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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22812125 No.22812125 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 22 yr old woman and I live at home. I graduated in august and have an at home job. I just got my check and immediately paid $500 to my cc bill but my mom is like why would you do that? a huge chunk of your check is gone. Why not pay little by little? I just want my debt out of the way before I buy a car but my mom is making me feel like im doing stuff wrong

I have some pocket money and money so I can treat myself on my birthday to my fav sandwich and a cupcake lol but am I being weird or no?

>> No.22812131


>> No.22812154

what's cc bill

>> No.22812172

credit card bill

>> No.22812200

Never listen to womens advice.

>> No.22812220


>> No.22812221

Sure, eat it. Is that all?

>> No.22812223

you can blow your check on bullshit
you can blow your check wiping out debt
or you can invest that money, grow it and do both

>> No.22812264

make an only fans and provide link, i'll help you pay your ccbill

>> No.22812275

SHow tits

>> No.22812288

okay my thinking is to clear my debt and then accumulate maybe like 5k to invest bc what the hell can I do with $500
also by the time I have that 5k ill be more educated on investing bc IDK nothing about finances and stuff, I want to be a doctor so I didn't take any classes or self study ever

>> No.22812352

dumb bitch. stupid bumbling bitch. stupid bitch. stupid retard stupid bitch. retarded dumb bitch.

>> No.22812363

post wallet and post tits i'll send a few unis to help

>> No.22812374
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Are you looking for a boyfriend in /biz/?

>> No.22812385

Yeah, what is that?

>> No.22812423

Want to be a doctor but didn't take any classes or self study, I assume you're speaking on finances. Either way, not s good start.

>> No.22812481

paying off CC bill is the first thing you need to do. You will end up paying interest monthly if you have a remaining balance which is literally you paying for them about 16% to hold your debt. This means that a $500 CC balance will turn to 580 at the beginning of the month (meaning you pay 80 more dollars for nothing).

You made the right call and your mom is financially illiterate

>> No.22812573

If you want to make money easily get simps to donate you crypto.

You could literally drop a photo of your breasts with a wallet address and get paid here but then again its a blue board.
If you're looking to invest your money after paying off CC just buy bitcoin / eth at a 50/50% dollar ratio.


>> No.22812608

No, like doctor classes. I figured I would just get an apprenticeship with a mortician, then move on to an apprenticeship with a dentist, then move on to an apprenticeship with a real doctor, and by the time I'm done with that I should be qualified to just take a test instead of doing classes to get my md degree, no?

>> No.22812779

hasn't Bitcoin reached its peak?
mmm u don't know what it's like to be pre med. there's no time for studying extra stuff if you're trying to get As in classes like orgo
stfu and stop trolling

>> No.22812816

if you want help you should not have mentioned that you are a woman

otherwise everyone on this thread will just focus and discuss the fact that you are a woman

>> No.22812857


Alright, you had me til here.

>> No.22812876

Hello sweet girl! Just Drop me your ETH wallet address and I'll send you about 2k worth of ETH :)

>> No.22813022

Dave Ramsey Plan
>Save 1000 USD or equivalent from a starter emergency fund, 500 if you make <20K/year
>Pay debt smallest to largest, and keep paying until its all gone
>Increase emergency fund to 3-6 months of expenses
>Invest/pay for college/build up skills for better income in the future

>> No.22813051

Tits and I will use my massive man-brain to figure out your problems.

>> No.22813199

Back to the kitchen. Both of you

>> No.22813275

that's a man

>> No.22813313

Post tits or gtfo, we don’t even help our own NEETs here we just scam them

>> No.22813332

>Pay debt smallest to largest,
Wrong, high interest debt goes first. What kind of midwit bullshit is this

>> No.22813365

Wrong, taking no debt is first

>> No.22813426

Nice try anon. Also it depends on how much your paying in interest. I would guess a lot if your only 22 so no don’t listen to your mommy I would pay that shit off as fast as possible. But don’t over do it either your going to need to set some money aside if you plan on fully transitioning

>> No.22813427


>> No.22813432


>> No.22813486

Not now Rajesh

>> No.22813582

Asides from the LARPs, how would a girl ever find this place? Remember the chick that dropped out of nowhere and wanted to talk to Sergey cuz he was doing a thing in LA? We all gave her 20 bucks and she uploaded her stalking and talking with Ari and Sergey. Are there more wymyn? If there are, HOW? LITERALLY HOW? WHERE THE FUCK DO THEY COME FROM.

