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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22821764 No.22821764 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it impossible to find a new job?

>> No.22821874

why do you need a job bro. just make money slingin shitcoins

>> No.22821936

It's not, lazy snatch

>> No.22821940

the jews

>> No.22822044
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I am a NEET.
I have no Father.
I am 27.
My mother was 14 when I was born.
I have 39k chainlink.
I collect unemployment and have not cashed out any chainlink.
On October 31st regardless of the price of chainlink I will sell an amount that will put my yearly total earnings to $33k which will keep me in the lowest tax bracket so that I do not have to pay any taxes and I will keep the rest. This will give me reported gains that will make my credit very good and I will put a down payment on a new car because I can afford to drive a new vehicle fuck. At this point I will keep enough money in my checking account to pay for the cars payment for 6 months and reup this every 4 months for the next year. At the end of Next year I hope things are open and I will travel to Korea for 90 days and then to Japan for 90 days before returning home and buying a cabin in Wyoming. If I am lucky I will find a wife during this time and we can start a family, but that is slightly out of my control and in the hands of the gods. At the very least I will be very rich.

>> No.22822058

Don't you still have to pay capital gains tax?

>> No.22822067

Its kind of strange last year during the nfl seasom the job finder websites spammed commercials every single break. But this year i haven't seen a single one.

>> No.22822106

Thanks to Donald Trump, For the Tax year of 2020 those earning up to $40k pay a capital gains tax rate of 0% on long-term capital gains which my linkies are since I purchased the majority in 2018. I will only cash out $33k because I like repeating digits and I also want leeway so that I do not get audited and fucked by the tax man for like not reporting Uniswap or something.

>> No.22822138
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>If I am lucky I will find a wife

>> No.22822139

You mean during the once-in-a-century pandemic with 20+ million people unemployed?
No reason.

>> No.22822162
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>Donald Trump made capital gains tax for earners up to $40k a year 0%.
>This means crypto-NEETs don't pay taxes.
>People actually think Biden will be elected.
You can read about current capital gains rate here.

>> No.22822199
File: 1.02 MB, 667x1000, favorite arin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goal is to marry Arin

>> No.22822669

I guess they've been getting flack for being to pessimistic in adds. Remember the year where a bunch included AI stealing jobs?

>> No.22822711

You're either not skilled labor, won't move, or both.