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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22802009 No.22802009 [Reply] [Original]

>bought abandoned house for $30,000
>neighbourhood gets gentrified
>house is now worth $400,000
Golly gee that's neat, I think I'll try that again
Planning on putting about 100k into more shitshack houses and 50k into stocks/crypto. What would you do with the remainder, assuming you were satisfied with your real estate/crypto holdings? I have a ton of ideas but don't want to spread myself too thin.

>> No.22802019

so thoericaltlly if i went lal in on bella and it mooned like really hard i cald buy a hjouse and gentrifiy it too?

>> No.22802023
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How fucking old are you

>> No.22802050
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>> No.22802088

>buy an abandoned house for $30,000
>nothing happens
>10 years later
>neighborhood has further deteriorated
>property is now worth $8,000
>house has collapsed

>> No.22802094
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Is this the new yield farming?

>> No.22802136

>$30,000 for 10 years
>still better than renting
>still cheaper than a mortgage
Worth it idiot

>> No.22802159

>have to live near blacks

>> No.22802169

There are properties around me for that cheap but blacks are indeed very close. It would only be about a 25 minute drive for the nearest black man to find me

>> No.22802186

Pick an old mining town with a history of boom/bust, you're guranteed a profit if it ever sees a boom again and you'll be left the hell alone if not. Niggers don't live in industrial towns because that would be predicated on them having a job and working at some point

>> No.22802243

>be you
>move into $30,000 house
>drafts and leaks everywhere
>all your neighbors are crack heads and convicted pedophiles
>property value bleeding out for 10 years
>spending tens of thousands of dollars on renovations
>one night the entire house collapses
>you die

>> No.22802593

>buy house for $30,000
>many savings, great investment
>get shot by nigger in front of house while putting out your trash
>at least you werent rent cucking