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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22759279 No.22759279 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22759317

Hopefully its drops lower in the next few days then

>> No.22759406

Doesn’t matter. We’ll still never see ATH again. I have completely given up hope.

>> No.22759444

Not gonna happen

>> No.22759475

Haha this shit aint happening

>> No.22759491
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>> No.22759519
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>> No.22759529

chekt. literally ZERO chance of link EVER recovering. for further confirmation, check THESE digits

>> No.22759530

keep dreaming anon. how bout the other 30+ startups? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


>> No.22759539

I don't think it's going to happen this month. It's going to happen sometime in Q4 and it's going to dopout of no where, just like google.

>> No.22759560

You mean the blog with google saying hey if you want you can use this oracle?

>> No.22759634

yeah that one. Isn't it great link is literally the only coin that gets mentioned by google?

>> No.22759649
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holy shit, I've been holding link since 2017 and I've never seen this much FUD. Usually I disregard the "paid shills" claims, but this is suspicious as fuck.

Btw, never fucking selling you ugly little cunts. Fuck niggers, fuck trannies, fuck kikes, and fuck jannies.

>> No.22759702

fuck off the biggest fudders have always been link holders
OGs know this

>> No.22759769

Exactly. This is textbook FUD from the OG's. How new are you?

>> No.22759773

Nobody in biz actually sold except for nulinker and reddit faggots

>> No.22759837
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This is the best buying signal I have seen in this month. The time is now to restock. Be warned - doubling of Link price can happen within hours.

>> No.22759873

Glad my misery could be of some service. I’m still holding, but the dream is dead. I’m going to have to wageslave for the rest of my fucking life.

>> No.22759906

>I’m still holding, but the dream is dead

>> No.22759944


>> No.22759949

No point in selling what I can’t afford to lose. I’ll just forget about LINK for a year I guess. Hopefully when I come back it won’t be $0.0000001

>> No.22759966


>> No.22760092

Bags getting heavy loser?

>> No.22760271

You are witnessing a psyop. It's not just that LINK is being astroturfed, but the nature of the astroturfing has changed. Where before it was about making LINK seem like a joke or a white natsoc movement, it's now just mean-spirited but bland and soul crushing. It's meant to fracture the culture around LINK and excise anything resembling meme magic from future price action. It's just supposed to be bots and a new community of zoom zoom to the moon zoomers. When you look back a year, it's supposed to be sterile, banal FUD. Not the shit we used to all be saying. It's disgusting and sinister and transparent. But it's also overwhelming and impossible to talk over. That's the point though. If you could talk over it, the culture behind LINK could persist, and god forbid, go viral and shake some 75x leveraged whale into the poor house. Better to just act like bugs and swarm over us, screaming and shitting and clicking and hissing.

At least we had our frens. There's nothing more to be done. If we poison their FUD threads, they'll just suppress it for what might as well be forever. If we just roll over and hold, the sky will eventually clear and we can silently pass out.

>> No.22760410

Yay. I can buy more now

>> No.22760502

So avoid the elephant in the room?

>> No.22760631

It's on a faster period than I'd thought. There was about 12 hours of fake optimism before a sell wick confused some bots into flipping to negative sentiment farming. The unbelievable consequences of which have been a long squeeze on the very small amount of liquidity zoomers created at the mid-eight-dollar resistance.

It's insanity. Any of the OGs can use wicks to turn the bots bearish at this point.

>> No.22760748

Your reply sounds human. Which elephant?

We've reached the point where we can expect Sergey to take his boot off our collective throat. There's one or two more dumps at most as they wind down their raise.

If you're just going to say "Oh Linkies", "Scam", "Token Not Needed", "Staking taking too long", or some other garbage that's been refuted enough that spouting it is a psyop, where do we go from there?

>> No.22760757

This reads like techno babble nonsense

>> No.22761055

If only it were. 4chan has botted and paid-per-post sentiment farming. People and bots shit post and shill post. Many of the bots watch for market indicators and start brigading to assist a trading strategy.

In LINK's case, there was a lot of low quality, positive posting. A lot of the Tourettes-tier, one sentence shit posting, that appears verbatim in nearly every thread, just stopped.

Then there was a flash crash on Binance. A big red wick. Not a candle. The bots started shitposting immediately and sentiment farming went prematurely negative. The result was likely that some long positions got trapped around where the technical analysts were calling for reversal. These longs got liquidated which caused a fast crash. The sale that caused the wick did not appear to be part of the usual bot trading. It looked like a large holder just said fuck it and market sold. There are a lot of OGs who could do this. Whether they would is a different matter, but the new status quo is such a house of cards that they can do this.

Hell, if the devs stop fund raising, they might cause a positive shock to the bot strategies.

>> No.22761072

>fuck off the biggest fudders have always been link holders
nigger that has been true up until this point. Not many OGs even on this board anymore.

>> No.22761108

Isn't all this fundamentally bullish, because the price can moon at the drop of a hat?

>> No.22761148

>Isn't all this fundamentally bullish
Yes, and the only people selling are either weak handed faggots or sub 75 IQ shitskins who are falling for non-organic posts.

>> No.22761169

blood in the streets makes her wet in the sheets. BUY BUY BUY

>> No.22761189

why does he sell 500k like clockwork? it made sense when LINK was 30 cents, but what does this fat faggot need $8.5 million on a bi-monthly basis for? (LINK@17)

>> No.22761233
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cheesed to short you

>> No.22761254

Oracle or not, we all made it!
The moment you bought a stack you made it.

>> No.22761265

>At least we had our frens. There's nothing more to be done.
Fuck that. I'll be posting and keeping the memes alive until I'm dead. These chinks can keep wasting time and energy on their shit tier LINKULTRA psyop and I still won't sell a single fucking link.

Lick my nut sack you jewish pests.

>> No.22761273


He's buying another one of Ari Juel's projects, aka cashing out .

>> No.22761304
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Absolutely based

>> No.22761506

It depends. If you are swinging, yes it is bullish. There will be many times when the price is allowed to walk back up. If you are hoping for a new ATH, it's not great because it is that much harder for it to happen organically. It can definitely happen, but it requires permission and cooperation between players that have safer gains draining the market. If you don't mean ATH, then yes, eventually the price per LINK and number of actual traders falls to a point where nature needs to be allowed to bring in new blood and the bots are turned positive. It's too dangerous to fuck around with hedges when a penny moves you half a percent. So it needs to be allowed to have some breathing room.