforXMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMM is the first coin to partner in the DeFiat ecosystem. It's pretty cool for both coins.

>> No.22826937

When does it land on the actual network?

>> No.22827009

Lol I bought dft at 3x this price but this makes me booolish enough to take some more

>> No.22827101

Don't worry bro. You missed nothing. People are scared to buy anything with the "bear market".

To me it's a bear trap, so I continue trading as usual and those two are keepers

>> No.22827251

Based. I'll look at staking.

>> No.22827312
File: 349 KB, 1280x2328, roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its only for testing purposes now but this thing could be huge. If only DeFiat dashboard worked properly with Firefox.
Don't know yet, but think it will be quick as the roadmap have still lots in it

>> No.22827427
File: 44 KB, 640x651, 9187fj3nyxz31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be a few more days of testing and fine tuning until it's launched but for now at least we know what's in store

>> No.22827703

My pants are soiled

>> No.22827774
File: 27 KB, 409x409, Dt0_qDCVAAE5RWy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly picking up speed, despite ETH being retarded. Love this.

>> No.22828027

I had doubts about XMM but if DeFiat vouch for them it's all good. Grabbed a bag

>> No.22828106

Just another example showing the dev delivers

>> No.22828138

Mines about to be when aave unlock my linkies

>> No.22828161

Predicted APY?

>> No.22828208
File: 821 KB, 1536x2048, 1510381739158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too early to say that, still testnet. But expect a buying spree when it lands for real.

>> No.22828285

Dft/Eth currently earns 400%apy for a relatively full pool. I’m anticipating that

>> No.22828605

Defiat is creating an ecosystem through partnerships with legit Defi projects. Anyone DFT partners with I would be willing to invest in. They have another partnership coming up with Veggie token (also going to be huge).

Defiat is going to become the centre of Defi in the near future. Defi is still in its early stages and unfortunately many scam coins have taken advantage of its infancy. However Defiat is establishing itself as a safe and legit option. Cant wait to see whats next

>> No.22828753

Can you explain defiat like I'm an idiot?

>> No.22828818

I'm excited desu

>> No.22829026


The importance with any token is real use cases. Defiat is creating a platform called Anystake.

This will allow any ERC-20 token to be staked with DFT. Many erc20 tokens can't be staked but through Defiat instead of just hodling their tokens they can be hodling and earning at the same time.

Additionally Defiat allows farming but instead of drawing people in with dangerously high APY rates (whilst enticing can be very dangerous as the ecosystem can collapse at any minute and often theses are the ones that rugpull). Defiat offers a nice 50ish% APY (cant recall exact figure) when farming DFT. This number is both generous but also sustainable.

They also have other projects in the works but for the time being the focus is on Anystake. Their website and discord are full of useful links to DYOR

>> No.22830003

It's the perfect time on the contrary

>> No.22830115

Defiat is blatant scam. They can't even speak proper English

>> No.22830162
File: 44 KB, 593x453, Pt3Uj9I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still bit new to Defiat, what kind of projects in the works?

My main is XMM, bought a few DFT days ago and now that mom and dad are fucking again together i'm whole again

>> No.22830198

$100 guaranteed

>> No.22830280

Roadmap for DFT? I found the XMM one but failed to see it for DeFiat. Help?

>> No.22830382

Drop it a bit and I throw 5 eth in each. Do it. DO IT

>> No.22830464

Saying this serve no purpose.

1) You get fucked and someone buy before you
2) Nobody sell or even worse they wait for you to buy to sell in your face

You do you, for me it's all good burn, liquidity providers luv it.

>> No.22830599

Take your pills and look by yourself

>> No.22830664

Mmmmm yummy DeFiat

>> No.22830843

Thanks for the detailed answer, that's actually very interesting

>> No.22831084
File: 94 KB, 723x1108, photo_2020-08-29_15-51-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For XMM holders, remember to pool, it's the whole point and will serve you well with DFT integration

>> No.22831186

yeah that's really cool bro

>> No.22831198


Anystake coming next month. After that they're doing a new roadmap. We are expecting a big post in the coming weeks outlining their progress. So far they've been delivering in advance of when they said they would.

>> No.22831199

Balancer or uniswap?

>> No.22831224


They have Anystake coming next month...its a platform that allows any erc 20 token to be staked.

They have also just added a section to github outline a betting feature on Defi rugpulls kek. However no official statement has been made about this.

>> No.22831253

> a betting feature on Defi rugpulls

Oh my...

>> No.22831312


>> No.22831829

More like 50 or 70 at most. I still take it

>> No.22832070

Let's see if the yield farming is good enough and I'd consider

>> No.22832089

>literally who token partners with literally who token
Oh wow. I hold XMM but these news didn't trigger any excitement within me. Call me back when we actually have something of substance.

>> No.22832091
File: 12 KB, 215x211, 1515539818252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have also just added a section to github outline a betting feature on Defi rugpulls kek.
the absolute balls on these guys

>> No.22832277

Seems i made the right choice getting a bag of XMM

>> No.22832519

Is XMM still a thing?
Last I heard, the Dev was allergic to keyboards... The dude doesn't like making updates.

>> No.22832602

He does updates, not small talk
Release date on that feature?

>> No.22832635

Uniswap liquidities so you can use the uni v2 tokens with dft later.

Balancer is kinda okay with the current gas fees

>> No.22832710


>> No.22832774


what are you paid in for staking any ERC20 token? DFT?

>> No.22832800

I think you get XMM if you stake XMMx, but DFT if you stake any other token. Or i'm misleaded.

>> No.22833319

Truly based

>> No.22833702


>> No.22833717

No thanks, honeyswap seems to work fine with miniscule fees

>> No.22833764

What's honeyswap and what is the relation if there is one?

>> No.22834100

Bought uni at 7, watch me cry

>> No.22834555

Haha the most recent update was a week ago and the project is only a month old. You people have no patience!