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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22791518 No.22791518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>3 year career gap
>3 years of neet, shitposting on 4chan, gaming and jerking off

I'm so fucking fucked... I can't even job search for longer than 20 mins without getting a panic attack and thinking about how shit my resume looks, nevermind even finding something I want to apply for
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.22791658
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you want to know something? economy is saturated with post cognitive peak workers. most of workers wealth is taken away by moving jobs to cheap labour nations then sell you the goods at premium. do that for 40 years and you start having people become socialist again not because they are right but because once again the elitist abuse got so strong that the river of hate fits the basin of the valley no matter how wrong the valley is that the rver is always there. you are not alone and you lost nothong in it but edge over DWINDLING SCRAPS... academic inflation is just a symptom of this. so chill, take the clown pill because nobody wants to be bloomer elitist remover anyway. biz turning into crypto fanatics is only a cop out on large scale because they think that they can get rich before the bad of shit changes hands one last time for if they knew economics they would do so not here but in places where the real deal is. accept this.

t. wall street anon

>> No.22791682

I'm in the same boat fren, 3 years tryna find a job, nowadays rarely even bother applying - gives me massive depression when I do. The amazon near me started hiring, pretty sure they'll hire anyone, gonna apply later. Been studying, gonna go back to school to get a masters and hopefully climb out of this mess.

>> No.22791813

Not at all fren. My experience was only taking 6 months off. In my interviews I expressed how refreshed I was and motivated I was to work hard. Spin it to your advantage. Don't shy away from it, OWN IT.

>> No.22791847

>Doesn't include a graph of the money supply.
>Doesn't mention the gold standard in his post.
Just return to the gold standard.

>> No.22791864

Yeah the only options I could think of were gettin a master or going military except im already late 20s... But with a master i feel like id be in the same position 2 years later but 100k more in debt and with the mil im basically in for life and wouldn't really have a reasonable chance at any kind of other career...

>> No.22792016
File: 138 KB, 890x1066, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting a job
>wanting to go to college
>wanting to join the military

>> No.22792176

I'm literally a dog. I am happiest being put to work, am not at all a self-starter or able to run my own life, and have never been more depressed than current neetdom, despite having ludacris amounts of neetbux.
Coincidentally, my last job pre gap was military SF in a foreign army and I was never happier. Not even when fuckin sloots in college because I felt useless and didn't work or do anything productive or meaningful.

>> No.22793020

I made enough through crypto to be able to pay off the masters im planning to get (gonna try IT) but yeah before that I considered getting a loan but I'd rather be poor and free than being chained to the bank. I also considered the military as a last resort. I'm lucky I got back into biz when I did, i'd still be massively depressed borderline suicidal. I really do wish you the best fren.

>> No.22793432

dont worry about career gaps just put down you were an independent consultant for whatever during that time.

>> No.22793711

>career gap because neet
Just lie dumbass. Say you worked for a friend, started a farmers market, cared for a dying mom, joined the peace corps. Anything you could have reasonably been doing with your time that wouldn't be on paper.

>> No.22794270

gold standard is what enabled all the debasement. If you returned to the gold standard now it would be a large loss of purchasing power than 1933 or 1971-today.

Denominate prices in gold and have a free market for currency as it was prior to the 20th century

>> No.22794345

Just get rich with crypto retard, why give a fuck about your gap

>> No.22794492

How do you survive for 3 years without money? Somebody neet pill me. Like what are the actual steps

>> No.22794495


>> No.22794777

>I have worked 3 years on applying myself to soul searching.
>I was a freelance game reviewer
>I have experience doing clerical work at the welfare office

>> No.22794805

I got good RNG and my parents died. Yet I cant figure out what to do with it and am frozen in indecision and laughably incapable of finding or creating happiness with it

>> No.22794827

Make Gvoice numbers with fake companies, etc.
Fake it til you make it faggot

>> No.22794959

The power structure has never been more sophisticated, though. Your industry and others pick out the best from disadvantaged racial groups, rural areas, etc. There will never be an organic left-wing uprising again

>> No.22795187

Easy anon
>You worked that previous job 6 months longer than you currently say. No one will remember. If it's the same year you can probably stretch an extra 8-10 months.
>You traveller for a year. It was wonderful, you saw many things, learnt about yourself and the world. Map a rouh itinerary, backpack across Asia, South America, Europe etc.
>If the last gap worries you, fill it with some random shitty job, labouring, warehouse etc. Say it was casual to pay bills. It shows you are willing to work hard when you have to. Have a friend be your reference.
Spent about 10 years post uni, flipped between work and neet about 50/50, yet my resume is impressive.

>> No.22795236

Can you even read?
many elites have funded the left and the right wing because they want socialism (autocracy)

>> No.22795541

Same, when i got a job the people that hired me didnt notice the gap in time.