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22792639 No.22792639 [Reply] [Original]

>$MITX moon mission incoming
>These gains are soon gonna match her gains
>Singaporeans are mega-based

>> No.22792653

moon mission that booty. Who dis?

>> No.22792667
File: 134 KB, 426x460, 1599986254349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in that ass

>> No.22792671

is she asian? how much link for gf like her

>> No.22792697

id plant my face between those cheeks and stay there forever

>> No.22792721

Kek she obvs is. I'd give it 5 LINK for a one night stand, she cute

>> No.22792724

kek this is classic

>> No.22792741


>> No.22792825

Imma pop that bish

>> No.22792887


>> No.22793065

damn i dont usually go crazy for girls posted here but she's a cute asian girl and thick as fuckkkkkk

>> No.22793205

imagine the smell

>> No.22793207

What her name btw op?

>> No.22793228


>> No.22793233

a rare combo in deed

>> No.22793340

Imma just say she's on Weibo

>> No.22793389


>> No.22793405

What does Asian pussy smell and taste like? Is it fishier than normal pussy? I just always imagined they'd have a stronger smell and taste because of their diet.

>> No.22793469

link to her weibo
her name is


>> No.22793511

>What does Asian pussy smell and taste like? Is it fishier than normal pussy? I just always imagined they'd have a stronger smell and taste because of their diet.

pretty sure its the same desu just tastes like skin
never tasted white girl pussy though

>> No.22793584

But seriously though, is their pussy as tight as they say?

>> No.22793634

nah bro same shit

>> No.22793736

They are

>> No.22793739
File: 30 KB, 645x773, 1597792615103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22793762

Not true ive tasted white, latina and black pussy. Whites have the mildest smell and taste, blacks have the strongest smell.

>> No.22793777
File: 30 KB, 500x306, Dat_ec5cec_833409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever whenever with Miss hOLLY ASS,

>> No.22793808

It just depends on their hygiene you fuckin mong I've smelled clean and rank white pussy and my middle Eastern gf is good as long as she showered that day, same with probably any chick

>> No.22793836

I've been everywhere man..Indian, black, white, Asian, Latino. Asians in my experience have the least smell believe it or not. Indian was the only one that stood out as smelling stronger.

>> No.22793840

kek - this is true

>> No.22793848

asians are smaller and tend to have less sexual partners then westerners

that being said all vaginas expand when aroused so body size is more important

i'd say one thing asian girls have is they don't sweat or more accurately their sweat tends not to smell and their skin is softer, they actually smell nice so they've got that going for them

>> No.22793858

i'd suck this chinks asshole so hard id accidentally turn her inside out and kill her

>> No.22793918

How so? Also is their pussy tighter than others? There must be difference between Asian ethnic groups?

>> No.22793923

not all asian chicks are created equal, and i have definitely seen some sweaty smelly asian chicks in the gym so idk about this theory

>> No.22793935

He has a nice peener

>> No.22794000

I'm gay af then

>> No.22794047

Of the Asian girls I've been with...Korean, Filipina, Japanese, Vietnamese it's all the same. The tightness is based on the girl, none ever felt 'loose' save one white girl who I'm assuming was a giant slut. No, black girls are not loose...

>> No.22794113

Begging for a rimjob

>> No.22794127


>> No.22794147

Huh I thought they would be different too


>> No.22794197

No joke i would berry my dick so deep in dat ass that whoever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

>> No.22794221

all 3 inches ?

>> No.22794283

Live and learn. The one white girl I'm mentioning may have also had kids in the past which does make it more loose. Who knows though not going to stick around with that train wreck or someone who had kids.

>> No.22794326

imo it mainly depends on the size of the girl as well. if they are short they have smaller pussys which makes it tighter obviously. i fucked a girl who was under 5 feet and her vagina bled a little because of how tight it was. her pussy was literally tiny, and when i spread it, it was so small, the labia, the hole, everything basically. literally felt like i was looking at a childs vagina lol

>> No.22794366

That almost sounds painful...we got a bleeder over here!

>> No.22794399

Lol man

>> No.22794412

well depends i'm specifically talking about Korean girls idk about other races i'm sure SEA and Indian girls would smell

>> No.22794420

i can actually confirm this

>> No.22794437

was she turned on at all?
sure she wasn't a virgin could have been her first time

>> No.22794515


Did it feel good?

>> No.22794519

on the other side of the spectrum i fucked several big bitches before that were like 6 feet. everything about them is big, bones, hips, limbs, etc. felt like a fucking man almost. their pussies are always bigger and not as tight as smaller girls.
yeah we fucked like 2-3 times a week in sometimes and it happened almost all the time. we used lube as well to help prevent it. she didn't even notice the blood till after she was squeezing out my cum out her pussy. we just got used to it eventually. my dick isn't even big as well its like 6 inches with below average girth

>> No.22794557

>on the other side of the spectrum i fucked several big bitches before that were like 6 feet. everything about them is big, bones, hips, limbs, etc. felt like a fucking man almost. their pussies are always bigger and not as tight as smaller girls.

can also confirm this to be true

>> No.22794639

yeah the pussy felt good. i would cum in a minute but i could keep fucking. if you guys wanna know what her body looks like exactly look up some asian girl on pornhub named planesgirl. she had the exact same body. her face is totally different though. but her body is a clone.

>> No.22794671

so thicc and juicy damn

>> No.22794708

oh and her pussy looks different though so just imagine a smaller vagina. look at her older videos and it's more accurate. recently that girl has gotten thiccer

>> No.22794752

damnnn so you would say averaged sized chicks would be best? Not too tight for bleeding and not too big either

>> No.22794863

theoretically the perfect girl for me imo would have a tiny pussy, i'm sure not all of them bleed. but a girls pussy shouldn't matter if you're dating unless its ugly/deformed lol. i care more if she has a big ass or not. i don't even talk to girls that don't have a big brapper.

>> No.22794893

i like your style anon

>> No.22795031

I am laughing how much time he spent writing this comment.

>> No.22796418
