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22801191 No.22801191 [Reply] [Original]

Someone I know(female, in her 50s) has severe lung infection with COVID and she is in ICU since 2 weeks. Do biz know any medicine or remedies that might help recover at this stage. Any information is appreciated.

>> No.22801201

pajeets get the covid

>> No.22801211

It’s ironically over. Sorry for your loss

>> No.22801291

Not really, she should have been more careful. Thank the chinks for your loss.
Hydroxy chloroquine with Zinc but after 2 weeks is late.

>> No.22801307


fellow covid-19 victim who cured himself.

please try turmeric + milk (google it)

and lots of lemon juice...

tell her to eat garlic regularly...

I used to consume them raw with filtered water...

>> No.22801308

Sorry to hear that op. Not really much to be done if she's already in the icu. The only thing I know of is vitamin D, but that's more preventative and only because so many people are deficient. There's not strong consensus on this, but there's some evidence that vitamin D deficient patients have worse covid outcomes. Do some research about it.

>> No.22801327

Lol hope she dies. Worms need food too

>> No.22801346

COVID is a joke, been sick 3 times working at the airport and I’m still here working 6 days because no one else wants to

>> No.22801345

Wtf bros I thought you told me covid was a Jewish scam

>> No.22801586

Yes, I heard about Vitamin D from Dr. Rhonda Patrick and few other docs. Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic in itself that no one talks about. But i think it is more of a prophylactic than a treatment at this stage. But still may be worth a shot to give vitamin d i guess.

>> No.22801708

Colloidal silver

monoatomic Gold

>> No.22801714


>> No.22801885

Serum therapy from someone who already recovered, best way to get antibodies but might need more than a few since the virus keeps replicating

>> No.22802306

Urine therapy. Do research on it. Shes got anti bodies in her body

>> No.22802425

Vitamin C

>> No.22802505


Nebulize, Food grade H202. Make sure it's diluted & mega doses of soluble Vitamin C.

>> No.22802509

Mushroom blends, colloidal silver and other immunity blends.

>> No.22802519

as anon pointed out its a little late. specifically vitamin D was found to reduce severe cases by 90% and aid with lung infections in general. also vitamin C/ascorbic acid. buy the pharmaceutical grade powder on amazon. rda for vit is 1g/day but this is bullshit. most can tolerate 3-4g/day taken throughou the day. did you humans are among the very few animals that DO NOT produce their own vitamin C when ill? you can tolerate much more C when ill. if taken orally you are limited to 10g or so. i would recommend a vitamin C IV drip as can be found at those hydration therapy centers. here you can find 25g drip directly to arteries. your immune system runs on vit c and it directly helps with oxidative damage resulting from viral infection. furthermore covid19 causes extensive damage to blood vessels. vit c is a critical compenent of collagen and will aid in the repair. also head on over to /pol/ and check out the covid19 thread many helpful resouces pin at the top.

>> No.22802549


>> No.22802554

ICU ventilator is killing her. The longer she is on a ventilator the worse her condition will become. This virus is not severe in 99.5% cases. However in the limited scope that it is dangerous it actually can be very dangerous. The virus is basically saars flu.

Basics: the virus is an infection of the upper respiratory system. The upper resp. system has it's own inmmune system and any vaccine would be utterly ineffective because of biological barriers in the lung lining (according to at least one french nobel laureate biologist)

Cure: 99% effective. HIGH DOSE VITAMIN C. She needs 15-20 GRAMS not miligrams per day. This will need to be administered through an IV drip at the hospital. This treatment has been documented as effective by South Korean medical practitioners during COVID dyor ... the required dosage can also be administered orally*

>> No.22802564

You didn't cure yourself.. I had it too and it went away on its own. Fucking Reddit fag.

>> No.22802571

Coronaviruses have existed ever since humans. It's probably the flu, influenza-like, pneumonia, etc. People die form these all the time. Look into treatments for people with a compromised immune system, like this female.

>> No.22802587

don't take medical advice off someone who wants to put a drip straight into your artery!

