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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 1080x751, rot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22804023 No.22804023 [Reply] [Original]

deflationary tokenomics + lowered emission rates recently + new features to come soon + increased burn rate soon + no anon dev looking like an AI.

people called it dead after the emission cut dip, but i told you all to buy the dip. well, did you?

you would be rich by now.

why aren't you all in on this? 50 cents coming soon.

uniswap: https://uniswap.info/token/0xd04785c4d8195e4a54d9dec3a9043872875ae9e2
website: www.rottenswap.org

>> No.22804107

Bought because of the memes, just like i did with Chainlink. Based as fuck.

>> No.22804121
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>im in.

Ready to solve defi problem

>> No.22804128
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>> No.22804148

What is the burn rate?

>> No.22804271

2.5% on every transaction

>> No.22804391

lol this actually went 6x in a night, okay

>> No.22804405

This is the only defi project with good tokenomics. I'm rotting with my frens now.

>> No.22804527
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Rot and roll baby.

>> No.22804539

Why would I buy a pumped coin?

>> No.22804614

Because this is just the beginning, deflationary token plus NFT coming soon

>> No.22804673


>> No.22804817

>pumped coin
it's reaching 0.2 in a few days, get in or sadpost on /biz/ come Monday

>> No.22804848

i posted about it when it was 0.02 and still people told me the pump was over. few understand...

>> No.22804856
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Based and so so truthpilled

>> No.22804885

I've never felt comfier. I always had a tense feeling with every other coin even Link. Everything makes me nervous.

This is the project. If you guys really want to see financial freedom this is the way.

I really hope you guys just take a look at what it offers.

>> No.22805091

I agree fren, I'm ready to retire after this 100x

>> No.22805550
File: 93 KB, 659x609, Eik5HJbWkAYUF_W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's still time before we all see 50 cents. come rot with us.

>> No.22805582

>50 cents
>Implying we're all going to make it
I've already 4x my investment. I dump on you now.

>> No.22805738
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listen on coingecko 2days ago

>> No.22805991
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>> No.22806083

implying i am not the one dumping. KEK

>> No.22806167

just x2 here as well, selling half, keeping half, cheers

>> No.22806198

this is the way to go. although i would not sell half my $ROT at 2x. 1/3 if you've got weak hands.

>> No.22806230

its worth going into the pools now also to farm some rot, ROT-MAGGOT pool has highest yields

>> No.22806247

imagine seeing this chart and not turning down your iq a little

>> No.22806263

yeah not selling yet tho, gotta go a little bit higher.

>> No.22806322

imagine posting a "zoomed out" chart of a project that has existed for mere days. pathetic.

>> No.22806541

is he cooking VERASITY too?

>> No.22806693

verasity lmao...

>> No.22807024


Turned down my IQ for this all the way to 20, so only about 5 points reduction

>> No.22807079


>> No.22807123

Still worth buying in?

>> No.22807145

Just farm SDOGE, The real MVP of NFT and defi. Launched about 4 hours ago, contract timelock and rewards are real good right now. MCAP below 40K. Ride it from the bottom

>> No.22807200

yes, 10 cents easy

>> No.22807231

man i've been in every thread telling people it is realistically going to fifty cents, get your head out of your ass and buy some.

>> No.22808142

No fucking way. It'll dump at 10¢ and stay below 10¢ forever because the TG admins are all fudding it.

>> No.22808234

can someone tell me why the fuck this is worth anything at all? im not against the idea, but as soon as these food coins popped up i'm getting the same feeling i did in 2017 with the ico's.

who cares about the deflationary nature of trash? it's like in childhood when we gave value to sticks and stones until suddenly we threw them back into the forest.

>> No.22808281

see you in two weeks time. idiot.

why is any coin worth anything at all?

>> No.22808297

The problem with sushi and many food coins was the constant inflation from farming. Rot solved this with deflation and added a nice twist on it that you get maggots when you burn.

>> No.22808341

no need to educate these people who only come in here because they want to argue instead of investing.

