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22820201 No.22820201 [Reply] [Original]

I’m so fucking tired of this clown world market why do legitimate projects with real use cases that solve real life problems get ignored while worthless gimmicks like all these food tokens, deflationary and rebase coins that do absolutely nothing go up?

It’s almost like people are legitimate dumbasses that think new = good and jump to the ”new best thing” and never look back

>> No.22820231

>It’s almost like people are legitimate dumbasses
Now you're getting it. Most people are complete morons. Even smart people are dumb about most things.

>> No.22820294

What the fuck are they doing in crypto then?! This isn’t a fucking casino!

>> No.22820459

That is where you are very wrong

>> No.22820479

you answered your own question
Honk Honk

>> No.22820493

It's actually a casino, BLING BLING WAHOOO.

>> No.22820498

This is literally a casino dude

>> No.22820520

The only people making money from food tokens are the people who make them and maybe like a couple of very early people. The pajeet armies who shill these scams want you to feel like you are missing out on something, the only thing you are missing out on is donating your money to chinkoids.

>> No.22820530

98% of crypto is worthless and 98% of the money in crypto is only there to entice fools to gamble on those worthless coins. That said the legitimate projects never go to zero, you just have to wait months/years to get large gains, which is the way it should be.

>> No.22820544
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Oh god. What was supposed to have been the future of finance and a new tool for advancing technology has been reduced to a fucking meeting place for degenerate gamblers and scammers.

>> No.22820566

Just like wallstreet, but shadier with more frogs and cheeto fingers

>> No.22820859

98% is a bit generous. That would imply that there are at least 10 projects doing something of value and that are worth investing in long term. There are maybe 5 and that's assuming that ETH isn't a ridiculous base to build on.

>> No.22820884

Is this the peak of crypto being used for gambling or is this just the beginning? It’s already awful enough as it is please don’t tell me it’s just going to get much, much more worse from now on?

>> No.22820910

> putting money into a speculative technology field and hoping your token makes it

> betting on a horse and hoping your horse makes it

>> No.22820937


It’s called go all in a LINK/ETH/BTC you brainlet

>> No.22821107

dumb people buy shit. smart people buy the shit the dumb people buy because there is more dumb money than smart money because there are way way fucking more dumb people than smart people.

>> No.22821245
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I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.22821309

I feel you Anon,

I decide to vote with my money and I don't buy the meme coins, the PnD scams or likely rug pulls.

>> No.22821345

Much worse, way worse. You thought food scams were bad. If NFT ever takes off, oh boy - Daily spam on some tokenized trading cards, tamagotchis, literal poo...

>> No.22821592
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>> No.22821617

Holy shit I can totally see that happening. Fuck me.. I’m not looking forward to seeing that.
The worst part is that these dumbasses are crippling the adoption of crypto because those who lost their money won’t want to touch crypto ever again and will talk shit about it to everyone they know. Literally taking short-term gain in favor of greater long-term gain.

>> No.22821657

Not before nearly the end of this cycle with massive media attention, CNN news special level. Its perfect normie bait. But being early is kind of the game, isn't it?

>> No.22821762

NFT's will actually be important though, it's not just art and trading cards. NFT's will allow people to collateralise real world, physical assets and have them appraised and exchanged on a smart contract. It's extremely important for defi borrowing and lending.

>> No.22821793

Can’t people just forge NFT’s?

>> No.22821900

Am I missing something?

>> No.22821965

I think the real NFT boom will happen during the correction, when the first hype has worn off and people have lost the ownership on their tokenized homes on some chinese quasi scam. For this cycle, it will be price feeds keeping track of assets and digital pokemon cards

>> No.22822125

Thats why im almost all in on vidt. Legit usecase gonna pay off sooner or later

>> No.22822187

Lol nice to see a fellow vidt brother.
Vidt is unironically one of the few projects with real world usage

>> No.22822210

it's not a casino but a massive ponzi

>> No.22822238

“Idea” of good would be some dogshit scamtoken like rsr

>> No.22822278

It's all a scam idiot

>> No.22822336
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b-but the token burns liquidity locked for 2 years audit next week poorfag ngmi

>> No.22822444

Believe it or not but they’re fuelling adoption in cycles.

>> No.22822524
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If I can provide any hopium, its a cycle crypto has that isnt something new now. 2017 had a whole bunch of shitcoins people gambled on aswell, the thing is though. Once people are tired and paranoid because of all the scams and rugpulls, they will want to go back to legit projects where their money is safe. Then a year or so later theres a new craze and the cycle continues.
Keep holding your legit coins and eventually you will come out a winner.

>> No.22822751

Monero has a use case for laundering in some countries. Not a worthwhile speculative play but it has utility.

>> No.22823030

You're going in the right direction. ICOs were democratization of initial public offerings without having accredited investor status. IPOs appeal to normie greed and brought them in thinking that they would hold the utility of companies hostage and scalp to the people using them.

This DeFi lending bubble is democratization of money printer go brrrrrrrr. This does not appeal to normies and does not drag in a new circle. This bubble was supposed to be fueled by institutional purchases of BTC from stock market listed trusts. The printer go brrrrrr was for us insiders to ponzi up our coins and cash out imaginary shit at premium against the fiat flowing in. The fiat did not flow in. this one was just profit taking and rebalancing for the the next one.

There's another one, hopefully, coming up with staking around data feeds. That's like owning your own little Uber company or joining into pools. That is something normies can understand and will probably be "The Big One".

I don't know what comes after. Maybe something around machine to machine or something. Carrying established blockchain tech into physical industry.

>> No.22823051