>> No.22802656

no one is dying of covid-19, vast majority of supposed deaths due to covid-19 are in people who had numerous other health problems.

>> No.22802668

blood thinner

>> No.22802672

There is no medication for viruses, should've told her to social distance. I'm guessing she was another /biz/tard who thought it was nothing.

>> No.22802682

Thanks a lot anon

>> No.22802695

No one's dying of aids, it's just the pneumonia that comes afterwards that kills them

>> No.22802697

Thank you anon

>> No.22802712
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Yeah, just set up an arterial line and put fucking ascorbic acid through it, I'm sure the capillaries will love that.

>> No.22802714

Faggot, op told she has issues with her lungs. Probably on a ventilator. 15% that get on the ventilator is because the airsacs aviola got filled with fluid, the rest is because the blood starts clothing and can't absorb oxygen, this is giving more and more complications until the heart stops. The only two ways of recovery was either a blood plasma with very high antibodies within the first 3 days, or hydroxy chloroquine with Zinc. It's like cancer, the faster the response the better the outw. 2 weeks is fuckin late and i give it less than 5% chance of survival. And even IF she survives, she will have complications for the rest of her life. Also the other anon who got infected 3x already working at the airport, I'd suggest you to take quality fish oil because your vain is damaged the moment you contract COVID-19

>> No.22802748

Besides vitamins and blood thinners already mentioned, what seems to help prevent worse outcomes is Dexamethasone, administered under careful monitoring to control the level of tissue inflammation.

>> No.22802750

Watch the videos about it here for info https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsNB4peY6C6IQediwz2GzMTNvm_dMzr47

>> No.22802792

> putting anythin except NaCl in an artery
Yeah, and fever is only a sign of hypoceftriaxonaemy.

>> No.22802817

High dose dvt prophylaxis
10 day steroid course (likely completed)
Convalescent plasma (should have been given already)
Antibiotics for the inevitable bacterial pneumonia
Remdesivir ( 5 day course should already be completed)
Tocilizumab maybe.

Good fluid management. Possible paralytics and proning if on a ventilator. Dont come to biz for this shit you'll get recommended hippy or maga treatments (hcq) that dont do shit.

>> No.22802828

No dude he wants to know which herbs he can use to poison I mean help his friend

>> No.22802839

You need to take zinc every day. If you have it already its too late. Chinked

>> No.22802861

Also chestnuts cure cancer and vitamin C is good against radiation sickness
Just shut the fuck up

>> No.22802870

RLF-100 it got or will get fda approval for emergency use.

>> No.22802877

Remdesivir does nothing for mortality rate, seems like a meme to me

>> No.22802895


Good summary, fellow /biz/ doctor.

>> No.22802900

This shit is fucked up though

I wear a mask anywhere i go and i use antiseptic like 100x a day and whenever touching anything yet i still managed to get sick and i dont even know how

I work at home, am antisocial, dont visit friends and go shopping at odd hours

This is some bs

>> No.22802901

Remember when Trump shilled that hydroxychloroquine bullshit? Wonder how much he put into that company lmao

>> No.22802902

Faster time to recovery. Chance at lower duration ICU stay. Some ok data if patient population is chosen appropriately and given early in the course.

>> No.22802945

Antisocial how? Like, torturing cats or pissing on homeless people?
What company? It's an ancient drug with no patents

>> No.22803008

How is that even possible? What kind of mask are you using?

>> No.22803052

>recommended hippy or maga treatments (hcq)
did you know, probably not, that hcq was identified by those who engineered sars-cov2 as a prophylaxis. your prob a smart guy but burgers are just the most propagandized proles on the planet.

>> No.22803070

I heard manolaurin and lyposomal vitamin c works

also wellness tea:
>boil ginger and turmeric fresh roots in boiling water 5-10 mins
>add lemon and honey
>drink that shit up

cures anything

>> No.22803120

>masks dont fucking do anything you fucking retard nigger

if someone has the virus sitting next to you for any extended period of time, thats it. the mask doesnt do fuck all

>> No.22803247

china case studies disproved this from the get go. covid guy travels on bus doesnt infect woman sitting next to him but does via recycled air infect those sitting 30 ft away. anon you must wear the appropriate mask. not n95 or surgical. seeing all these sheep walking around with surgical masks has really destroyed any hope for the common man.