>> No.22808360

well for example I can see why bitcoin has a value because a public ledger of transactions that's very very very difficult (impossible) to manipulate in a digital world would be valuable.

Yeah I'm not really asking why Rot is better than Sushi, I'm asking why anyone would give real valuable money towards some token called rot or sushi or sashimi or whatever.
what are you guys "farming"? do you get bitcoin or something valuable out of it?

>> No.22808436

When you provide liquidity on uniswap you get lp tokens that you stake on their website so you start earning passive income in ROT. So its like you are being an exchange and collecting fees from people buying/selling.

>> No.22808472

but it doesn't derive most of its value because it is useful to have a difficult to manipulate ledger. most of its value comes from being first in the crypto market and having a lot of attention surrounding it.

value is entirely based on the influx of money, attention, and believed scarcity on any given coin.

rottenswap is constantly reducing supply, has a lot of attention right now and influx of money.

simple logic will tell you the coin will moon for a while.

>> No.22808663

>rottenswap is constantly reducing supply, has a lot of attention right now and influx of money.

>simple logic will tell you the coin will moon for a while.

Alright so this is just the yield farming version of PAMP network? sure the value can go up the next days/week but as an investor who's making a living out of crypto i don't want to risk my money going to 0 by next thursday. investing a small amount is tempting, if it works it works...

>> No.22808711

alright I think I understand. so as long as dex's are being used, coins like this will have a value?

>> No.22809586

if you don't want to risk it all, just don't invest a lot. of course no one can tell you what this coin will do in a few months time, but for now it is surely going to make you a return on your investment.

im not here to give financial advice, really. i think this coin has great potential, which is why i keep posting about it, but, of course, at the end of the day it all depends on how the community decides to go forward with it.

>> No.22809747


>> No.22809840

So now that rewards have been severely cut much sooner than what we were originally told, is it still worth going through the trouble of adding to the amount of rotten uni im already staking? Or should I just buy ROT outright to speculate on further price movements

>> No.22809883

With a decent amount you will be rewarded
But holding works too
This shit is about to moon

>> No.22809919

this has been debunked a lot of times. this was voted on in the telegram and i don't understand why some of you aren't in it. it is the fastest way to get updates.

yes add it because the apy will probably be increased.

>> No.22809972

You can still farm and make profit, just takes a bit longer now.

Early bird gets the worm on these kinds of projects. The community is strong on this one so I expect it to last quite a while and price will shift significantly higher in the coming weeks.

>> No.22810024

Also market cap is only $1.6 million with supply constantly going down, soooooo much room to grow.

>> No.22810185
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>> No.22810194
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here's a zoomed in chart, green line go up

>> No.22810263
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I went all in and dump my 200k rsr stack into this. Maybe ill finally stop being a poor.

>> No.22810446

with $rot all lines are green, even the red ones.

>> No.22810615


>> No.22811052

Fuck its actually moonin, 8cents incoming in these minutes

>> No.22811062

Have you already bought XFYI token? I am very excited by how demand on solution and the token are growing and how team is working on solution adoption. XFYI trading is Live on Bilaxy and demand is high

>> No.22811108

Get the fuck out of here pajeet.

>> No.22811151

well what did you expect... it can only go up right now...

>> No.22811241

Supply is burning slowly, get in!

>> No.22811256
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>> No.22811260

approaching 50 cents in a few days. i can feel it.

>> No.22811289

This shit is going to 1$ lmfaoooo good thing I bought at .03

>> No.22811327
File: 20 KB, 548x466, hammer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, it is green now

>> No.22811343

$1 is only a $25 million market cap for something better than Sushi.

>> No.22811490
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>bought at 0.023
This will be my first 50x

>> No.22811524
File: 85 KB, 1631x1571, smug1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people called it dead after the emission cut dip, but i told you all to buy the dip. well, did you?


>> No.22811638

some people just hate making money, that's the only rational explanation

>> No.22811719

you could try explaining it all day to them and they still question your sanity.

>> No.22811753

Wake up and this shit is .07c and growing whew lad. Actually excited to see only 870 addresses too.

