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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22768996 No.22768996 [Reply] [Original]

What should a guy with 100k USD do to MAKE IT?
1k each in 10 shitcoins hoping for a 100x each? (and owning 5% of the total supply)
or should I go with futures?

Take note that being on /biz/ is taking a toll on me. Whenever the market shifts towards selling I get bored out of my mind during holding shitcoins because there's no shorting option.

>> No.22769034

Buy some NFT meme coins, they are set to explode soon. GHST RARI etc.

>> No.22769059
File: 550 KB, 1516x1600, Fallout+tabletop+group+im+looking+to+put+together+a+group_ee18d5_5305757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organise a group // pump coins // sell @ high // take %20 group profits so everyone stays happy // rinse == repeat.

>> No.22769266

this, there's no magic bullet to get rich, you have to work you lazy faggot

>> No.22769341
File: 43 KB, 640x480, Jeff-Bezos-and-Amazon-Cage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagie wagie get in cagie. All day long you sweat and ragie. NEET is comfy. NEET is cool. NEET is free from work and school. Wagie trapped and wagie died. NEET eats tendies, sauce, and fries.

>> No.22769370

100k into LEV Dyor, goodluck

>> No.22769392

>Take note that being on /biz/ is taking a toll on me.
That's' about the time I went back to shilling SAFEX desu it's all so tiresome

>> No.22769425

All in on Lition if you want to make it

>> No.22769633

Men are defined by their work and acomplishments. If you find it your life goal to consume digital entertainment and products then you aren't a man, you're a sorry sack of shit. The guys on wallstreet make more money in a week than you will in your life from, wait for it, working.

Men work, you're a faggot.

>> No.22769650

even george soros and donald trump work you disgusting faggot

>> No.22769666

What if I want to be rich so I can read top tier books for the rest of my life?

>> No.22769894

Damn Satan.

Anyway I think I should go with futures if I don't want to go insane. I need to make it quickly before my mind goes awry.

>> No.22770491

Your dubs adds up to how much you get taxed wagie sucks to be you I'll be a millionaire while your out there toiling the fields like a cuck you are. Might even throw you a bone if you work extra hard this week wagie.

>> No.22770564

my money makes more money in seconds than i do waging for a week..
but i waged to get to that point.
now i don't give a fuck.

>> No.22770579

How can I be like you and not move as slow as Nectar

Just kidding im rich too I just wanted to shill NEC

>> No.22770609
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Buy $power faggot

>> No.22770674

What was described wasn’t even waging

>> No.22770686

>what should someone with decent savings do to make it

Probably avoid investing too much money in fucking shitcoins would be my first guess.

>> No.22771072



All-in Bitcoin. You'll have about 1 million dollars by the end of 2021.

It just doesn't get easier than this, and it makes me wanna weep to see all the people who are going to miss the boat. I guess Noah's Ark wasn't meant to hold everyone.

Blast-off is October, Bitcoin always makes its biggest legs up in Q4. Look up the halving chart, follow it, do your own research. Read The Bitcoin Standard to understand fully. Stock-to-flow is a good model, learn it.

Get in, or want to kill yourself later. Two options, same as they've always been for the last decade. Godspeed. Remember that some stranger out there wants you to make it and took time out of his day to make a phonepost. That's how bad he wants you to succeed.


>> No.22771106

long on btc, eth, uni, link. everything else is shit and solutions for problems nobody has.

>> No.22771153

Thanks negro

>> No.22771288

it's easy to assume all work is bad and slavish when your intelligence and skill restricts you to minimum wage jobs - you are no doubt an unaccomplished retard from a family of the same. utter non-factor.

>> No.22771665

Non factioso you loser, have fun! Might even let you on my yacht party for a premium. Now repeat after me.... Wagie wagie ***** get in cagie.

>> No.22772384

Okay then invest them in quality tokens.
Fuck off with your easy bullshit. Only reason to go in bitcoin is if you want to go long 10x and if you have at least 100 mil. Only brainlets HODL 1x bitcoin.

>> No.22772716

>quality tokens

If you've only got 100k in assets I would assume you're under 30 and you're looking to pretend to be some kind of grand investor then clearly you should go for peak memery and invest in RSR- the token that will be worth 56 dollars in 9 years- and rule the world 9 years from now.

>> No.22772777

>and invest in RSR
Oh my fucking God I thought the bad portfolios were a joke/irony's sake, but 80% of this board really is retarded and deserves to stay poor.

>> No.22772812

Holy checked.
Please tell me if I am making a mistake by investing in fantom

>> No.22772814



>> No.22772846


thats all you need to invest in.

>> No.22772859


ngmi. Enjoy being a suicide statistic

>> No.22773272

March - short ETH then long ETH
Buy&Sell ESH, sell GHOST, swing trade STA, immediately buy Unipower, Powertrade and Unibomb and sell them(abuse the proof of liquidity idiots). Buy & pool STA at the bottom, the gains from BAL tokens + fees were far better than farming with Aave. Keep flipping between Balancer Labs pools. Buy COMP to swing for a 6x-12x.
PUMP Network
Long Aave 10x
Long Chainlink 10x
BONK (only if you managed to catch it before it went above 7 cents)

AMPL+Ampl clones
YFI+YFI clones
MEME, NYAN, PICKLE, Jiaozi, Tulips, ROT, ETHArte

Use TRX instead of USDT during a bear market if you can't use shorts.

This is the portfolio of a man who made_it

Trash like BZRX, Ocean, RSR, REN, FTM are suppose to be blue chips like Aave, but they 1) move even slower than LINK 2) Bleed even worse than LINK.
Aave(LEND) and Polkadot are a true bluechips to keep. Nothing worse than losing opportunities, at least when you get rug pulled it's fast and honest, you no longer have money to invest. Hodling trash like LINK without longing and shorting is a cultish disease. Day traders would genuinely cut your necks for wasting so many opportunities. Imagine hodling oil to minus without shorting it.

>> No.22773417

Right now all into FTM

When LINK hits sub $3 move into that

Thank me later

>> No.22773586
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>> No.22773940

Pick 5 solid alts shilled on here put 20k on each


>> No.22774029

Honestly with $100k you just need a 10-100x, I'd hold in a top 10 coin and wait a few years.

>> No.22774039

$100 banknotes to 1000 random people on the street for good karma.

>> No.22774077

You're projecting your own mediocrity and it's hilarious.

>> No.22774112


The only good choice here. We dont like shilling, but you seem like a nice dude. Get atleast 20% LIT.

>> No.22774492

This. Those kind of coins with low marketcap are the shit right now. Doesn't look like much but that's the whole point. They accumulate while the whole market is shitting itself.