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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22782835 No.22782835 [Reply] [Original]

i feel like ive done and said a lot of shit online. idk what specifically but Im worried when i apply for a serious job after university that they'll dig up some post or some risky conversation i had with someone or something.

>> No.22782888

you provide nothing OP
go troll on /b/ or twitter with your retarded questions

>> No.22782922
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maybe now it's time to realize that you're not anonymous on 4chan and every little thing you said in this website can be traced back if the governement wants to

>> No.22782924
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doing your mom
do-doing your mom

>> No.22782956
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>> No.22783083

Part of the reason we are all here mate, no one wants to put up with the bullshit that comes with having a job these days. Always funny hearing my friends doing completely non critical jobs being treated like children and getting drug tested hahaha, sure ill just work 40 hours a week and then u get to tell me what i can do in my spare time as well.

>> No.22783192


rule #1 since 90's : Never ever use your real name on internet.

>> No.22783210
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Yeah, I’d rather work 12 hrs from home being self employed, then work in an environment where politics matters more than merit, and you have to walk on egg shells worrying that you offend some woman or some poc.

>> No.22783268

coming to this place more since i truly realized this
of course
agreed. part of my fear is they find some old joke or something i made

>> No.22783428

>Good morning Mr. Daniels, have a seat, thanks for coming in today. Your resume is impressive, love the internship, I know a few people who work there and they all spoke highly of you. However, theres something we wanted to discuss first and foremost. Google recorded posts associated with IP addresses linked to your identity and a few of them were troubling. Who exactly is "Kek" and why does he want to start a new holocaust?

>> No.22783434

haha imagine done and said a lot of shit online. As you.
sorry Zoomer

>> No.22783486

Nigger nigger nigger

>> No.22783593
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>> No.22783671

Just make yourself marketable. I called my manager a retard to his face the other day, then said "what are you gonna do? Fire me?" And walked away laughing. If you make yourself indispensible you will never have to worry about that shit

>> No.22783722
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>this LARP

>> No.22783741

wait til your search history becomes free domain, kek

>> No.22783769

KEK if this is real

>> No.22783783

>Good morning Mr. Daniels, have a seat, thanks for coming in today. Your resume is impressively short what have you been doing for the last few years there isn't any job experience listed here? Betting on horse races and buying shitcoins people recommend on a racist forum you say? Thanks for your time today well contact you shortly if successful.
Me if i tried to go for a job interview

>> No.22783806
File: 1.34 MB, 568x396, 1598136074609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well I'd love to give you a raise, however I noticed you called someone the N word when you were 16 online. Sorry, but no can do until your next review
>dont forget that while you can quit at anytime, you signed a noncompete agreement and can't work in a competing industry for the next year

>> No.22783894

is this real anon
kek. also sorry. but kek