>> No.22811822

8.4 cents now! Not too late to get in!

>> No.22811833

Get in fagoots!

>> No.22812132

remember, weak hands won't make it in this game of rotten chicken

>> No.22812311

Taking profit is fine but LOL at people dumping their entire stacks and FOMOing in back later.

>> No.22812366

of course. dumping and fomoing in always lose because they are of weak mentality. the more u dump, the higher the price goes for the rest of us.

>> No.22812452

bought 1 eth worth. You rotten bastards better not be scamming me

>> No.22812522

Okay, I bought back in at the dip.

>> No.22812576

cant even unlock the wallet on the site lol

>> No.22812582

Buying the mf dip. Sushi did what 10 dollers, this can easy 10x to 1 doller.


>> No.22812727

welcome frens.
just refresh the page or close the tab in the metamask app and go to the page again. happens occasionally.

>> No.22812734


>> No.22812829

Was that you who did the 30eth buy?

>> No.22812855

Bro’s is the pamp over? I wanna fomo in.

>> No.22812862
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>> No.22812899

Fuck no its not over. Still under $2 million market cap.

>> No.22812908

ROT is literally sushi without the inflation and dev fund. Sushi is currently at 160 million mcap and ROT is at less than 2 million

>> No.22812935

come join us.

we all $ROT together.

>> No.22812993

Fuck it bro’s take my $. The next $MEME. $10 eod.

>> No.22813028
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>> No.22813075

Crazy how this just keeps going up and up, almost like the deflationary aspect is working. So glad I went degen into this

>> No.22813080

Is it too late?

>> No.22813103


>> No.22813122

That's how a lot of these coins start and then take the fuck off.


Community is strong on this one. Highly recommended for all the ROT memes and shitposting, but ignore the low IQ fud.

>> No.22813237

no it isn't... just make sure your hands are made of steel. don't fucking sell too early.

>> No.22813327
File: 8 KB, 125x150, BFEFD18F-BBF6-49B3-A124-10D25F626EB7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re right on time

>> No.22813340
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love to see it

>> No.22813551


>> No.22813601

>Check liquidity pool
>Down 50% rot, up 50% eth
So what happens if I go down to 0 ROT?

>> No.22813605

alright you guys got me. threw an eth into it

>> No.22813606

added some eths to the dip :]

>> No.22813646

Damn its flying today!

>> No.22813784


>> No.22813888

This will blow past .10. We will see .20 to .30 soon.

>> No.22813921


>> No.22813986
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>> No.22814099
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Once it breaks 10 cents it's gonna moon so hard

>> No.22814121
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its buy time

>> No.22814356


>> No.22814399


>> No.22814402
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>> No.22814433

raise the gas fee.

>> No.22814582
File: 324 KB, 394x415, car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people called it dead after the emission cut dip, but i told you all to buy the dip. well, did you?

>you would be rich by now.

getting that lambo

>> No.22814605

waz da sui stack nighaz?

>> No.22814646


>> No.22814697



>> No.22814746
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>> No.22814796
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ATTENTIE BASED NEDERVRIENDEN, vandaag koopt u ROT, morgen koopt u ROTterdam. Check 'em.

>> No.22814814

Wait till supply gets to under 1M, this shit will be crazy

>> No.22814868

Imagine dumping a 350k stack now when this shit will be hitting $1 soon, LMAOOOOOOO.

>> No.22814880

what is the target 50c?

>> No.22814907

WTF,,,, the words BASED, MEME and suicide stack.

look guys this project is shit. making 100 plus replies not gonna help it. its just a (copy) raise to power 5

>> No.22814910

Who was the idiot that dumped XDXDSGNVEdjvi

>> No.22814944

hahahahahahahahaah are you the same retard who posted when it was 0,02 saying it was shit as well? please leave. nobody cares about you you poor fuck.

>> No.22814961

What the hell? It dumped yet I couldn't buy the dip. The price shot right back up.

>> No.22814968

Financially rotten

>> No.22815025

Still really early with this. Lots of room to run.

