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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22804032 No.22804032 [Reply] [Original]

>up 49.9% in the last 24h

>> No.22804046

Not buying this chink team scam.

>> No.22804052

Your choice to stay poor anon

>> No.22804069

You already pulled the rug once no one is going to fall for it again.
Which one the chink team members are you?

>> No.22804085

Anon, I’m not pushing you to buy it. It’s not like your wealth affects me in any way. DYOR

>> No.22804106

Hahahaha these cunts have rugged already. It’s a shame the average biz browser has the memory of a goldfish. Don’t buy this shit

>> No.22804119

It literally passed audit yesterday. Also rebasing and staking is coming in a week or so.

>> No.22804303

And that proves it’s not another rug how? You’re a fucking idiot lol they’ve literally scammed under the same name before. Keep buying you’ll get burned retard

>> No.22805108

Don't reply if you don't know what you're talking about anon. The team didn't rug, there was a bug that allowed some guy in California to drain the liquidity. The team then jumped through hoops to produce a legitimate v2 and even airdropped to people affected.

>> No.22805357

This. This board is filled with idiots.

>> No.22805417

Holy shit you've got to hand it to these brainlets. Team came back from the bug exploit using all the raised funds. This is the exact opposite of a rug. If you don't see the potential in this one, you deserve to stay poor

>> No.22805471

This. I almost feel bad for the fudders.

>> No.22805634

>It was a complete accident goy
Fuck you're dumb.
Have fun getting dumped on with this scam that has already had a 30x drop in volume.
Also never get married.

>> No.22805650

Keep buying your shitcoins, maybe this time you’ll get lucky.

>> No.22805652

Imagine being such a dumb nigger, stay poor stay salty copelet

>> No.22806537

wow you are one dense mother fucker, ngmi