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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22813632 No.22813632 [Reply] [Original]

You're retarded if you dont get in now. From now on this is only going up, easiest 10x of your life. Im not gonna spoonfeed you more, DYOR or just trust me.

>> No.22813729

This is going 500x at least

>> No.22813735
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Sir, please kindly feed me red pill on this token with chappati. I need to feed my family or else the village will castrate me.

>> No.22813815

All you need to do is look at the chart and notice the absolute bottom was reached, nothing but profits from here on. The devs are turbo based that are going to make everybody who had full faith in this project fucking loaded. Weak hands and moonboys looking for the next flavor of the week are shaken out and will FOMO back in at 30$.

>> No.22813915

>trust me

>> No.22814003

Dont then, I dont care either way, this has so much volume, some 4chan users arent going to make the slightest difference.

>> No.22814170

Watching all the retards fomo in at $80 then get shaken out after was great. Bought @$15, $12 and $6, gonna be even better watching them fomo back in again part 2

YFV is basically like dinner and a show, and this won't be <$10 for much longer

>> No.22814368

bought my first bag @ $7.62
what can I really expect?
when next rug pull?

>> No.22814404

/biz/ is nothing but pajeet shills
just buy and hold YFI and stake it you plebs. Still guaranteed another 10x

>> No.22814419

>what can I really expect?
Easiest 10x of your life. Look its not rocket science. It has an mcap of 30m, but a DAILY TRADE VOLUME of 35m. Once farm dumpings stop, which it already has partially, this will only climb and climb and climb, and this project is definitely worth 300m mcap

>> No.22814427

I threw one ETH for the meme.

>> No.22814429

no YFV bag, no pussy.

>> No.22814442

this shit has $35m in daily volume suck a fat dick you mong

>> No.22814529

>pajeet shills
Use your brain faggot. This has a daily volume of 35m. Even if my post were to convince every user on /biz/ right now to buy some, it would barely put a dent in the price. Shilling for a pnd only works on newer, low mcap, low volume projects. Ofcourse an absolute brainlet like you doesnt understand.
Please dont buy, I dont want you to make it

>> No.22814532

>what can I really expect?
Gains followed by retraces. Whales aren't as incentivized to dump now though. It also wasn't really a rug, just a manipulated pnd. Now the price is actively being suppressed by sell-bots due to fear of what yfv will probably end up becoming. But it appears trade volume and staked liquidity is winning out finally

>> No.22814571

smelss curry here, wtf op fuck off... value does not have value at fucking all
>muh Value vaults
>muh Value liquidity exchange unibalanacer hybridi shit?
nobody understands wtf this piece of shit is trying to do with its fucking vUSD carbages shit farming coins, the total supply us so much that it wont affect single shit to the price rocet like yfi had
shits are even late of releasing this shit stuff cos orginal plan was for mega whale farm the shit out of this shit and dumb under 10$
no gurantees than indian pajeet rupees for this shit
muh value buy backs and muh burnings, it will still value absolutely zero fucks, all these telegram discord retard yfv shills fuck off to the deepest cave you came from

>> No.22814583

i aped into this how fucked am i. 500 yfvs here

>> No.22814600

forks will eventually all die off.
35m is literally nothing in defi kek
sorry you're too poor to afford to be able to buy yfi

>> No.22814641

wasted dubz on gorilla nigger fud
get ready for your gay shit to crash now

>> No.22814655

>easiest 10x this
>mcap of this x
>fucking volume
>climb climb
>definetly worth x amount


>> No.22814683

You niggers better show up to our threads when we hit 50$

>> No.22814729

/biz/ really needs to pay attention to this project. the shilling is obviously whales looking to dump for short term profit, but pay closer attention to how much hate it gets. this is anons who are furiously farming as much as they can before this takes off, and they don't want the pools diluted. very few defi projects out there have the fundamentals for long term growth - this is a gem covered in shit that's about to get hosed off. DYOR

>> No.22814731
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YFV redemption arc??

>> No.22814760

best farming strat with with this shit bros?

>> No.22814853

no, i will show my dick to your anus while my huge link stack moons, I also bought link with this freely farmed pajeet coin and dumbed the market for you hahahahah
oh no no no no

>> No.22814859

At this point even if it goes down to $1, there's enough money in staking vaults to keep the wheels spinning. Once the returns are proven it will take off. But honestly I'd be comfy if it crabs for the next year. Huge pump and dumps are bad for a coin/company's image

>> No.22814896

buy, stake, dump

>> No.22814912
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Pick a pool( I was doing LINK but backed out over a week ago to avoid IL. It was perfect timing played that one well). Then put rewards in Gov Vault, then take rewards from Gov vault after enough have accrued and put them in the vUSD/YFV pool. I farmed 1000 YFV before I stopped because I didn't want to risk losing any LINK at all. It was amazing while the entire market dumped though

All of the revenue models are coming online plus the VALUE will be entirely farmed in about 2.5 weeks plus Value Liquid is up in less than 1 week.

>> No.22814986
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>> No.22815257

This thread is a huge sell signal tbqh.

>> No.22815447

so sell then you tbqh faggot. literally the only reason to shill this is to dump your farmed YFV, which most people have done already. there are far more reasons atm to FUD it, considering the pools are uncapped and most people missed out on $5 YFV

>> No.22815555

from 5 to 8 $ in 24h, huge sell signal my ass nigger

>> No.22815628

quads confirm

>> No.22815701

Any ETA on value liquid? I want to stake some of my coins but don't want to bother with balancer and fees now if they change in a few days.

>> No.22815762

I've been seeing people say this weekend, but I have no idea if those rumors are true. I would expect delays

>> No.22815874

Is it worth staking for a few days before the migration or do just lose money in fees?

>> No.22816222

I’m guessing early next week but have no proof.