>> No.22815049


>> No.22815066

The tokens get burned, don't they?

>> No.22815126

People are catching on and it's going to keep going up.

Get the fuck in while you can. Imagine not buying Sushi at these prices and look where it is now, and they keep inflating. ROT is not going to inflate token supply like them, so it makes it that much more valuable on top of NOT HAVING A RUG PULLING FAGGOT DEV.

>> No.22815250

We just hit 10c baby, let's goooooo

>> No.22815262


So correct

>> No.22815283

Holy mooni this is the next sushi hands down

>> No.22815336

always was

>> No.22815487

lmao told you all

>> No.22815529
File: 245 KB, 1280x1280, rotpockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality memes included.

>> No.22815567

I dont give a fuck if I lose it all. I will hold this for at least halloween.

>> No.22815588

Whale just dumped?

>> No.22815606
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>> No.22815624

kek these memes are just getting better and better. $100 EOW

>> No.22815632

Whale trying to swing

>> No.22815635


>> No.22815715

Imagine trying to swing your entire stack only to watch this shit keep going up, lmao. Fucking rekt.

>> No.22815716

thankyou freind

>> No.22815739

Why is this shit pumping so hard? Fuck I missed out so hard on this one

>> No.22815799

The ROT supply keeps burning when they sell

>> No.22815801

You didn't miss shit yet. You're going to miss if you don't buy now though.

>> No.22815851
File: 85 KB, 1280x1143, photo_2020-09-25_19-31-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever get scared and think about selling, just remember that it has taken only around 5 minutes to bounce back from every whale that has sold.

>> No.22815855

I rly dont think you have missed. If it dips, buy it. Keep watching.

>> No.22815857

how much do are the rewards worth?

>> No.22815892

It's up like 500% in 2 days, I will get rekt if I buy now

>> No.22815916


>> No.22815962
File: 70 KB, 1200x765, 5E048591-1252-4EC9-B0FD-AB6BB576DEB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been farming since Wednesday
100 rot/hour

>> No.22815968


>> No.22815995

Which pool?

>> No.22815996

You're missing the point. With that kind of thinking, you'll be necking yourself when its 10x from this price. Could be a few days or a week at this rate.

You also have to remember this isn't inflating, and trading burns 2.5% of the transaction so it naturally increases scarcity and price. It's just under 25 million tokens so even $1 each is a small market cap.

>> No.22816078

DuMp just got eaten up so hard. -84eth back to normal like it was nothing. So much buy pressure

>> No.22816202

of course there is, this is the next sushi

>> No.22816213

how can one dump something that just pumps?

>> No.22816257

sell low, buy high :S safasfasfzxcewe

>> No.22816393


>> No.22816446

will i make it with 150k

>> No.22816485
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>> No.22816571

lol bot 300k at 0.03 or so and sold half wen it dumped a few days back.

>> No.22816751

Nothing wrong with taking profits. At least you weren't dumb enough to dump your entire stack.

>> No.22816883

See? Keep watching. Small dips and large pumps. Im not even trading it. I just added liquidity and staked for harvesting ROT.

>> No.22816918

i don't totally understand IL so I am actually not staking anymore just hodling

>> No.22816963
File: 16 KB, 409x423, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? Swapping ROT for MAGGOT.

>> No.22817268

Refresh and increase your slippage.

>> No.22817368

refresh tab/restart metamask and then increase slippage.

>> No.22817533


How high we talking...? Not working at 5%

>> No.22817576

Come Rot with us!

>> No.22817602

If you're trying to get a specific amt of maggot, type the amt of rot in manually. That worked for me

>> No.22817614

glorious dip, 10c incoming for a new test.

>> No.22817673

Boom. Thanks.

>> No.22817718

Ready to take off any minute. .10 then .15

>> No.22817821

whens this going back up wtf

>> No.22818003

Some whales slowly dumping their stack.


>> No.22818016

soon, weak hands won't make it. just sell if you can't hold.

