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22803786 No.22803786 [Reply] [Original]

Aye nigguh when is QNT gonna pump again. I put 20k at 9 bucks and I don’t wana be a broke niga anymoe

>> No.22803816

Sopa de macaco, uma delicia

>> No.22803958

It's pretty easy to stop it pumping. We buy every local bottom and sell at key points to kill any attempted pumps. We can keep doing this so long as you faggots are stuck on idex. Which will be forever.

Should have bought the ocean dip instead.

>> No.22804149

One word: Arpanet.

>> No.22804395


Buy ocean

>> No.22805152

why would i buy a sinking ship lol

>> No.22805242

What about the Ancient Greeks?

>> No.22805343

Ayyeee, have you researched QNT before investing? if yes, i fail to understand how you can doubt that it'll eventually pump like a motherfucker. name one project in crypto with better fundamentals. i'm waiting.

>> No.22805419

pro tip: there is none

>> No.22805421

Slight doubt about tokenomics.

>> No.22805513

what does you worry?

>> No.22805599

What!? you don't get better tokenomics!

>> No.22806082

>you don't get better tokenomics!

> team holds 15% of the supply, can dump it at any time
> token literally not needed
> no inflation so no rewards for holders

>> No.22806918

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.22806947

so we are still fudding the best token out there? literally the next eth is qnt

>> No.22807061

Without any embarrassing paid shills QNT has made its way from an unknown shitcoin into the top 100 already. Other projects needed Chico Crypto and a navy full of hardcore shilling for that. Quant doesnt. It will pump into the top 10 just by facts and marketing from business leaders and corporates.

>> No.22807149

the smile on this anon says he found out about VERASITY

>> No.22807171

People are delusional, watch them when bombs get dropped and they will thank the lack of liquidity.

>> No.22807433


did you just shill QNT unintentionally? 15% is crazy low and 'no inflation' is every crypto holders wet dream. Oh, and the QNT token is needed for every aspect of the Overledger network. Fucking hell, QNT is an absolute monster

>> No.22808197 [DELETED] 

I have heard concerned users utter concerns stating that token burns aren't enough of an incentive to prevent high token velocity. Whereas low token velocity is unattractive for clients. Do you have a retort to the aforementioned critique?

>> No.22808233

I have heard users utter concerns stating that token burns aren't enough of an incentive to prevent high token velocity. Whereas low token velocity is unattractive for clients. Do you have a retort to the aforementioned critique?

>> No.22808549

*to prevent a low price induced by high token velocity

>> No.22809311

price velocity is of no concern, as the treasury allows for payments in USD. The transaction price will in this way be stable. The treasury decides the amount of QNT needed for a transaction through the use of an oracle, collecting price data from the open market.

>> No.22809332

Staking and locking tokens will reduce velocity.
Locking more tokens makes using the network cheaper, so both have plenty of an incentive.
I’m not seeing this problem