>> No.22813653

Please open bobs and do the needful vagene sir

>> No.22813692

most people are brainlets who need encouragement, paying off the small one is another tangible victory that they see. keeps them motivated. If this was about math, they wouldn't be in debt now would they?

>> No.22814291 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22814317

saved and reported

>> No.22814378

Don't you have any dignity?

>> No.22814398

Timestamp required on bobs, sir

>> No.22814607

Stopped reading

>> No.22814993

Your mom is retarded and it appears the apple didn't fall far enough from that tree.

>> No.22815031

How you ease literal morons in to unwinding all of their bad choices. You have to let them feel the accomplishments and as soon as possible.

>> No.22815142


Fucking Toaster she was autistic like the rest of us. That livestream will go down in /biz history. Honestly that whole chat was epic.

>> No.22815171


Yea it doesn't work without a timestamp unfortunately. Its easy to post any picture. Gonna have to try again

>> No.22815525

>Don't make fun of her boobs, don't make fun of her boobs, don't make fun of her boobs

>> No.22816063

i started the year with $500 and one stimulus check now I have $18k trading crypto.

>> No.22816077

Can you give me tips?

>> No.22816134

Dude, just get a real job or a second part time job, pay off you CC and buy some ChainLink.

>> No.22816210

yes sweetie, I have tip right here for you
show bobs and vageen

>> No.22816274
File: 100 KB, 910x1024, 1599621734534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I am a woman

Serious question, why do women always feel a need to tell us that they are women?

Also, why is it only women on crypto twitter who post selfies and actual real life photos of themselves?

Is it all attention seeking?, if so, are u as a collective all that severely mentally ill?

Do they feel special because they think them being women in a space like crypto is cool, cause tech etc? If so, what happened to female power, being just as good at men at everything? LOL

Women go on about equality, but then use sex at every opportunity in all areas, extremely concerning and bizzare


t. woman

>> No.22816728

Because people assume you're a man unless you say otherwise. But there's no point in telling anyone on here because they'll just say "tits or GTFO". They types of women say they're women: those who don't know how it will go, and those who do and are willing to post tits.

>> No.22816807

I wish women realized that just because they can ask a question and i know the answer doesnt mean i can get them to understand but i sure as shit wish theyd listen

>> No.22816924

Sweeaty, find a good husband and get pregnant.
simple as

>> No.22816973

Plus women who post tits in crypto spaces are probably doing it to promote their business or seek approval. The rest of the women just stay anon because they quickly learn they get nothing out of saying they're women.

>> No.22817843

Is investing into BTC and ETH rn a good idea?

>> No.22818652

Your mom, along with most boomers are coomsumers. Paying down debt in uncertain times is smart. What you need to do is get out of debt completely and as quickly as possible. Then save “pay yourself” at least 10% of everything you make at the very least. Avoid lifestyle creep, and follow some form of budget.

Being financially independent makes you “weird” and “different”. And that is a good thing. Every time you see people driving nice new cars and big homes with huge mortgage payments in your head you need to think about how poor and stupid these people are. Only a small fraction of them are actually financially in a place to be able to really afford these items while saving for retirement.

And if you don’t take any of this advice, since you are a woman you can always just leech off some beta when your 35. Good luck.

>> No.22818735

This is also great advice.

>> No.22818895

If you do want to buy crypto, be very strategic about your entry point. Look at the charts, make sure you're putting money in when it's closer to the yearly or monthly low, never when it's unusually high.