>> No.22818070

Lots of buying at .74 and .75

>> No.22818280

Looks like one sold a bunch for ETH and put it in the farm.

>> No.22818494
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Literally right now its pumping

>> No.22818535

sent to the LP let's go boys

>> No.22818557

Kek I knew this should would dump as soon as I buy.
Fuck you

>> No.22818617

I just said why it dipped brainlet, they needed the ETH for farming more tokens.

It's going back up now.

>> No.22818662

Here we go. Pumping again

>> No.22818751
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 1B2ABD01-92CD-4AD8-BB30-7D0AFAAD8456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m financially rotting

>> No.22818824

This shit will pump until Halloween, rotten life

>> No.22818874

How old are you? Just trying to figure out something

>> No.22818913



>> No.22819204

Just take it easy, last night it pamped the fuck up when I was sleeping and I woke up rich again, like the day before and like tomorrow and the coming weeks.


>> No.22819243

How do those relate to each other? Isnt the IL risk higher?

>> No.22819476
File: 336 KB, 1458x1116, A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYOR, this is where you can put your ROT gains to make it.
Thank me later.

>> No.22819712

lol why can't u fuck heads start your own threads.

>> No.22819726

This is going to rug. Get fucked.


>> No.22819769


>> No.22819859

imagine trading $rot for a shitcoin

>> No.22819867

Can someone redpill me on the rot/maggot meme? What's the risk given that high apy?

>> No.22820051
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>> No.22820078

Due to low liquidity in the pool, it's relatively easy for anyone with, say 15 ETH worth of ROT, to manipulate the pool.

>> No.22820095
File: 27 KB, 295x231, hfhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you read the about section. If you buy now or soon, you are early and in a good spot.

>> No.22820182

Does the token actually have any use case? At least Sushi has a DEX.

>> No.22820248

apart from farming and governance? right now, no. but it will have tons of features soon.

this is the beginning, the coin is only a few days old. join the ride.

>> No.22820377

Ofc it dumps 20% and keeps dumping the moment I buy this shit

>> No.22820407

What kinds of features?

>> No.22820436

just hold it, ffs.

tomorrow you are going to talk about how you sold off too early. just hold.

every time somebody sells, the supply gets burned, every time supply gets burned, the price goes up.

this is simple. do everyone a favor and buy and hold.

if you can't hold, then just sell. your hands are too weak.

>> No.22820465

I'm not gonna sell now, just wished I waited and didnt get in on the dip immediately.

>> No.22820501

Well the ride was fun while it lasted. RIP ROT, it's over now. Back to $0.0125

>> No.22820505
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It is nice that you are cautious about a new token, but I'll give you some breadcrumbs.
That developer came to /biz/ first, before they did anything else and shilled their own token. The token exploded and did a 1500x (now hovering at 100x since the dev made their initial /biz/ thread). The dev, instead of rugging, immediately locked as many tokens as they could at the request of their community and then burnt the rest without hesitation.

That presale link is to their newest project. The dev is shilling on /biz/ again. The proof is all on warosu and etherscan. The dev hates watching /biz/nessmen fall for scam after scam, rug after rug, and has an autistic affinity for math functions and incorporating them into existing DeFi concepts in interesting ways. It's okay if you refuse still, as the dev doesn't want your money, they just want to test their theories.

>> No.22820551

lmao, see u in two weeks at 0.5
just create your own thread. how hard could it be?

>> No.22820628


>> No.22820912

Create your own thread and I'll throw an $eth on it

>> No.22820928

this is about to moon so hard

>> No.22821014
File: 404 KB, 431x511, azizArsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go. I poke around sometimes in the larger threads because nobody gives a fuck about a token that's in presale, everyone just chases big numbers.

>> No.22821125

im going to sleep now. if there is no thread tomorrow, i'll create a new one. see you at 0.1 frens.

thank u. will check it out.

>> No.22821498
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6,66$ incoming frens

>> No.22821513

Weak hands sell but Chads buy more and binance whales buy 50 ETH worth

>> No.22821551

Me too honestly. Good lads.

>> No.22821557

Rot gonna go cowboy mode very soon.