>> No.22803366

This. If friend is in ICU, do you believe the doctors will accept input from an outsider on random medication off the internet?
In what sh*thole country is this?

>> No.22803448

N95 is the right mask last I heard, unless you mean it it's not airborne and it's overkill. Have to wear goggles and a safety buttplug with at least 1.75" diameter bulb and 1.5" neck, though anything in there is better than nothing. A plastic or steel cock cage has also been shown to prevent transmission but only if you give your keys to someone else. Exposed fingernails and toenails are a recent entrance for the virus being investigated. I hear in a couple weeks the cdc will be suggesting the nail polish brands that offer the best protection and you won't be allowed in stores without a clean full coverage coat. They expect some pushback from men so they've run a few ads to me for input. It's the same tired old real man mask up and nail down bullshit. Like a catchy phrase is the only reason men aren't yet prancing around in skirts. I'm beginning to think this is all one big psyop to humiliate and emasculate the population. All over a virus with <1% mortality for all age groups combined.

>> No.22803465

I hear they like it when you send fresh flowers and fruit baskets to patients in icu, a little color and healthy vitamins and minerals for snack.

>> No.22803479

Not fucking with you at all. Urine therapy. It heals everything. Look it up. If she starts drinking her urine she will get better.

>> No.22803482

Pajeet/10, I know our mums rub tumeric in every cut to heal them but you know it's not magic right?

>> No.22803495

If I get the coof I'll suck on one of my silver rounds while posting in /pmg/.

>> No.22803521


what would motivate someone to post that?

>> No.22803537

sup /d/

>> No.22803562

Buy chainlink

>> No.22803564
File: 3.83 MB, 4032x3024, D7F2CB51-083B-4941-A7CA-5036D73CF5F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my stack

>> No.22803569 [DELETED] 


>> No.22803591


>> No.22803601

hindsight is 20/20. squirrel brained burgers...oh 6 months have gone by surely we know all there is to know! you probably dont even know the case history of sars. its not over little one not by a long shot. we simply do not possess the longitudinal studies for chronic disease. furthermore saying it only kills those with preexisting conditions is a little moronic. does this the describe the great unwashed masses of US citizens?

>> No.22803609

Mass doses of; Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Diatomaceous Earth

>> No.22803645

You think I'm joking, just wait. It will start with articles saying masks and washing hands aren't enough to prevent the spread. A week or two of this and they'll reveal the next step in stopping the curves or whatever. Nail polish, you can't make this shit up. It's coming like it or not. I've been buying up a lot of the clear and clear matte polish because I imagine guys will see it as 'the least gay' option. Going to put on eBay and Amazon at 4x markup. Unlike the tp and hand sanitizer guys it's not hoarding because there will be plenty of faggy colors to pick from in stores. I'm going to be laughing my ass off all the way to the bank.

>> No.22803663

Ctrl+F, no mention of Ivermetcin?

>> No.22803670

Guess I'm ahead of the curve.

Would put in mouth/10.

>> No.22803695

Wait what

>> No.22803710

Eat raw meat and drink milk straight from the cow bob?

>> No.22803716

I literally had it myself, as did coworkers. Turns out working in a hospital can expose you to it. Now the headaches were pretty bad but it's dishonest to compare it to a serious virus like the flu and that has always pissed me off when people exaggerate and say it's another flu. No, fuck you it's a coronavirus and a simple Google search will show this. I got over it, my coworkers got over it. Fat niggers and boomers with diabetes, heart failure, and esrd wind up on the vent and then die or get trached, stroke out because of a dvt, and live in a rehab or ltac the rest of their lives. It does not harm real people, only worthless subhumans who never took care of themselves. For this reason I see its a good thing and we should not be trying to prevent it. I can deal with a headache for a week or two if it means a few of the absolute worst people in the world die. We almost have a moral duty to bear it, when was the last time God gave us such a beautiful gift with tremendous payoff and negligible costs? I can only think of maybe one other time that it was better.

