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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22811271 No.22811271 [Reply] [Original]

Will you faggots tell me what is so special about this coin?

>> No.22811332

Nothing special
But I bought in at $0.04 idgaf

>> No.22811371

over 12K unique daily users. thought pajeets were good at mafs???

>> No.22811408

Bought low, gonna sell high. Pretty simple really. Everyone uses this system including myself. Does it need a token? IDK. I don't care. None of this space needs tokens. Money to be made though so fuck it yolo

>> No.22811419
File: 1.47 MB, 2548x1432, cryptodiffer chartex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18,000 daily users paid subscriptions coming that you pay for in $CHART
>beats dextools, astro and all other uniswap charting

what else do you want me to say read the site:

p.s. its breaking out rn

>> No.22811452

people already use it and it's about to get a v2 update. pretty obvious buy.

>> No.22811479

Great website - owner just wanted to make money on token... it is not even needed and should will go to 0

>> No.22811566

I don't think this is going to 0. This .030 area has been tested a lot, lots of buy pressure there. I think this is going up from here. FInally have a higher low on the 1h chart.

>> No.22811587

Just being honest lad

>> No.22811811

Is this pulling a 100x? If so I'm in

>> No.22812037

> should will go

I can smell the curry on you

>> No.22812074


CHART has nothing on DEXT.

DEXTools literally has 10x the number of daily users (120k) with multi-dex functionality in the works, limit orders being released very soon, and bot trading for premium members.

>> No.22812102

>it is not even needed and should will go to 0

famous last words before FOMO buying in at x5 from here

>> No.22812119

Proof of numbers? Big if true

>> No.22812199

Fantastic platform. Been buying a ton

>> No.22812245

bullshit numbers and a bunch of shit that is "in the works". try harder.

>> No.22812251

18k times 10 is 120k? ok pajeet.

Nevermind the fact its got more search volume on CoinGecko
Nevermind the fact all of crypto twitter posts ChartEx charts all the time (when's the last time anyone seen dextools screenshot kek)
Nevermind the fact Dextools charts are delayed
Nevermind the fact ChartEx already has bots
Nevermind the fact ChartEx is gonna get whalewatching, mobile app, alerts, metamask integration, watchlists, not only multi-dex in the works but also support for other blockchains

Everytime there's a ChartEx post you fucking pajeets come out of the woodworks from Dextools and Astro telegrams because you know ChartEx is better in every single way and is gonna make way more money than your dogshit product that looks like it was designed in 2013

>> No.22812512


Exactly what I was looking for, sold all dogshittools straight into CHART

>> No.22812692


They've obviously paid this monkey to tweet about their shitcoin. Probably paid for this interview as well: https://yellowblock.io/interview-with-chartex/

Why do you need a token to chart scam coins lmao

>> No.22812754

you quote someone saying dextools (charting) is better than chartex (charting) and then say charting doesnt need a token

ok pajeet, all you did was tag your mates

>> No.22812773


Yes, your dubs confirmed it

>> No.22812799

Imagine dick riding dex tools when every single trader with a brain is using ChartEx. The facts dont lie. 1 month from now when this has mooned and everyones raving about how mint ChartEx is, you haters will be drying your tears and wiping your ass with the same tissues.

>> No.22812863
File: 1.30 MB, 500x500, 8fjga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just enjoying the ride to the moon

>> No.22812902

You sound like the tiny penis dev who's behind this scam, you claim there's a FUD campaign, when in fact the product is just shit.

The FUD comes from people actually learning about chartex then seeing how bad it is compared to the competition, like Dextools and uniswap.vision.

>> No.22813009

Isn't dextools run by incompetent morons that were charging $2500 for premium at one point?

>> No.22813044

Still waiting for you to explain why DEXT is better.

>> No.22813066




>> No.22813076
File: 3.25 MB, 2917x2304, alotofmoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22813106

>penis size on /biz/
you have to 18 to post here youngling

>> No.22813114
File: 118 KB, 792x600, 34E52D53-FBB8-4806-B134-CFB2063A8FFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh your dev has tiny penis
Kys pajeet

>> No.22813169

I fucking bought this shit at .10 im financially ruined I knew it was a pnd shitcoin but I couldnt get out on time

Prove those numbers arent faked and how many would actually pay for charts. Even if all of the soiboi fags of crypto tweeter used chartex the token is not needed

>> No.22813490
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, tangle of life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove those numbers arent faked
see this interview: https://yellowblock.io/interview-with-chartex/
It has the screenshot of the numbers. If you call this fake youre either FUDster or braindead

>and how many would actually pay for charts
how the fuck am i supposed to prove that retard

>Even if all of the soiboi fags of crypto tweeter used chartex the token is not needed

Oh so the token is not needed but 2 lines up you claimed to have bought them at 10 cents? Gtfo pajeet, FUD is so low quality i hope they dont pay you

>> No.22813508

christ you fucking poorfag look at how many people use chartex in social media. when people show TA on uni coins they're using chartex dumb fuck.

>> No.22813768

I specifically stated I bought them hoping to sell higher. I knew it was a pnd scam and was willing to take the risk for potential profit. I also read the paid for interview on yellowblock, still absolutely zero proof that the supposed number of users arent faked.
Yes, and I also use it. Doesn't change the fact the token is not needed. I just hope it pops to at least .09 before it plummets again so I can get out with just a small loss

>> No.22813960

As a user of both Dextools and Chartex, I have to say the latter is WAY better. I hold both coins so I benefit from either or doing good. But I can honestly say Chartex, in its free format, is better than Dextools premium version. I don’t get why you can’t get information on DEXT from past days, it’s so stupid. Also the candle charts look weird and are a bit harder to understand than Chartex. DEXT pros are being able to see transactions in a real time, nicer format. Also being able to view your favorite pairs at the same time. But honestly once Chartex releases their pro version I’ll probably let go of Dextools altogether.

>> No.22814044

chart will be very successful regardless of the competition - as i’ve said from the start i’m a buyer under 10c and not selling until $1+

>> No.22814366
File: 112 KB, 792x600, dextoolz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all simp dex & astro fools jerky handz gone

now we moon

we repeat, they buy high and sell low, tears and again

poor simps

>> No.22814657

this shit is going sideways- i sold. ill rebuy if we have strength but i couldnt take it anymore

>> No.22814802

Right when it started pumping KEK

>> No.22815279


50% move.... sideways... stay poor