>> No.22821897
File: 11 KB, 784x146, rot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average day of $ROT holders

>> No.22822010


>> No.22822342

Yeah sure buddy, whatever you say.

You're going to get rugged.

ROT still holding strong!

>> No.22822775


>> No.22823918

My investment is rotting

>> No.22823983

>10¢ achieved
>Instant dump
We found the ATH.

>> No.22824457

Have a rotten bump

>> No.22824605

This is exciting. Gimme that big 1$ !

>> No.22824775


>> No.22825022

wtf, I bought this a few days ago as a joke and now I'm up x5

>> No.22825881

sell now while you're up

>> No.22825926

the fuck was that just now

>> No.22826093

It's dumping.

>> No.22826134

Go ahead and sell. Please.

>> No.22826191

will this hit over 0.5?

>> No.22826206

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a farm APY generally go down the more people are providing liquidity?

If the ROT-ETH APY has gone from 690% at Hour 1 of the emissions cut, and is now 1250%, doesn't that mean people have cashed out?

>> No.22826219

ok retard

>> No.22826221
File: 79 KB, 700x503, 000b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dumped on you at 8¢, I'll dump on you again at 11¢. WAIT FOR ME.

>> No.22826269

ROT price is mooning, APY changes with that as well so it is increasing since the tokens you farm are higher value

>> No.22826305
File: 99 KB, 809x880, cate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROT is made by the same team as BRR from a while back.

100% a pajeet rug pull scam.

You have been warned.

>> No.22826325

I really dont know. Its possible. Im expecting at least x2 from now. Maybe then I will still hold. I can manage to lose 1.1 ETH. Not afraid. Im also mining ROT via ROT-ETH
BUT selling now, I see it as a stupid move.

>> No.22826344

Go ahead I dont give a fuck. Bring it down to zero.

>> No.22826382

Its dipping with eth which seems obvious enough
I'm starting to think this is just gonna try to mimic eth and stay lowkey for a while
I actually didnt find this shit on /biz/ I found it looking for new coins listed and it had a decent looking chart

>> No.22826437


baseless FUD

$100 EOY

>> No.22826501

Ok retard.

>> No.22826736

This will dump hard please sell rottenswap token

>> No.22826989

I bought at $0.0170 go do yourself

>> No.22827616

Put an ETH into this, thanks

>> No.22828173

Ohoho, time for the dump.

>> No.22828206

Are you sure?

>> No.22828910


>> No.22829157
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Not yet apparently

>> No.22829185


>> No.22829434

What's keeping this from being rugged? BETHERO, SPARTA, KuCoin, and HATCH all rugged despite multiple safeguards.

>> No.22829618

no premine no dev fund sushi contracts didnt get hacked and these are the same

>> No.22830051

Wait did SPARTA actually rug? I flipped that shitcoin for a 2x and never looked back, thank god I got out and put profits into ROT.

>> No.22830052
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>> No.22830066

11c we are going straight to $1 lol this is sustainable yield farming for the little guy, all yields go to ROT LPS and supply deflates so price doesnt crash

>> No.22830125

please be true i bought at 0.023 and need a win after all my le steel hands hodling i did the past few weeks

>> No.22830177

have faith and hold strong, FUD your bags like a chad

>> No.22830182

what did i say. fifty cents here we come.

>> No.22830348

Friend shilled me on this at 2 cents and i said fuck no rugpull etc...

Now I'm wanting to kill myself.

>> No.22830351

did you sell early or hold like i told you to?

>> No.22830416

Why are there no threads about this? I wanna see old Ghost Train General levels of hype.

>> No.22830446

Still relatively early anon

>> No.22830461

I'm up so many ethers lmao :]]]]

>> No.22830507

they show up now and again. ive made three threads these past few days. >>22830348
>people called it dead after the emission cut dip, but i told you all to buy the dip. well, did you?

we've been here for days... join us...

>> No.22830978

Why does the chat in this thread seem so odd?

>> No.22830997

What do you mean?

