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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22817076 No.22817076 [Reply] [Original]

You get the option of

>1mil right now
>2mil over 10 years

What do?

>> No.22817137

2 mil over 10 years. thats 200k a year, more than enough to live on and it help manage the money instead of blowing the 1 mil

>> No.22817144

1 right now, buy bitcoin, have 10 mil in 5 years

>> No.22817171

1 mil is the best right now. Putting even 20% of that into a top 10 crypto can x5 itself.

>> No.22817177

Learn not to be a retard and then you wouldn't blow the 1m.

You will never make it

>> No.22817198

1mil right now. Pay off the house & spend time with the kids while they still live at home.

>> No.22817243

1 mil right now and all into bitcoin

>> No.22817241


>> No.22817264

1 mil right now, invest it properly and you’ll have way more than just 2 mil after 10 years


>> No.22817299

One right now, put half in Link the rest in high yield divvy stocks. Gonna be rich as fuck in 10 years.

>> No.22817327

1m right now. Invest 200k into Chainlink. Sell original stack eoy 2021 and rest eoy 2024 when its really really high

>> No.22817357

The interest on $1 million over 10 years is more than a million. You're getting ripped off.

>> No.22817384
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2 mil of 10 years

in 5 years you 1 mil idiots gonna be sad im still gettin paid

suck it fgts!!!!!!!

>> No.22817390

1 million, easily. Asset inflation is through the roof and doesn't seem likely to go away soon.

>> No.22817431

1m immediately since you can compound the money, 2m over 10 years would result in lower amounts of money than just dumping 500k into BTC, 200k into LINK, and 300k into Vanguard.

>> No.22817483

2m over 10 years
guaranteed income ftw

>> No.22817543

>Doesn't realise that factoring in inflation 2m over 10 years is less than 1m right now

>> No.22817573

this is IQ filter post

>> No.22817688

TVM at a reasonable discount rate says the 200k spread out yearly

>> No.22817954

1 mil at 12% a year in stonks gets you 3.1mil in 10 years

>> No.22817976

How badly do you think 1 million will be inflated away in the 5 years it takes the second option to pay out? What do you think the opportunity cost is going to be.

Personally, I take the 1 million now and get my foundation paid off so that all future income and proceeds can be invested.

>> No.22817993

there are high iq plays for both options

>> No.22818252

1 million and all in ETH and LINK. Will have at least 50 million next year.

>> No.22818460

Then try calculating same with 200k a year fucking retard

>> No.22818765
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>A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.
>Adolf Hitler

>> No.22818838

1 million now so that i can buy cheap dividend stocks to live off of, then again if i chose the 2 mil ill do the same as long as i receive a down paymeny