>> No.22803769

zinc and quercetin

>> No.22803874

N95s will do the trick. Too many idiots don't understand how filtration work

>> No.22803899

You work in a fucking hospital? I hope not as a doctor or we are all fucked.

>> No.22803924

because you didnt do the requisite research into the origins of the virus, you'll never get off square one. great you were exposed and now seem ok. but did your body clear the virus? for all time? or is it just lying in wait for your immune system to faulter from something else or simply another variation. it is an engineered virus to study evasion in the bat model. but agreed it not as bad as was intially feared but its far toooo early to say its missed us all.

>> No.22803940

basic facts: N95 only help with droplets not an aerosolized virus. you need n99 or p100. 10 months later and burgers still dont possess basic knowledge. you tell me, what is that?

>> No.22803987

I still have to treat whether I like them or not in order to get paid. You'll find very few in the industry actually have compassion or care about the same noncompliant fucktards that come in every three weeks for the same fucking problems they refuse to get fixed. I don't have to like a person in order to be good at what I do. It doesn't take a genius to see our system is fucked. No mind towards preventative medicine yet someone is on the deathbed and suddenly family pretends to start giving a fuck and wants everything done even if it costs a lot of money and only gets them a year or two more when their life already wasn't worth living. These kinds of decisions should be left to professionals. Not the person who didn't take care of themselves and certainly not the family who can't listen to two sentences without making a stupid face like they don't know what I'm saying. It's wasteful of time, resources, and money. It's disgusting, how can you respect someone who can't even take care of themselves. It's not like a person just wakes up fat one day out of nowhere. It's not like we don't know it's even worse for you than smoking. It's not like we don't know how to prevent. No excuses whatsoever.

>> No.22804028

he is probably the jannie who is seething that he doesnt get free healthcare

>> No.22804083

Free Healthcare only worsens things. There should be consequences to people not taking care of themselves. The only way I'd support free Healthcare is if it were only available to healthy people and they proved their health every year. Fat people should be charged extra, same for smokers, addicts, alcoholics, gang members, and any other group that goes out of their way to be exposed to health risks. Would you feel bad for an extreme dick nailer that got hurt practicing their sport and accidentally nailed their balls? Of course not, you would say it's a stupid hobby and they brought it on themselves. Taxpayers should not have to bear the burden of their stupidity. They can pay up or die of infection. Social medicine is just a prettier way of saying dysgenics.

>> No.22804272
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>> No.22804319

My medical friends all tell me that this is the best medication to get

>> No.22804367
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You must lead a sad life, in praying that you realize how much God loves you anon

>> No.22804457

>megadosing vit C with something to control the diarrhoea
>zinc 40-50mg per day if over that amount you need a copper supplement
>vitamin D
>turmeric, garlic, onion, chilli powder - any spices
>probiotics especially kefir
>plenty of water
>hydroxychloroquine - it is useful for increased zinc penetration regardless of what stage she is in
>cbd, nicotine (use patches for the latter)
>strong alcohol such as spirits but in small doses
>any treatment for altitude sickness such as methylene blue, covid-19 causes oxygen shredding via haemoglobin - very similar to altitude sickness
>the other stuff smart anons have mentioned

>> No.22804490
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OP is a faggot.

>> No.22804506
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>> No.22804519
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How does /biz/ profit off this?

>> No.22804580

Suffered something like COVID from March (search COVID long-tail)

- Oregano Tea
- Zn + Quercetin (Thorne)
- Liposomal Vitamin C
- AOR Turmeric
- 5000IU Vit D and then taper off slowly to 2K maintenance dose
- Biofido probiotic
- Black Seed Oil inhale through vapouriser and gel capsules.

At the core its a histamine/immune modulation issue.

