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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 522 KB, 449x489, 1600919044699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22770882 No.22770882 [Reply] [Original]

Wheres the roll call? Ive since upgraded to knight frens. Holy shit its so warm and /comfy/ up here.

>> No.22770930
File: 296 KB, 1224x1296, Fantom Knight2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go buddy :)

>> No.22770942

Wait so which version of the tier image is this again?

>> No.22770944
File: 65 KB, 1392x1376, fantom vanguard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case you sell some

>> No.22770971

Post ranks please

>> No.22770974

Based fantom knights.
This seriously has to be the most comfy coin ive held in the past 5 years.

>> No.22771003

Been sitting on prince status since March from 0.004. Pure comfort my frens. Hope we all make it

>> No.22771006
File: 3.82 MB, 1000x1000, ROLL_CALL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As requested Fantie.

damn i just realised I'm 5k away from Barron. Might just stake to get to it.

>> No.22771017

what's so comfy about it?

>> No.22771032

everythings from Fantom itself to its team and the schizo but comfy threads on /biz/

>> No.22771046
File: 2.98 MB, 3240x5304, Fantom Tier Chart Final 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22771066
File: 2.16 MB, 1024x1024, Follow me friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks like shit!!!!!

>> No.22771089

Plz plz plz I don’t wanna be a vanguard anymore AHHHHHH I’ve already spent 1000 on this shit

>> No.22771103

I like this one >>22771046
Vanguard btw, no bully.

Get a glass of chocolate milk and read about Fantom Finance. You will feel very comfy.

>> No.22771120


>> No.22771141

Just literally go all in and stop caring. Thank me in a couple months.

>> No.22771148

I’m a high inhibitionfag and the fudders are in my head bad

>> No.22771169

Have faith in the team behind Fantom and the comfy Fanties on biz. No other threads are this good on this board anon.

>> No.22771187

I know bro this is my only chance. Trying to teach myself to just not care if I lose a few thousand

>> No.22771194

I’m finally a knight

>> No.22771204

Congrats Knight. But you will always be a king in my eyes.

>> No.22771209

God damn it I don’t know if I should fomo in while it’s down or wait

>> No.22771237

Based, you're probs right this one is more comfy.

>> No.22771271

Thank you sir. I bought like 70k when it was in the shitter at 0.025-6 and it seems like this is the lowest it will be for a while

>> No.22771284


>> No.22771285

I say get in. It’s held pretty steady at 0.035

>> No.22771314
File: 19 KB, 100x100, 1600920829566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking this too.
Definitely feels like a calm before the storm. However the storm is gonna have me feeling like pic related.

>> No.22771331


>> No.22771338

I love myself so much. I have 750k Fantom and literally do not even know how to set up my own 2FA authentication. And do not know ANYTHING tech related when it comes to these coins. All I saw was these weird daily Fantom threads In early 2019. You had the schizo, but it wasn’t even him... many of the Fantom threads had literally less than 3-4 responses If any responses at all in the ones that the schizo wasn’t in. And most of biz ignored them. And I could just sense it was gonna be the one. Even my autist friend who actually knows about tech told me it’s a scam and put the rest in link... even tho I already had a decent amount of link. But I somehow knew that he was wrong despite not having read a single letter of the white paper and having never heard of Andre Cronje at the time. So I went all in with the side money I had on Binance and got 600k sub 1 cent. Stupidly I exchanged some of that for harmony to hedge and then once Fantom kept going higher I said fuck it to harmony and got and extra 150k of Fantom

>> No.22771386

thanks for the upgrade fren!

>> No.22771390

Fucked up the numbers here I meant 1M Fantom not 600k

>> No.22771428

I like how these threads over the past month are becoming increasingly humble. Keep it up Fanties.

>> No.22771458

I’m such a fantlet

>> No.22771486

What rank are you anon?

>> No.22771508

Fucking 26k stacklet.... it hurts so bad

>> No.22771589

anyone fantomlets worried about their small stack - I lost over 300k fantom (70% of my OG stack) in a wallet I dont have the private key to anymore

>> No.22771592

Buy more now. All I have to say. If you can make it to 50k by the end of today you have done well.

>> No.22771627

Fuck that hurt to read anon. I keep backups of backups when it comes to potential moonshots.
As I mentioned before id try get a 100k stacklet going pre pump.

>> No.22771653

Kicking myself in the balls I fomod last night and then I woke up today and they were 20% off

>> No.22771682

I too bought last night to get to 110k. Woke up to the dump, cried a bit and bought up to 200k. Just gonna sit here and ride the waves while its all staked.

>> No.22771730

Low inhibi chad

>> No.22771732

I have 10 ETH and 130k FTM, should I trade more ETH for FTM

>> No.22771752

what's the rank if you own 0 ftm

>> No.22771753

Id say yeh. Get to 200k mate. That should be a few ETH.

>> No.22771761

I only noticed when staking unlock happened in june/july lucky price was 0.006 i dumped my whole bank account in to get a reasonable stack again

>> No.22771781

So how much you on now?

>> No.22771806

I have 150K fanties but I'm just hodling and unsure whether to stake it.

>> No.22771836

only got 18k. should i bother staking?

>> No.22771916

22k here. Also a question I have is if I dedicate say 15k to stake, can I keep adding more into the staking later on?
Really debating on dropping 3k into this...
I’m gonna get fucking rekt aren’t I...how long am I to hold this coin?

>> No.22771950

The staking is nice for rewards but you should do it out of pure support for the project. It secures the network and actually gives this whole thing even more of a shot.
When mainstream catches on those who are staking will be absolute chads.

>> No.22771994

How long are we talking here...

>> No.22772022

Hard to say. Its going to happen eventually. The $10 eoy schizos are likely in over their heads but $1 is not impossible. All depends when the components are all released.

>> No.22772079

I think you can only add to an existing stake by compounding rewards. If you want to stake more you would have to make a new delegation.

>> No.22772219
File: 21 KB, 766x400, images - 2020-08-17T174639.770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell it to me, Fantombros. I've got a stack of fiat right here waiting and I'm buying today.

What made you jump in?
Where do you see it going?
Are you in for the long or short-term?

>> No.22772243

the shitposts ngl

>> No.22772441

Get a 150k stack. 200k if possible and join the comfy Fantom club

>> No.22772527

Lose everything. Stop caring. Start over again. You'll be a better person for it. It's a great feeling when you lose everything, you feel like shit but it's kinda comfy, start all over again.

>> No.22772553

sounds comfy. You talking about the

>> No.22772570

1$ eoy is completely unrealistic. I would expect 10-20c at the very most. Maybe 1$ end of next year. This year is almost over... and in december everything dips

>> No.22772732


Fantom is about to drink Ethereum's DeFi milkshake.

>> No.22772838

How do I turn my 3 thousand dollars into more, soon.
I need more money to stow away and to keep investing

>> No.22772850

Whats your current stack?

>> No.22772956

I thought you were still able to buy another 300k before it starting going up???

>> No.22772975

Yeah so you are fine. Your basically just out your initial small investment to get that 300k and had to buy it again. So you are really only out what you put in initially so it won’t matter at all when it’s at 1$

>> No.22773146

kneepads or gambling
If you want to play it safe for moderate gains, then dont invest everything you have. If you want to make the most possible gains you can than go all in, all in for me is only 13k usd fiat....

>> No.22773394

sorry but $1 is the actual schizo take