>> No.22831054

because we are hard shilling to you hoping you get in and ride this 10x train with us

>> No.22831141

Wait sparta rugged already? Bethero too? I was in the presale.

>> No.22831165


>> No.22831210

Same the chart looked like every other food coin and like it was about to die.

>> No.22831225

Held and staked. Only got a small bag in case it dips and no reason to sell it.
Might sell now though.

>> No.22831579

because everything here is just sushi code WITHOUT a devfund or premining.

>> No.22831732
File: 41 KB, 777x777, rotten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are seriously going to 1$ now

>> No.22831790

you don't learn, do you

>> No.22831839

hell yeah mfers

i've been trying to educate weak hands for days now. what am i doing wrong.

>> No.22831996

Can't educate them they need to "dyor"
People hate free money

>> No.22832057

I'm up a good amount, I've learned to take profits early especially with BTC looking shaky again.

>> No.22832144

Also I think I made less profit by staking it than if I had just held it.

>> No.22832169

depends on how much you've got. if you're a small holder, then just hold.

>> No.22832226

Well, this was interesting to watch
Remember to buy yfms fellas, next pnd.

>> No.22832346

YFMS is dead. killed it for investors by holding out for one more week.

>> No.22832824

KEK. This is the funniest shitcoin ever. 10x gains still more than possible.

>> No.22832839
File: 1.45 MB, 2448x2791, 1547826266513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is literally any other coin even pumping rn, mine certainly aren't except for this

>> No.22832848


>> No.22832899

The memes are even better thank Link ones, and the community is rot as fuck, even the devs are scumbags trying to fud people to sell at low prices to accumulate more. Clearly pro-team, no pajeets. This is gonna moon so fucking hard.

>> No.22832989


I bought at $0.028, fuck off shitskin

>> No.22833071


>> No.22833096

somebody who actually listened and bought the emission cut dip. thank you fren.

>> No.22833211

the only thing i regret is not buying more when it was still cents...

>> No.22833391

20 cents incoming, holy shit.

>> No.22833402

Fud it, pump it, fomo it, it still ROTS.

>> No.22833419
File: 85 KB, 769x695, Eir67m0XkAM2BiH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's go

>> No.22833449

Is this unironically going to 1$?
I won't get rekt for fomoing at 10c?

>> No.22833472

you won't. thank me later.

>> No.22833621

thanks for thread yesterday, fucking pajeet. this only dumps up. got in rot, up I am 2x from yesterday

>> No.22833627 [DELETED] 


Will I make it?

>> No.22833646


>> No.22833692

don't know about $1, but 50c is pretty much garanteed. That's only like 12M mc

>> No.22833696

From what exchanges can I buy this?

>> No.22833723


>> No.22833737
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, 1503396029227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people called it dead after the emission cut dip, but i told you all to buy the dip. well, did you?

>> No.22833753

Im gonna fuckin kms i sold my bags before rocket at 2cents i had 100k rot. Fuckin hate this fuckin shit. Bought pajeet scam with leftover and lost everything

>> No.22833754

FOMOing in now. I have the worst luck imaginable. Prepare for dump.

>> No.22833784
File: 264 KB, 1356x668, rotchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is unstoppable

>> No.22833942

Is it even worth farming $ROT pairs? I did this since yesterday and made less profit from the pump than if I held due to IL.
If this keeps pumping then holding seems way better than farming.

>> No.22833947


>> No.22833998

Big money is leaving right now

>> No.22834104


>> No.22834123

idiots. weak hands won't make it. if people sell the price will eventually go up.

>> No.22834411
File: 50 KB, 624x624, Eg7UJqzX0AE6l0I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards weeded out already
Great, i wouldn't want you "people" making money

>> No.22834471

Lol I'm still in and bought the dip at 13. Just wished I sold at 17 and increased my step further.

>> No.22834495

no need to do anything, just leave it for a few days days then quit your job if you have one

>> No.22834643

hope you all sold.

>> No.22834705

It's .18 again lol

>> No.22834745

20 keep sgetting rejected it's over.