>> No.22804714



>> No.22804742

lmfao you crazy amerifats

>> No.22804767

Real talk, 5k-10k mg of vitamin D. It seriously reduces the intensity of the virus. If she already has it, tell her to take 3k mg for the first day, then 5k mg the next. Going up 2k a day until you get to 10k. Not recommended to go much higher than that, but it should help her out.

>> No.22804795

Well keep up the good work man the system is fucked but at least you're still trying help these fucktards

>> No.22804824

Hey dumbass
You do know that .3 micron size range filtration is the worst size range right? You do know that smaller and larger particles have higher filtration efficiency right? provided you went through quantitative fit testing and actually knows how to do leak checks.
Also fuck off retard

>> No.22804838


you're really young

>> No.22804907

is there a way to prepare powdered vitamin C for your own IV administration? I don't think there's anywhere in this cucked country that would give that

>> No.22804911

Tell the ICU niggers to add some CO2 to her oxygen.

>> No.22804925
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This one looks like a Boomer.

>> No.22804971

It's a thankless job but someone has to do it. Puts bread on the table I guess.
Other guy was right, millennial. Boomers love social medicine, social security, and going all out to protect worthless fat boomers.

>> No.22805007

Meanwhile Miguel is still cutting lawns. And Jerome is picking up your trash. LMFAO what's that like? How do you explain that to a child?
>it's ok honey he likes eating grass
Excuse me while I inherit the Earth.

>> No.22805056

interested to see a source for this. does seem to contridict "The mean penetrations of viable MS2 through the N95 and P100 FFRs/cartridges were typically less than 2 and 0.03%, respectively"

>> No.22805087

also i only care about what gets in, not about what gets out.

>> No.22805117

i bought a subcutaneous gun very early as i expected the worst. havent needed to use it. also tricky to use sterilzed water and NaCI concentrations. dont really trust myself to do it. but it can be done.

>> No.22805190


hmm I already have 22-30g needles and barrels etc from roiding as well as sterilised water and sodium ascorbate but I'm guessing it's not as simple as mixing a certain part sodium ascorbate with sterile water and then slamming it, for example how do you even sterilise the vit c powder? Any anons know how they prepare IV vit c?

>> No.22805227

Run it through a filter. Might want to balance the pH a bit too. It's a cool idea but awfully expensive compared to just taking it orally. It's not going to prevent you from getting the disease and you can't bulk mix it because it has a short life once prepared for IV administration.

>> No.22805258

thats why i bought the gun. i figured junkies get away with abusing their veins...so there should be a way. get vit c without fillers of any sort. the pharma grade stuff.

>> No.22805333


>> No.22805354


>> No.22805361


ah never thought about PH thanks


fucking perfect, thanks fren


what's with the sub q gun? Are you intending on using it to go IV?

>> No.22805396


also the reason for IV is because plasma levels from oral megadoses only get as high as 200 something whereas there is no ceiling for IV


>> No.22805438 [DELETED] 

I have prolly Covid too, not sure, anyway what she must definitely NOT do is go weight lifting and jogging while she is still sick, I did that after 3 weeks of being sick at home and got sick again...

>> No.22805462

didnt trust myself to admin iv. subq has same absorption profile as IV and with right equipment is idiot proof. the compound preparation is only unknown. this is the model i bought https://www.injectneedlefree.com/about-comfortin-jet-injector/

>> No.22805519

oral absorption is said to be 1g/dose. but it may vary person to person 3-4g is tolerable/dose. i get about 10g/day spread out. if shit gets heavy i'll use the gun.

>> No.22805551

is audio screwed up for anyone else? didnt used to be so. turn on subtitles and it works.

>> No.22805587


nice, didn't realise sub q and IV have the same profile. Anything else in your arsenal or just vit c? I have zinc, vit c, vit d and quinine ready to go (waiting on hydroxychloroquine to replace the quinine pills)

yeah audio is messed up, subtitles works

>> No.22805639

>from roiding
Bruh, if you're roiding you're not getting covid lmao
t. fellow /fraud/er

>> No.22805679

>It's not like we don't know how to prevent.
Well it's 80% because of polyunsaturated fatty acids and no official health advice ever says that so I'd say the official "we" does not know how to prevent it.

