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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22765525 No.22765525 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck did I buy when I did I could have so much more now. should I just rope or sell fuck my life.

>> No.22765596

>dead shitcoin from last year started pumping
>Bled out last year after the pumped
>Forced nico memes
>forced biz to make it seem like it’s /our/ coin

Yeah this shit is a pump and dump and it’s going to bleed especially after btc shit the bed to $9k.

>> No.22765660

stake and forget about it, 25C EOY

>> No.22765663

From your post I can tell that you've only learned half a lesson. FOMOing into financial decisions is not prudent but neither is panic selling after what is, in the crypto world, a very common occurrence.

Chart go up, chart go down.

>> No.22765678

what validator are you using anon?

>> No.22765689

>dead coin
>literally just had new functionality dropped last week
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.22765748


who am I kidding this is just a giant shitpost. yeah I bought it a little high to what it is now but fucking hell I just cant wait until this takes a giant dump on the linkies and every other p&d coin here hahaha.

>> No.22765838

I did say wait until the ama.

Their marketing is a shit show but they are delivering

>> No.22766667

Their marketing team is super helpful if your already involved with the project arguably one of the best for helping out bag holders but drawing people into fantom i agree they are garbage at lol

>> No.22766762

oh wow new functionality. well that changes everything. definitely not a shitcoin now. keep buying guys this is the next ETH. new paradigm.

>> No.22766777

Sooo I should hold this? I didn’t get fucked?

>> No.22766826

Im at 110k is that good enough? Thats a fair risk for me so I dont want to push it any further if I can help it. Thinking about staking it all and chilling, living the comfy life.

>> No.22766915

i'd stake but not lock. that's what i'm doing and i bought in at .042. besides when you don't lock you can compound your interest all day

>> No.22766952

if you lock your liquidity you could potentially miss another peak. i know unstaking when your liquidity is locked only forfeits from the rewards you already gained from staking but they still don't let you pull out your tokens for 7 days after you unstake

>> No.22767216

A 20% drop in price is nothing special in the realm of crypto. You learn to get used to it. Fantom dropped over 55% at the beginning of September. Ten days before it reached that all time high it dropped by 30%.

Five days ago we actually saw an even bigger drop in price than we did during the last 24 hours. From the 19th to the 22nd the price fell by 28%.

>> No.22767259

Connors node

>> No.22767268

Not worried about the current drop but like yesterday everyone was laughing and posting memes then dead silence today.

I’m worried about a bunch retards doing a pump and dump scam.

This thing will be definitely be up tho

>> No.22767276

Check your digits. Will you deny them or rise?

>> No.22767285

Fucken hell I fell for the 100k suicide stack meme. How bad did I fuck up fellas?

>> No.22767303

All in trip 7s

>> No.22767328

Not too bad, still time to get 200k

>> No.22767334

How much more could you buy if you wanted

>> No.22767397

Probably got another $250 in btc and monero leftovers I could swap into it. Maybe another $500 but ive already chucked a fair amount in for what im usually comfortable with in crypto.

>> No.22767440

This is our only chance at not suicide

>> No.22767447

Not bad, I'd stake it and forget it for a while.. The fantom pwa network/platform is too good to just fail into nothing.

I imagine 99% of the pumpers and fudders haven't even used the platform. It is easily the slickest I've ever used and I could honestly see it competing with eth somewhere down the line. "Somewhere down the line" could very well be years from now though.

>> No.22767464

>Not worried about the current drop but like yesterday everyone was laughing and posting memes then dead silence today.

Bad situation to buy in imo. Having liquidity when everyone else is in preservation mode is a pretty good situation to be in, I think.

>> No.22767505

Not even worth it. What’s the point of increasing your stack by 2% or whatever? If Fantom is all its supposed to be 110k will be more than enough. Nobody owns this coin. Your early and you have moderately comfy stack at least

>> No.22767568

I mean I could go into my savings to get to 200k but would rather not. Trying to keep sane choices and not fomo further than I have, buying at just over 0.04

>> No.22767588

Out of curiosity, what makes you say this anon?

>> No.22767637

Can somebody in here point me to reading material or explain to me how fSwap/fantom.finance is supposed to work? E.g. if I buy fBTC and later sell it with a profit, where is the additional fUSD coming from (since it is not a true exchange, but purely based on oracles)?

>> No.22767723

i'm staking with GoFantom but hear a lot of people are staking with Connors node (or just the same anon over and over?). either way should i switch?

>> No.22767733

anything more than 0 is high risk considering this is a dime a dozen shitcoin with no use case. out of the 30 or so "ETH killers" this one has the least chance of succeeding. its like a shittier knock off version of ICX.

>> No.22767764

You’re a fucking retard dude. This is the only coin I see being shilled here on that’s not a worthless piece of shit.

I would only buy stocks or ftm.

>> No.22767782

With the threads coming out today I felt the same way anon to be honest. Everyone is saying 200k is the new suicide stack. I just dont even know if what ive got so far is even worth it.

>> No.22767788

oh god... do you shills feel good about yourselves? scamming the last few dollars from a depressed kid. fucking gooks. gross.

>> No.22767793

I honestly haven’t looked into it. Lmk what you think. Different returns?

>> No.22767812

This is a good project dude go look at andres twitter

>> No.22767821

I’m being 100% serious. Are you the same dude fudding in every thread?

>> No.22767833

I guess we'll see. I've been in crypto since 2016 and have a pretty good read on the space. this thing screams vaporware cash grab to me. I hope it works out though.

>> No.22767876

this thing is a noob trap

>> No.22767894

Another ftm thread to try to hide the hundred others about how much of a scam this is. My god all these new 17 year olds thinking farm will be their ticket. Lol seethe u missed out on link.

>> No.22767912

You fucking retard this isn’t some stupid shit like pnk

>> No.22767914

Should I sit on my current stack or buy more anons? Whats everyone currently sitting on and what are you hoping to make if this takes off?

>> No.22767916

how is it a cash grab? almost the entire supply is circulating already.

>> No.22767920

Sold link at $19 and all in’d FTM, AMA nigger

>> No.22767956

this project seems like the perfect balance between research (Lachesis was invented by Quan, Andre, and others), and practical use cases (the DeFi thing right now, smart cities later).

>> No.22768020

You have used the fantom network, right?

>> No.22768022

Weak hands.
If you bought the top, you're a bloody idiot.

>> No.22768210

i calculated .01% daily return with mine hbu?

>> No.22768482

Link schizos always fud ftm its getting funny now

>> No.22768539

I will wait for this to hit .02c before I buy in. I always buy into the memes hype posted here on 4chan. And then they literally never pump. I invested 10k a few months ago and i'm down to 4k from investing in RSR, LINK, RARI, and now soon to be FTM. Can't wait to be a part of this project.

>> No.22768696

Lol look what you invested in tho bro lol. Just do a little bit at a time

>> No.22768732

used it for what? point me to a few cool projects people have built on it I'll check it out.

>> No.22768745

you mean you unironically didn't buy SUTER?


>> No.22768749

There's iron support at .027. buy then or not at all, cause it isn't going to .02

>> No.22768778

pnk is stupid but at least its an original idea. this is just another ethereum clone that nobody uses for anything. its vaporware. and not even cardano-tier vaporware.

>> No.22769026

I can't believe you guys still bet against ETH. BAKA

>> No.22769175

No one is betting against ETH. Fantom is interoperable with the Ethereum.

>> No.22769214

Enjoy your gas fees anon