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22820777 No.22820777 [Reply] [Original]

Even if you make between 100k and 300k a year it still takes ridiculous amounts of time to save money and become financially independent. Even well paid wagies are fucked.

>> No.22820818

lol get taxed

>> No.22820861

>fell for the mortgage meme
>fell for the family meme
>fell for the big epicentre meme
work remote from a shit apartment, only spend $50 a week on food. save 70k a year until you can buy a house outright. then repeat only with a house.

>> No.22820924

Only midwits save money.

>> No.22820958

Checked. Also, I knew someone that made a salary like that working on wall street. She lived like a poor person for 10 years, and then stopped working when she was like 35 and lived off the dividends while she started her own business dedicated to her hobby.

>> No.22820961

Spend less when making 200K, spend 30K a year. If you over 7 figures, spend 60K a year and so on

>> No.22820981

Basically this,

>> No.22821016

> save until you can buy a house outright
This is generally bad advice. Even in the case where you _could_ pay outright, 3-4% interest on the loan will be outpaced by the 6-8% you'd gain by having the same amount of money in the market. Not saying to live beyond your means and get a house where you're spending 50% of your take-home on the mortgage, but that you can take calculated risks.

>> No.22821061


I meant save to invest

>> No.22821372

60k here, it is kinda ridiculous. I should be at 100k within two or three years (basically guaranteed to get promoted) so it'll take some time to get there. good luck OP the only thing we can do is find ways to increase our income on the side while keeping a steady job unless our shitcoins moon. I have everything I need in my apartment right now so anything leftover from monthly expenses is invested, working on getting a multi family home I found by the time my lease is up and moving into it (which even without tenants it would be slightly lower than my rent now) then renting the other units out.

>> No.22821400

You will never get rich waging. You should have been pouring every penny into Chainlink for the past 3 years and you would easily have 10-20k LINK by now.

>> No.22821686

> find ways to increase our income on the side while keeping a steady job UNLESS our shitcoins moon

im doing what I can after work and yes I have a LINK stack. just got out of college btw so I didn't have a full time job before then. IF I do absolutely nothing in my free time and stay at my job I'll be retired by 55 but obviously I'm aiming for a lower age than that.

>> No.22821737

How many LINK do you have?

>> No.22821757

Going to college instead of grinding LINK full time will be the biggest opportunity cost of your life with the missed returns being so astronomically high you'll never recover.

>> No.22821789

I wish I would have realized that earlier.
Fuck me I wanna die but "muuh education first"
Fuck my fucking life

>> No.22821808

What are your goals? It's easy to get 6%+ yields on your crypto per year. Stablecoins are even higher. There's also plenty of safe stocks that offer 5%+ dividends. You can live a basic life off passive income at 500k easy if you're investing it correctly.

>> No.22821994
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Because people who make that kind of money tend to have high cost of living to fund their luxurious lifestyle.
If people who made that kind of money decided to live off nothing but canned beans and tv dinners in a studio for 900 a month and drove a used prius with they'd be on their way to having a million saved.

But they don't, they want what's inf ront of them right now and they take out loans and get a lot of fancy shit they think they need now.

>> No.22822088
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I didn't pay for college nigger, and good thing my LINK stack will keep increasing.

>> No.22822161

>I didn't pay for college nigger
You could have worked fulltime and bought nonstop LINK you retarded faggot

>> No.22822294
File: 138 KB, 890x1066, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then you'd have to work fulltime.

>> No.22822360
File: 13 KB, 236x330, 1597592838421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just work in fast food for four years to buy LINK bro
>end up with a shitty 30k LINK stack
>30k*$81k/LINK = only 2 billion
>implying that's enough