>> No.22805680


>he fell for that shopped paper about being immune because of tren

wew lad

>> No.22805729

>polyunsaturated fat
Ever heard of nuts? This shit has been in food since before mankind existed and only now it's killing us? Fucking retard.

>> No.22805757

It's not the tren. It's your body constantly in an overactive state for your immune system cleaving off esters and such. Ever heard of test flu? You don't still get that do you, retard

>> No.22805778

It's unironically HCQ and zinc.
Trump said he took it, as in PAST tense.
It works.
Didn't you hear the media squealing about it not working?
What more proof do you need?

>> No.22805794

i shouldnt have said same. the profiles are similar up to about 25g or so. after that action of vit c becomes oxidative which i guess helps to clear malformed cells, dyor. im happy to help my immune system deal with oxidative stress from covid. quercetin and green tea extract (ECGC), like HCQ, are zinc ionophores and when combined with high quality omega 3 and vit c amplify the effects. bonus is that both these act to chelate iron. there was an early hypothesis (high altitude sickness) that products of sarscov2 were knocking iron out of hemoglobin destroying ability to carry oxygen and resulting in toxic buildup of reactive iron (dual lung pneumonia). so they would help to clean up iron as well.

>> No.22805811

Tell her to rinse her mouth with urine, it's known to kill the covid 19.

>> No.22805848

Blood transfusions from a person who has Covid antibodies

>> No.22805910

Korean Kimchi. South Korea has the lowest death and infection rates in the world. Vitamin D and kratom too.

>> No.22805928

mega dose K2-MK4 will cover this + vit D

>> No.22806067

this shows that with enhancement quercetin and ECGC approach zinc ionophone action of clioquinol which is powerful zinc ionophore but is banned due to side effects.

>> No.22806117


do you have any evidence to back up this claim? I still got test flu on my fourth cycle but I don't blast and cruise

>> No.22806159


based ionophore

>> No.22806179

>but I don't blast and cruise
Oh nevermind then. You are extra fucked. Carry on with the vitamin C IV and other retarded shit.

>> No.22806201

I know a solution. Convelecent plasma.

>> No.22806216

lay off the tren kek

>> No.22806254

Can you have a conversation without buzzwords? Research more into why you shouldn't cycle. (Hint: your blood levels and hormones are going on a rollercoaster which is affecting all aspects of your body)

>> No.22806275

Everyone else is retarded
Lmaoing at ppl suggesting giving her turmeric when she is at ICU

>> No.22806303

Listen to this anon, this is absolutely right.

I would also add zinc, which is extremely powerful at bolstering your immune system - your white blood cells need zinc to function.

Lots of clinical evidence supporting this

Per day:
5000 IU vitamin D
5-10 g Vitamin C, orally
50-100 mg zinc

>> No.22806311


listen you stupid zoomer, I have more muscle than you and much more knowledge and experience in frauding than you so shitpost elsewhere

>> No.22806325
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Yeah you shouldn't eat too many nuts and people rarely do because they're expensive and their high protein fills you up. Problem is putting vegetable oils in and on everything.

People started getting really fat in the 80s. You won't find a correlation like this with anything else like sugar. Pufas slow your metabolism and ruin your ability to burn sugar. It's obvious seed oils are the problem.

>> No.22806556

Medfag here, by the time she is in ICU there is nothing to do but put her on O2 + antibiotics (so she doesn't complicate in a bacterial pneumonia) then ventilation abd reanimate if she is really collapsing.
If I had a symptomatic case I would prescribe HCQ following the based dr Raoult but it makes no difference for already aggravated patients.

>> No.22807308

They need to be giving her massive amounts of Calcifidiol (Vitamin D analogue). Yes, people have already said it, but it needs to be emphatic. There's also been some steroids that have helped. If the physicians are up on the supercomputer observation, this is Bradykinin Storm related, not Cytokine (or not primarily). There are various medications that were suggested with that study to counter some of the effects of the bradykinin storm and it's effects.

>> No.22807372

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/33013385