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File: 164 KB, 2000x1074, 4thIReich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22773403 No.22773403 [Reply] [Original]

To the nuLINKers: If you have held through this dump your hands have been forged in the fire. Welcome to the brotherhood of the LINK Marines.

To the Veterans: Yet again, we have emerged on the other side. Glory awaits the faithful.

>> No.22773422
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And to the swingers.
We do not tolerate intelligence here

>> No.22773421
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>> No.22773423
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>> No.22773431


>> No.22773458
File: 136 KB, 1541x849, 1577369082210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Chainlink does mimic ETH's price then this should be the bottom and we will reach ATH in 2 months

>> No.22773545

>math and geometry is ebil!
That image is beyond retarded, and I know a lot about real satanism and the occult since I grew up practicing it.

>> No.22773578

anyone with a brain knew 8$ was the bottom because that's what the overall trend for adoption from start to finish looks like
y'all aren't just nulinker, but nucrypto babies in general lol


>> No.22773622
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>> No.22773629
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>> No.22773642

>>math and geometry is ebil!
doesn't say that.
the cube in a cube has that meaning. a system in a system

>> No.22773663


>> No.22773666

>copest coin
>copest ideology
Checks out

>> No.22773668

Hanging onto my 200 LINK for dear life
t. bought in at 10

>> No.22773675


>> No.22773751
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>> No.22774085

The world is controlled by edgy billionaire satanists and you don't want me to invest heavily into an obvious scheme of theirs when it's still entirely unknown outside the weaponized autism concentration camp where the concept was seeded?

>> No.22774161

An die Zweifler und Neulinker, dies war der Boden. Wenn du durch diesen Sturm des Blutes deine Linkies festhalten konntest, hast du nun durch Feuer geschmiedete, eiserne Hände und bist wiedergeboren als Link Marine. Haltet die Stellung, besiegt jeden FUD, habt Hände aus Stahl.
Es geht aufwärts. Der heilige Sergey erwartet uns. Die Sonne ist das Ziel.
Chainlink 1k Q1/21

>> No.22774172

>system in a system
why does that make it satanic, you could basically say everything is a system in a system.
the occult is intrinsically tied to the minds of people with inner monologues, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you.

>> No.22774189

Also a hypercube isn't a cube inside another cube, that's just how it looks when you make a shadow of it in 3D.

>> No.22774210

According to coinmarketcap Eth hit $21 in June 2016 and retraced to just above $6 in Dec. maybe in part due to the DAO hack but still a 70% retrace.

>> No.22774313

imagine still holding this piece of shit

>> No.22774512

It's funny. During dips, I panic over garbage coins I hold but not link, even during the covid crash I was numb to chainlink dipping. I feel nothing except a serene calmness knowing that I have secured a bright prosperous future for my family and the Jewish race. I will promise to give 10 percent of my net wealth to causes promoting Judaism here in the US and abroad. Many thanks to the chainlink community for making this possible Lachiam!

>> No.22774593

Except ETH is a never before seen OS on the blockchain that's revolutionizing the world economy, while all LINK does is tell the weather.

>> No.22774611

Imagine the new blockchain OS having access to the weather though.

>> No.22774807


>> No.22775221
File: 718 KB, 1200x1000, 1600832335104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t. hodler allin since google

>> No.22775379


>> No.22775626


>> No.22775864

>since I grew up practicing it.
faggot alert

>> No.22775894

>this is the bottom
>posting same thread since 14$
>people bragging about buying-in at 12$
>"i will be a millionaire, i bought 1000 LINK at 11$"
>this is the bottom v.2 at 8$

see you sub 5$ with same thread

>> No.22775909
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>> No.22776010

I still have 50k from ICO at 10 cents but i do not regret selling at $19 and will definitely not buy more over $5. even five dollars it 50x ICO. lol.

got my million out. i'm safe now. xBTC sale soon.

>> No.22776050

The people who invented chainlink are most likely satanists, and it's pretty heavily embedded into most religions. You just get your perception of it from people with no understanding who are rebelling against their parents.

>> No.22776231

I've literally "bought the bottom" at $14, 12 and 9 lmao.

>> No.22776539

More like, congratulations to the ones selling at 18$ who can now buy back and 2.5x the amount of Link they had before.
Holding is a meme

>> No.22776560


>he thinks the dump is over

Whales are only starting

>> No.22776594

Fuck link

>> No.22776645
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1585160517603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please go up

>> No.22776648

I’d like us to maintain sats but have btc shit the bed until January for a few more months of accumulation.

>> No.22776664

when the crypto industry eventually goes to zero, will there still be a use case for link? I guess what i'm asking is, once crypto goes to zero, will there still be a need for blockchain technology? or is there only a need because crypto exists

>> No.22776682

i sold $7.8

>> No.22776692


>> No.22776708

Congrats brother

>> No.22776713


>> No.22777152

fair enough buying at $14 but buying at 12 and 9 was retarded, no support at those levels at all. It will hit $5 in Oct, then close to $30 by Dec. Screen cap this.

>> No.22777225
File: 366 KB, 1080x2168, Screenshot_20200924-170810__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xerxes can only go up from here.

deflationary tokenomics + lowered emission rate recently + a lot of coins burned recently

anyone else in on this?

Come on pajeets and shill it

Public Sale is now Live

Open this link with your dApps Browser and connect your Wallet:
Public Sale Duration:- 2 Days
1 ETH = 10 XXS (36$ per XXS)
Total supply: 10,000 XXS
Website: https://xerxes.finance
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Twitter: twitter.com/communityxerxes
Check etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0x921F377068912C8dA390E4B6A0288765A144d7dE

Get in touch of Xerxes Finance:

>> No.22778044


>> No.22778101
File: 74 KB, 1280x662, asd467534357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ain't no good logo
try this one anon

>> No.22778388

It will bounce off 200 ma at 6.5 usd or snp will drag it down further simpletons.