>> No.22816603

How much Link I need to actually make profit and not be swallowed up by gas?

>> No.22816614

I got value by mistake. How long till I can stake?

>> No.22816749

Attention all bizfags. Do not buy this token. Seriously. Just avoid.

>> No.22816789

end of month I think

>> No.22816871

you can still convert to YFV on the site and stake it in the gov vault

>> No.22817156

Nah I tried. You can swap to stake but not back or at least not much at all currently. It says low liquidity. I can just wait a few days.

>> No.22818142
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Yfv or value? I am so confused between these two. I know muh migrate so value in the longrun. But why should yfv 10x? Should i hodl yfv or value? Currently farming value

>> No.22818307

yfv supply is declining as more and more normies migrate to Value, so price will rise. hold YFV as much as possible.

>> No.22818335
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Hope everyone is ready for the next couple days!

>> No.22818357

I dont understand this fucking shitcoin trash, i thought it was automatically turning to value?

>> No.22818359

>is mad about fundamental analysis

lol ok stay poor retard

>> No.22818411

>buy high sell low

>> No.22818488

The medium article said so. And i believed it. I still kinda do. Welp, if yfv moons, value will probably moon too.

>> No.22818490

My yfv is in the gov vault earning vusd tjat is probably worthless with some shit rebase

>> No.22818810

What the fuck, god damn i hate these fuckers

>> No.22818999

it will, but for a short time there will be 2 tokens coexisting, then, then only VALUE with 6M max supply

>> No.22819242
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>> No.22819609

>Once farm dumpings stop, which it already has partially, this will only climb and climb and climb, and this project is definitely worth 300m mcap
If farming stops, what this token needs for?

>> No.22819640


Assuming the team pulls through that is actually impossible with a coin that is deflationary with routine buy backs and burn. The minting inflation is over in 2.5 weeks.

>> No.22819663


Dividend income from Value Liquid, Value Vaults, and yield farming other protocols with the Governance Vault as collateral

>> No.22819836

you can't farm IT, you use it to farm other shit

>> No.22819919

low supply =/= valuable token
you should learn basic economics

>> No.22820230

yeah, something like supply and demand... KEK

>> No.22820255

It will be, but for the meantime the coins are exchangeable 1:1 and worth the same in theory. There will be arbitrage opportunities between them though until they eventually migrate over. This isn't really a bad thing, and I can't see one mooning while the other drops, because you can just swap them back and forth for a 0.05% fee on yfv.finance (their supply is combined as well on listings). But, as I said, a pretty good arbitrage opportunity is open if you want to go down that route.

They kept YFV so people's gains weren't just deleted from the old pool, and instilled VALUE so they could work on the new platform (Value liquid) because of an issue where they burned the governance keys after successfully thwarting a hack and getting everyone's money back (devs literally anti-rugged). Just buy YFV for now, and stake in the governance vault if you want to do more than HODL. You can transfer to value whenever if you want, but you will have plenty of heads-up before they merge and it will most likely be handled automatically.

>> No.22820351

listen to someone smarter than you

>> No.22820515

DYOR. There are tons of conflicting interest between accumulating whales, YFV Marines who held through the shitstorm, and burned ass bagholders with weak hands "warning fellow anons". Anyone shilling at this point is doing you a favor - but you have to put in the work to understand why yourself. I will give a hint: read the smart contract for the recently opened vaults, and extrapolate what you see there to even more vaults and liquidity pools as well. IYKYK

>> No.22820828

How did you know that I am retarded wtf biz so smart...!!

>> No.22820953

How to get

>> No.22821081


Ironic you say I should learn supply and demand. The Value Vaults and Gov Vaults will yield farm various protocols probably like stable coins and various Uni pairs etc. Some of those profits will be used to market buy and burn in addition to .05% of the Value Liquid fee. So its not low supply equaling valuable token. You said that not me I said it will have dividend income faggot


>> No.22821165

Are yiu saying i do t need to do anything? Assuming im holding yfv this will become the new token by contract?

>> No.22821218

just see >>22820351

>> No.22821288
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YFV made the news btw

>> No.22821414

After all VALUE is minted, this token becomes deflationary and will harness increasing cash flows. Most tokens give the illusion of cash flow by paying inflation rewards to stakers - this token literally gives you ownership of a cash flow, like a stock. As such, it will have ACTUAL value which can be measured using a discounted cash flow analysis. You have been warned, and again: DYOR.

>> No.22821438

Jesus Christ you are a faggot. In no way did I say Scarcity equals higher value for the second time. You are legit retarded. If you stake the YFV Governance token you will get dividends from the DEX they are creating and Vault profits. DIVIDEND/PASSIVE INCOME has nothing to do with fucking scarcity or lowered supply Idk where you keep getting that from no one is saying it. Also Coinmetro is a fucking joke.

>> No.22821580

>All you need to do is look at the chart and notice the absolute bottom was reached, nothing but profits from here on.
Every shitcoin looks the same right now, because they were following ETH.

>> No.22821852
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>> No.22822518

Why does yfv feel different than almost every other shitcoin I've had the last few years? I don't get this tingle in my stomach very often

>> No.22822575

Cuz the devs are some cool fuckin nerds, VALUE will be a top 20 token. Cap this

>> No.22822586

Because it started out as a shitcoin but is now becoming something legit. The devs werent looking for a pnd, they were looking to create something longterm, something sustainable. Your gut feeling is right anon.

>> No.22822707

Uniswap sirs

>> No.22822785

Does anyone have a link to the AMA? Did that happen?

>> No.22822902

FAQ section of the discord

>> No.22822917

I got banned from it lol

>> No.22823045
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>> No.22823071
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>> No.22823093

You forgot chainlink

>> No.22823104
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>> No.22823121
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